The Phoenix Legacy 7.3

Dec 23, 2008 11:16

Previously in the Phoenix household there were many birthdays. Patrick got it on with a Paper Girl and got shipped off to college. The kids got into private school. The family went on an outing to Crypt-O Nightclub and met a vampire who Michelle tried to force to be her friend. She was not very successful.

It is the twins' time to shine, though they are unsynchronized as usual.

Ned: "Why did I have to grow up? Whyyyyyy? Look at my innocent little twin sister who can just enjoy her game without a worry in her life. This sucks, SimGod!"

Ned: "Well, holy shit."

Maxis actually put them in lovely default outfits, though this look is a bit too dark for Charlotte. It looks like she is about to play hymns at a funeral or something *quickly checks all the sims to make sure they are alive and well*. Phew, false alarm.

She still bears the expression of a funeral player, but I just cannot get over how pretty she is!

Charlotte: "Congratulations to you, my brother, for being almost as amazing as I am!"

Charlotte Phoenix
Family Aspiration
LTW: Graduate 3 children from college

Neat 7
Outgoing 6
Lazy 4
Playful 10
Grouchy 4Ned Phoenix
Fortune Aspiration
LTW: Become Chief of Staff

Neat 8
Shy 0
Lazy 4
Playful 8
Grouchy 5

Meanwhile, Isadora is enjoying the fact that I changed my graphics settings to allow reflections. Not that it makes any difference to my rather lax graphics anyway, but it is the small things that count, right?

Lucas: "Um, hello? I think it's time to pay some attention to meeeee for a change!"

Oh yes, it is Lucas' birthday and we are all really excited about it. Happy now?

I take that as a "HELL YEAH!"

Lucas Phoenix
Fortune Aspiration
LTW: Become Hall of Famer

Neat 7
Shy 0
Active 10
Playful 10
Grouchy 0

Young Ned was fourteen years, one month, seven days, forty-three minutes and five seconds when he first met the love of his life. Unfortunately the feeling was not mutual, as the future Mr. Phoenix Phoenix did not like little boys or, well, little boys.

Distraught by nightly terrors he bolted upright in bed.

Ned: "I dreamt I was being chased by a cursor which was telling me to do all kinds of strange things. Man, I'm glad it was only a dream!"
*whistles innocently*

Isadora: "Dear SimGod, are you there? I have this terrible feeling that there is more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking an overachiever with straight A+ grades. What could it be?"
Holy shit, get your ass packing to Sim State, you will grow up in two days! :o

Charlotte: "Oh, byebye older and less pretty version of me. Have fun in the college bin until we meet again! :D"

So long, little overachiever.

Oi, hello? Is this sibling-appropriate behavior to you? With that face? For shame.

Charlotte: "I'm glad you grew up to be so inappropriate!"

Charlotte: "Hiiiii little fishies! :D"

Charlotte: "Where are all the little fishies?"
Fishes: *are long since dead and buried flushed down the toilet*

Charlotte: *a-blub-blub-blub*

She may not be the brightest bulb in the bush, but at least she knows fire safety!

Charlotte: "I'm on Shag Highway heading West! :D"

With that not so subtle hint I arranged for her to meet this lovely little paper boy. Because newspaper service is basically the same thing as a brothel, oui?

Paper Boy: "Yeeehaaaw! Giddy up, girl! :D"

Charlotte: "I might get a shag at last, hee!"

Ned: "Excuuuuse me! What is my sister doing with that paper boy? And more importantly, when will I get laid?"
You had your chance with Phoenix Phoenix, dear, it is not my fault he did not like you.

First kissage and total adorableness <3

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important announcement. After several years Hugin finally realizes that his loving wife is a witch. The sparkles were apparently not enough to tip him off.

Another important message: Don't buy drugs, become a pop star and they give them to you for free! If you forget to pay your bills you must suffer the terror of Mr. Repo Man!

Ohnoes, I will really miss that lamp! ;_; What was wrong with the shiny computer next to it, I wonder...

I, um, well... Here is Lucas starving to death. o_O

Note that we have a butler who serves three meals a day, yet he still managed to do this! That kid has talent, for sure.

Who could resist a cute alien in his swimming trunks when he is trying to save his son's life? Not even Grim!

In regular legacy fashion he celebrates getting his son back by decapitating himself though the bathroom walls.

Michelle Phoenix the Atrociously Evil Witch, Batroom Pirate Extraordinaire, Wicked Business Tycoon and Permanently Platinum Sim. Not too shabby.

Hugin: "That is just swell, darling! Nice job!"
He is obviously trying to make up for his negligence when it came to paying attention to certain sparkles emitting from his wife. He is probably a bit ticked off as well, since he has yet to reach his career LTW.

With permanent platinum comes vampires! :D (Yes, that makes total sense.)

Since Michelle is incapable of making friends like normal people, she has to take on certain cheap tricks to get what she wants. The Count and his girly foot action do not complain.

Count Hun Shaw: "I will kiss you now. It might sting a little, but pay no attention. You will only die, it's no biggie."

Mission Vampire: COMPLETE! *evil cackle*

Michelle: "Oh noes it's my good-for-nothing son. I must shield my eyes!"
Lucas: "Har har har."

As the good son he is, Lucas reads up on vampire lore through cheap fiction.
Lucas: "What the fuck is this shit?" *rolls want for Michelle to be cured of vampirism*

This guy looks like the love child of Phoenix Phoenix and Kennedy Cox, but he will do. Ned is not too picky.

Butler: "Hmm, what is this? PDA? In my kitchen?"

They ditch the butler and the kitchen to enjoy their first kiss out in the garden.

Lucas tries his luck with someone who is not part of the newspaper agency either.

This is him being rejected for his first kiss. This just proves it - I should stick to paper girls and boys from now on, they are easy! :D

That will have to do for you, young man. Get a grip, people hate sissies. No-one's ever gonna shag you if you cry all the time.

The ever so exciting heading for college cliffhanger. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!

Merry Christmas everyone! ^^


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