The Phoenix Legacy 5.4

Nov 19, 2008 20:11

Previously in the Phoenix household the kids went to college and wreaked havoc on the poor and unsuspecting Academie Le Tour.
Also, November suck up on me and a little thing known as NaNoWriMo suddenly swept away all of my free time. So apoligizes for the lateness of this update!

Aaaand we are back in business. Topher is depressed for one reason or another, who knows...

Lennon is having a slightly better day, though.

Scratch that; a much better day.

Lennon: "What? Are you rejecting me!? FINE. I WILL JUST GO AND PLAY IN TRAFFIC, THEN! D:"

Oh, God, no! It is raining, please get inside before--

Damn. Too late.

At least he quickly found a way to deal with this appaling rejection.

Would you look at that face! How could anyone reject that?

Look, it even worked on Little Miss Invisiglitch, who I should probably take this moment to introduce as Mehrissa. Because that is her name.

Lennon: "Uh, I should probably tell you that I just slept with that cheerleader skank..."

Mehrissa: "Did you just say something? I couldn't hear yyou over the wild thumping of my longing heart."

I guess this time is as good as any...

Mehrissa: "Omigodomigodomigod!!"

Oh, did I mention that she, too, is a Romance sim? Sigh.

Mehrissa: "Mehrissa Phoenix, Mrs Lennon Phoenix... Little Miss HAHA-I-scored-.the-dorm-hunk, bitches."

Post-engagement celebratory rumble in the photobooth. What else?

The news of her borther's engagement struck poor Elena hard. I am sure Topher is off in some dark corner crying somewhere, too. What a family.

Mehrissa: "You are a skank who wears too much make-up. I just thought you should know that."

Skank who wears too much make-up: "WTF? How rude! :|"

Skank who wears too much make-up: *plotting revenge*

Oh, this is where you have been hiding, Topher! This seems... productive?

Topher: "Doo be do be doo." *has completely lost his marbles*


Day 47:
Irrational fear of showers: Ovecome. Am v. proud of self.
Everyone keeps hitting on me. Cannot cope. Off to class.
Still not heir.

Skank who wears too much make-up: "You like my make-up, don't you?"
Creepy Stalker: "Mhmm, okay. Sure."

Graduation!! JOY! :D

Random dormie slash passer-by: "I am going to miss them all so much! *sniff*"

Oh. That is attractive. :/

Lennon: "All right! Let's get this party started! Wooo~"


Topher: "Whoa. Whoa. Dude. I am naked."
I never should have bought the bubble blower. Clearly.

All is well that ends well...

Remus: "Ugh this party blows. Where's my money?"

Skank who wears too much make-up: "A-HA! Feel my revenge. Feel it! How you like that outfit, bitch?"

Back at Casa de Phoenix. YAY!

Much better! ^^ Oh, yes. Lennon is heir, if I had not already made that blindingly obvious.

Welcome to the family, Mehrissa. You will fit right in.

Ninja-wedding in the front lawn FTW!

Cute <3

Mehrissa: "Gasp! What did I just do!?"

Mehrissa: "Oh hi Mrs. Phoenix, nice to meet you. Your son is going to deflower me now! :D"

Mehrissa: "This. Was. Not. What I singned up for! D:"

But he knows the solution to making her fit right in. Will I ever have aim in my game who is not a gambler?

What is this? A disturbance in the Force! :o

Remus: "Oh yeah, that's the spot. Mm, Hula Zombie-- bwzuh? What happened?"
I hate ghosts, that is what happened ><

Remus: "I am so grateful to be alive. Hurrah."

Lennon: "Heeey, good-lookin'!"
Mehrissa: "Shock. Horror. Pop."

I did not see that one coming! o_0

Lennon: "Goodbye cruel world!"

Lennon: "Oh hai babe, how you doin'? ;D"

Mehrissa: "Where did my sexy husband go? :o"
Remus: "There is something I ought to warn her about. I just can't remember what..."

BACK OFF you bloody ghosts! She is pregnant, in her underwear and missing her recently abducted husband; that is worse than stealing candy from little kids. My God!

Welcome back, Lennon.

Obligatory buttseks shot.

Lennon: "Must escape! :|"

Bigger baby belly, because I missed the second pop.

Have a man-pop instead.

Okay, that is just adorable! ^^

This face can only mean one thing...

Babies! :D

This is Justin, and he got all of his mother's coloring. Let us hope he got daddy's nose...


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