The Phoenix Legacy 3.5

Jul 23, 2008 16:51

Previously in the Phoenix household the kids went to college, with Cow Plants, inappropriate sexual encounters and all that college life includes.

This is our heir, Vega, all grown up!

But before I continue this update I would like to show off Remus in all his glory. He married this girl with interesting genetics his college girlfriend Donna and the two of them settled into a little home of their own.

Look at how freaking adorable they are!! How could I say no to those genes happy faces?

Vega: "H-Hello...?"
Note that Donna is eating a piece of cake left from Vega's transition into teenagehood. Talk about time warp!

The first thing Remus does in the house is burn his breakfast.

Remus: "Excuuuse me! This room is filthy!"
(I ♥ fire estinguishers!)

Remus: "Clean it up? Me? Do you know who I am?"

Remus: "Moooooom! The SimGod is being totally unfaaaaaiiiir!"
Skye: "Oof, you kind of reek my son."

Ooh, who is this strapping young lad? Red hair and glasses? Praise the lord for newly generated townies!

His name is Colin and he shares three bolts of chemistry with Vega! KA-CHING!

He also happens to suffer from some strange medical condition which makes his skull burst through the back of his head. He is very shy about it, so let us not notice it.

See, Vega does not mind!

After having an awesome first Dream Date, which they are still on at this point, it is time to pop the question.

What do you mean 'moving too fast'? Nonsense!

Vega: "Why don't you join me here in this confortable and nice bed, Colin?"

Colin: "So... *gulp* H-here we are."

Vega had to leave for her job as Guild Leader shortly after their tender moment.

This is Colin's I-just-got-laid face.

Remus: "Why hello there, random guy in his underwear who spent the night. Who are you?"

Colin: "I'm the guy who just banged your sister! :D"

Remus: "Oh sweet lord, I thought she would die a spinster! Well done, sir!"

*insert obligatory comment about blow-job here*

Skye: "What are you two talking about..?"
Remus: "Nothing, mom!"


We interrupt this moment of male bonding with this portion of 'dun dun dun dunnnnnn!'

Remus: "Hi there pretty wifey! What'cha doin'?"
Donna: *reading 'Top 10 Signs of Pregnancy' article* "What does it look like I'm doing...?"

This pictures serves no purpose. But look at how adorable he looks!! ^___^

Popcorn :D

Vega would not let her sister-in-law outshine her!


With a small one on the way it is time for a low-tech wedding!
Colin: "Haha, you got fat!"

Vega: "Actually, I'm pregnant and it's yours."

Colin: "...What?"

Vega: "Nothing. I love you."
Colin: "I love you too."

Remus: "Did we miss something...?"
Donna: "Teeheehee."

Remus: "Oh look honey, it's a wedding!"

Post-marriage make-over.

Colin Phoenix
Knowledge, LTW: Reach Top of Gaming Career

Neat 7
Shy 3
Lazy 2
Playful 7
Nice 6

Colin: "What is this 'delicate' condition y'all keep talking about...?"

Mega-pop #2!

Ever wondered what a pop looked like for a fish in a tank? Now you know.

Vega-pop #2!

With two highly pregnant women in the house one would think there would be plenty of drama...

But these two have the least worrisome pregnancies I have ever witnessed!

There is plenty of carefree fun to be had in this house!

See? No problems at all. Yawn.

Donna: "My water just broke! Grab my things and get me to the hospital!"

Oh hahaha. Welcome to the Phoenix house. Here we give birth on our own.
Donna: "Whaaaaaat!? D:"

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Moira Phoenix! She has her father's eyes and mother's skin. And brown hair from... somewhere?

Skye: "I'm a grandmother! Woo! I'm so happy I could poke my eyes out!"

The proud father. Aww! ♥♥♥


Welcome to the world, Lyra Phoenix!

She has her father's blue eyes and skincolour, and also managed to get brown hair.

Congratulations Colin! You are a father!
Colin: "...What?"

Colin: "Hmm... it looks like a baby. And it smells like a baby. Whatever could it be?"

This is where we leave the hope for future generations! Be afraid, be very afraid!


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