The Phoenix Legacy 8.3

Jan 28, 2009 16:55

Previously in the Phoenix household Michelle suddenly forgot she was a vampire and wandered out into the sun. Twice. Elijah grew up to be adorable and awesome, while Lauren and Veronica leaned more towards the EPIC FAIL part of the scale. As we left baby Ellen was born.

Ah, all is well and peaceful in the house. Children are dislocating vital parts of other children's brains - just another Wednesday night.

Elijah: "So, I've been reading stuff, and since it seems all the cool kids are doing it I really think I should deflower you. This may be the best idea I've ever had, don't you think?"

ClownMakeup: "I may look like it, but I am not that kind of a girl! You mumblegrumble--"
Elijah: "Noo, my innocent ears! Begone with you! :("

Elijah has also heard that this whole hobo trend is really big right now, and being the Popularity sim that he is he wastes no time to be anything less than awesome. Next thing you know he will stop showering and grow a beard. Hah, who am I kidding, he could not grow a mustache to save his life!

Hugin: "Well, that was extremely fucking horrifying! :(" There are plenty of beds in the house, why do you insist on sleeping in strange places all of a sudden?

These two know how to sleep in the correct bed, and how to be adorable. I may have underastimated them!

Why, Veronica, dear, what seems to be the problem?

Veronica: "This. is. NOT. funny!"

Veronica: "Aurrgh! Heathus Christ, get them off me!!"


Veronica: "A-are you laughing? I will so fucking end you, it's not even funny how much you're going to suffer."

Veronica: "Ah haaa ha, I mean, I love nature it's my one true hobby! Heh. Heh."

Since all the cool kids are-- oh, whatever. I just want him to be loved. ^_^

Elijah: "Oh wow, lovely. Thank you Ms. Matchmaker lady."

Whatsherface: "You know, if you wanna deflower me, I'm totally up for that! Right here on this poker table, even!"
(Can you tell that I played this session without my usual notebook and thus was unable to write any names or anything down. Oopsie.)

Elijah: "Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go! :D"

Elijah: "Aww, man! There is a vampire in the way! Where did he come from?"
Whatsherface: "Oh, flark!"

If you cannot beat them, join them for a game of vampire poker! What do you say, Lij?
Elijah: "My girlfriend went home! :("

Count Hun: "Ahh, the sun! I must flee!"
Elijah: "Gee, thanks for nothing, Uncle Count."

Devastated, Elijah tries his hand at the pesky footboll tossing activity again.

Eureka! He has found an opponent who is worse at it than he is!

Redhead: "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"
Elijah: "It wasn't me! I said nothing! Please don't hurt meeee!"

Elijah: "I'm sorry for, uh, not insulting you and stuff! Now that we're friends, will you buy me a beer? I hear that's what the cool kids are into."

Redhead: "No beer. Never."
Elijah: "Heh, who said anything about beer? I'm only sixteen, geez!"

Redhead: "Ah, my young and innocent friend. Don't you worry, one day you will find someone who loves you for who you are."
Elijah: "Thanks, Uncle Redhead! ...Wait, what?"

Elijah decides to take matters into his own tentaces, and heads down to good ol' Crypt-O.

Everyboooody (yeah)
Rock your body (yeah)
Rock your body now (dun dun dun)

Elijah: "What? The cool kids totally dig Backstreet Boys!"
Yeah, back in 1997, maybe. Where the hell have you been?

Elijah: "Hey, Random Anime Escapee, I'm totally old enough to be here!"

Random Anime Escapee: "Really? That's awesome! I thought for sure you were jailbait! Phew."

Another Townie (curse you, lack of notebook!): "I'm a doctor, and it's my professional opinion that these people are complete morons!"

Lucius Malfoy, is that you...?

Elijah: "Hey, weren't you in that Harry Potter thingamabob? All the cool kids are into you!"
Lucius: "God damn, who lets all these young mudbloods into this establishment? And what is wrong with my omelette? I'm so out of here!"

Elijah: "Mr. Bartender, I--*voice cracks* Ahem, I mean.. *low voice* Get me a drink here, will ya?"

Bartender: "Do you smell that? It smells like a minor!"
Elijah: "Haa ha ha, minor? What minor? I'm totally old! Ask my good friend Random Anime Escapee, he can vouch for me! Heeeeh."

Elijah: "Teeheehee, sucker!"


Elijah: "Yeah, I'd like a taxi. Make it out to Mr. Awesome."

Why the long face, Mr. Awesome?
Elijah: "I... I don't think I feel so well! :|"

Roger: "Hi there son! Fancy a game of invisible poker? It's totally amazing, I've been here for hours!"
Elijah: "No thanks, dad. I'm going to bed. Hopefully the ground will stop spinning then!"
Roger: "Fine, suit yourself."

After that display of debauchery, here is a cutesy shot of baby Ellen growing up, to even things out.

Yikes, what is up with that light?

Feeling better today?
Elijah: "Hell yes! Mr. Awesome is here to stay!"
Oh, goodie.

Charlotte: "Nghh, good morning to you too, son."

Charlotte: "Oh, I hope she grows up as well as you did, son."
Lauren: "Hell-ooo? I'm trying to age up over here?"

Lauren: "World domination - here I freaking come!"

Where was Veronica during all the festivities? Why, passed out on the floor, that is where.

Lauren Phoenix
Knowledge. LTW: Become World Class Ballet Dancer
Neat 7
Shy 4
Lazy 4
Playful 7
Nice 5

I remember these stats without a notepad, because apart from being Knowledge instead of Pleasure she has the exact same stats and wants as Elijah. Fail!

In an attempt to be as awesome as her brother she joins him at the local crypt.

Elijah: "Okay, now you find a nice adult and convince them you are old enough to order drinks, and we'll get the party started!"
Lauren: "Have you always been this stupid, or am I finally mature enough to notice it?"
You should not be one to talk, dear. You think leggings are pants. >:(

Lauren has her own way to dazzle the local bartenders.

Bartender: "Here is your drink, miss! *blinks* Hey, what now?"
Lauren: "Thank you, young man."

Lauren: "Did you see that, bro? I'm so more awesome than you!"

Elijah is a bit... occupied at the moment.

Please, Whatsherface, do not inflate his ego even further! Or, well, go right ahead. I love you, Mr. Awesome!

Lauren: "So, my dad totally pissed on me when I was a kid. They say that's why I'm so messed up!"

Blondie: "No way! That's hilarious! Hahaha!"

Lauren: "Dude. It's not funny. I was freaking traumatized for life!"

Back at the ranch...
Elijah: "Wow! Dad way right, this invisible poker is the shit! As the cool kids say."
Lauren: "Mmhm."

Charlotte: "Uh, honey. Your name is Lauren, not Elijah..."
Thanks for the clones, Maxis!


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