The Pokemon Legacy | 8.2

Dec 16, 2012 13:14

It is here! The prophesied update! With much hooplah and yadda yadda. Except not really all that much yadda yadda because I don't have too much to say, other than thaaank goodness we are reaching the end of this legacy! I have loved them dearly, but after 4 years it's time to start moving on. XD By March, guys! That is the goal. And gosh darn I will try and stick to it.

We begin our update with a very steady progression of this legacy, and a couple evolutions for our ninth generation!

First up, ironically, is Slowpoke! Still looking like a decent blend of her parents, but leaning a bit towards more resembling her father. Big cute wide nose. <3

And next was Mew, who is DEFINITELY still resembling her father. I've still never checked to see if she's a clone, but even if she's not an exact duplicate she is daaarn close.

The first thing she did upon aging up? Start yodeling into the karaoke machine that Moltres left on our doorstep.

She sounds horrendous, but at least she's having fun. She LOOKS like she's rockin' it. XD

Solrock's old dates are still leaving us random gifts in thanks for the ~great time~. Not sure which would be better, just receiving all the presents at once, and having all her conquests fill our lawn with random crap, orrr... having her old dates still sneaking up to our door in the middle of the night, even though her child is half-grown now. The latter has been kind of creepy, honestly. It's been like, 8 sim years, and people she went on a date with once still stare in our windows.

I am assuming this is Magcargo reaching his second necessary LTW for the generational challenge. I thought he already had, but I probably wouldn't have taken a picture if this wasn't important. XD So yay! Done with gen red challenges!

>__> I told you this was a speedy progression. Another birthday evolution for Slowpoke! Who is certainly not being a slowpoke at all in regards to growing up.

armagaaaddd~~~ she is so pretty. Her mum may be evil, but she's got dang nice genetics.

So... Kelsey, just a random girl Magcargo when on a date with at some point, happened to be walking by the house, when she used her spidey-senses or SOMETHING freaky, and just ~KNEW~ that Magcargo was doing some loving with his wife. So CLEARLY the logical course of action was to break into the house, run up to his bedroom, and scream at him for cheating on her. -___-;;

aaaand physically assualt him. HE'S WITH HIS WIFE, AND HE ONLY EVER DATED YOU ONCE. You need to chill, girl.

WOO! You use your evil for good, Hazel! TAKE HER DOWN. She was smacking your husband around for no reason. Except that she's crazy.

Damn straight.

Kelsey: Later, dudes! The night's been a hoot!
Me: … -___-;

Aww, Slowpoke. Just because some crazy lady comes in and starts screaming at your daddy, and then your mommy beats the crap out of the crazy lady, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with their marriage. Just the logic of the world you live in.

Well, she's a little like her mom, apparently. I'm going to have to keep my eyes on her, after all.

Moltres is still inviting herself into the house every couple days. -__- And now she's trying to integrate herself into the children's lives. She is so insistent to not be forced out of this legacy. XD

We got the girls' grades up, then they got accepted into private school. No idea why Magcargo is so furious about it, since it was one of his wants to get them accepted. I guess he's just cranky in general. Or Hazel's evil tendencies are rubbing off on him.

And another speedy birthday for gen nine! Which really didn't feel that speedy at all, playing it. It just appears that way via update. :P

Whoa. A sim aging up into an attractive combination of separates. Pity they're the wrong color, or I would have let her keep the outfit.

Vair nice.

And generation pink begins! The challenge for the ninth generation is to have 25 dream dates, woohoo with 10 different sims, and marry a sim that the heir has 3 bolts of attraction with. After how long it took to get all Solrock's dates, I am starting EARLY with Mew.

The wishing well went swimmingly for the first date, but after that...

Miss Crumplebottom started coming out to play, and I do NOT approve. I have work to do! At least Mew had the common sense to just walk away.

Ol' Miss Crumplebottom found Mew anyway, though. Lectures and kicking my heir's butt are not part of my game plan, thank you very much, so GTFO.

Miss Crumplebottom clearly does not understand internet speak. She did not GTFO at all.

I gave up on the wishing well, I figure the problem was that there were only about 4 teenage boys in my entire neighborhood, so it didn't have anyone to pull from. So after making a healthy batch of young strapping men, I sent Mew back out into the world to find herself a handsome fellow the old fashioned way, and get him to take her out to dinner.

And she did indeed.
Mew: I am so glad the wishing well thing didn't work out. I wouldn't have met you if I hadn't decided to just go out and meet people!
Handsome Fella: '*intense stare* The cake over there looks delicious.

Yeah, she definitely went on a few more dates with this one. So cute!

Evolution time for Slowpoke! She's finally staying true to her name, and being slow at SOMETHING. Though, it's not really HER fault she was born after Mew. XD

Still gorgeous, obvs.

And instant hobby enthusiasm reward..?

Aw well. If you've got it, use it! Slowpoke here is wishing to be super attractive, so she can get some dates too.

It didn't really work, though. :P And time moved on, and it was soon time for Solrock's birthday. Generation 8 is reaching it's end~~~

A happy retirement..

and a cute happy old couple! Yulian isn't actually old, of course, because my game is still all buggy and my males still can't age into elder, but he looks the part! And hopefully when I restart my CC my dudes will be able to get old again.

Now that gen 8 is getting older, whether they look it or not, Slowpoke and Mew are starting to spend a little more time socializing them with them before it's time for them to leave.

My legacies always do a LOT of painting, and Mew has super-intense arts and crafts enthusiasm. Enough to teach her own mum a thing or two about painting, apparently.

O___O good lord!! I didn't even know that was possible! Anything over 500 simoleons is considered a masterpiece, so this must be like Rembrandt status. It wasn't a fluke, either. I made her paint again right after this, and it racked up around 4,000 simoleons as well. I have NO idea how she was able to earn so much on the painting, I really don't. If I did, I would be sure to emulate it with a sim I was going to get to use a bit longer. Maybe it's because she's an elder? o_O idk, guys.

Magcargo and Hazel aren't as wise in their aging years, however. They spend a lot of their time hungry and nearly peeing themselves. Plus, I'm never one to say that a woman's place is in the kitchen, but if your husband is STARVING, can't you suck it up and just make him a sandwich?? Good grief, Hazel. I think watching your husband starve in the bathroom, and choose to discuss woohoo with your sister-in-law instead of doing something for him is kind of cold. BUT OH WAIT, YOU'RE EVIL. Makes sense now.

*sigh* She can't even take care of herself, anyway.

Irresponsible, or carefree? Childish, or childlike? They are a conundrum.

Ha! The shrine is just handing out a little karma, don't you pay any mind.

BAM. Mew has conquered about half the teen male populace, getting all the dream dates she needs, and half the woohoos. Now she just needs to ~sample~ 5 more gentlemen once she's grown up a bit more, and find her one true love!

I also decided that I would not be doing all the mini-challenges for this generation with Slowpoke. >_> I've done double the work every other generation so far, and with really wanting to wrap this legacy up, and after the 50 first dates I had to go through with Solrock, I am DONE WITH ALL THIS DATING. I am not going through 25 more and you can't make me. >:[ She will still marry a sim she has 3 bolts with, but minimal dates and minimal sleeping around, kthnx.

And that wraps it up for now! I'll be back as soon as I can with the next installment!


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