The Pokemon Legacy | 8.1

Oct 13, 2012 16:59

The constant pursual of 50 first dates continues for Solrock, and while some were good..

and others were bad..

some were just bizarre and possibly inappropriate..

and others were definitely inappropriate, but I just couldn't resist. Hey, they're like, 7th cousins by now. It's fiiiiine..

Some left her gifts..

and others left with heartbreak and the anger of betrayal.

But she finally got to 50!!

I feel so accomplished. ^_^ And SO relieved it's over. Good lord that took forever.

Magcargo's first LTW was MUCH easier to accomplish! So it's onto LTW #2 for both of them, but they've also got to find their future spouses soon, because those biological clocks are ticking!

Solrock already has enough prospective mates to choose from, so I'm sending her straight to the newspaper to get her first job..

But Magcargo definitely needs a little help in the romance area.

Thank you, wishing well!

And with that last little boost..

Success! Now to find ~the one~

But we already have! He had a magical three bolts with Kayla (lauriethemuppet) from the club, and they've been talking pretty regularly on the phone ever since.

And it's love! I also feel that it's meant to be, because together they match the furniture quite accurately. o_O

Oh yeah, sealing the deal. WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO GEN NINE! HALLELUJAH!

Also, ever since poor Moltres got voted out of heirdom and kicked out of the house, and then had a short fling with Solrock but found out the next day she wasn't the only one and tried to punch Solrock in the face for it... Moltres hangs out at the house EVERY FREAKING DAY. Just invites herself in and does whatever she pleases. Reaaallly annoying.

And creepy.

Yes, we know she ~~cheated on you~~. But since your date probably lasted about 30 minutes, and I think your makeout session as teenagers was longer than that, I'm really just worried about your sanity at the moment. Like why you still seem to think you live here.

Ooh, speaking of Solrock's rampant dating ways, fifth love achieved!

And it's the one she's sticking with. <3 Meet Yulian (trappingit), everyone!

Moltres: So I think that soup is sooo amazing and delicious, and just eating some can make you feel all warm and cozy. Even if you're just wearing your shameful sex underwear around the house, flaunting your improper relations. Yup, soup just warms you right up!
Yulian: ... so um, hi? I'm Yulian. Pleased to meet you, I guess?

Moltres: Well, thank you so much for letting me stay for dinner tonight, Magcargo! It's so nice to be back here. And to meet your new... friend, Solrock. You should have made soup, though. Then maybe he wouldn't have been so cold he had to sit next to the fireplace away from all the rest of us. It's a bit awkward, him sitting all alone over there, isn't it? I mean, why can't he just sit at the table with us? Is there a rule you have to be wearing pants to sit at the table? Because then I understand. Because he's not wearing pants. In case you didn't notice. No pants.
Solrock: -__-

Solrock: Urghh.. I don't know if all Moltres' lecturing and ranting gave me indigestion or I'm pregnant.

Solrock: Helloooo~~ I made a lot of money today. Just wanted you to know.

Solrock: Also, I am totally pregnant.
Oh good golly. I was not anticipating this so soon. WELL YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT.

Because it's Magcargo's turn in the spotlight. :3 After a couple more talks on the phone, Magcargo invited Kayla out for a romantic dinner one night..

Where they talked and ate and toasted and were adorable..

And where he surprised her with an engagement, to which she said yes..

AND gave her a surprise wedding..

In front of all their friends!
Also, Solrock, it's probably not tasteful to discuss how unappealing you find the bride on her wedding day. Like, REALLY distasteful. I'm quite pleased you DO find her so revolting, though, because that means I won't have to worry about catching you in bed with her. That's usually a concern with double-heirs. :P

<3 <3 <3

Once they're all back home after the happy nuptials, Solrock's pregnany progresses..

and so does Magcargo and Kayla's marriage.

ACH. BURGLARY. I never installed a burgler alarm. -__- I've got to admit though, I am VERY suspicious about the timing. Kayla was the first person to notice the burglary, and the first ever burglary the Pokemon family has had happens the night she moves in?


And making you quit your job.

Yeah, you cry. Think about what you've done. Who the hell opens their house to all their thief buddies the night of their wedding?! You are a bad, bad person.

UCH. STOP IT. STOP BEING AWFUL. SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? You were so nice BEFORE you married Magcargo. I did not know sims could do this. Just become horrendous little monsters once you marry them.

Solrock: So you don't think it's suspicious at all that the FIRST night she's here... you know.
Magcargo: Hush. That's my wife, and she wouldn't do anything to hurt us.

And a crafty little minx, because she decided to carry his heir the second I started considering my first sim divorce. I do NOT trust this lady.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're staying. You can stop making all the toilets nasty now.
Seriously, this one was a BARFER. Like, 10 times. SHE IS EVIL. The poor butler was pretty much running around the house after her cleaning up all her messes. Yuck.

You are very strange, Moltres. Though I'm glad you had a good time at the wedding, leaving a karaoke machine in front of our door is an odd way to show it.

Being as pregnant as she was, and being as strangely old fashioned as I seem to be with this legacy with NO BABIES OUT OF WEDLOCK (until I'm forced to for generation white)..

Proposal! In her pajamas, next to the unpaid bills. NICE.

Aww. Rubbing her belly at the altar is pretty dang cute, though. @_@
Her pre-wedding jitters are making the baby nervous, too!

Backyard wedding with all their friends. <3 So nice.

They're so in love~~~

LMAO. Just BARELY not having that kid out of wedlock! There's still one second left on the wedding party clock, and it is labor GO-TIME! Though I do wonder why she switched into a corset to give birth. o_O Help squeezing it out? Didn't want to stain her white dress?

Yulian: Oh my god we had an amazing party! Oh my god my wife is in labor! SO MUCH HAPPENING. Oh my god!

O___O;;;; Kayla scares me!!

But threats against the newborn aside, we're welcoming a baby girl, Mew! And my pink default pajamas finally make sense! It was bound to happen eventually. Mew has her mum's eyes, but her dad's skin and hair. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. Because there has actually been very little pale happening in this legacy, it's just been a sea of bronze. I'm a big fan of bronze, but I need me some diversity!

The spawn progresses. Woo.

And it's soon time for Mew's evolution!

WHOA like her daddy. Such a strange face to see on a toddler, but still darn cute!

And right away I start teaching her to walk and talk, because otherwise I forget. >_>

SECOND LTW FOR SOLROCK. Which means I have completed the generation red challenge for her. :3

You better watch yourself, Magcargo. Don't get too attached to the spawn! We don't know how much like it's mother it will be.


Another girl, mother's eyes, blend of parents' skin, both parents' hair... Slowpoke! Hopefully her name doesn't fit her too well. And hopefully she's nothing like her mother.


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