Woot. Im so glad we had friday off :)
Thursaday- Beccas mom picked me hannah & molly up at the school and brought us to hannahs. :) Then we all went out to get pizza later in the night, and then went bowling. Fun Fun :D.
Friday- [Still At Hannah's] Went to the mall w/ hm&b. (hannah molly & becca lol). Fun fun ;).
Saturday [Today]- First indoor soccer game :D. We lost 2-1. Oh well. Then i went to Burger King and Walmart. I saw Chrissy at wall mart :D.
♥...Now to the pictures...
Ban Ban looking for food (as usual) just kidding
A sign on Hannahs Door..
bff. (idk where becca was?) lol
Car ride home from the mall.
The belt i picked out for becca.
Well thats it. Comment please.