Nov 08, 2008 20:08

Please comment here and tell me a little bit about yourself and how you found me if you'd like to be friends. If you add me without commenting then I'm going to assume you don't really want me to read you back.


Firstly, I believe LiveJournal can be used in numerous ways and that part of it's appeal as a journaling platform is the community. I just want to take a second to let you know how I feel about it and what you can expect from me as a user.

    ∞ Please, please, please don't add me if you don't read. I won't be offended, and if I have you added I won't suddenly remove you. If I find you interesting enough to read and you don't return the feelings, that's fine. Just please- don't add me to boost your friend count because when someone adds me, I always go and look at their journal and read for a while and check them out. If you are adding me without the intention of being friends you're wasting your time as well as mine. I don't care if you comment frequently (hell, I don't care if you comment at all)- just don't add me if you're not really interested in me, my photography, or my art.

    ∞ I post entries that are, usually, short and can tend to be quite frequent.

    ∞ I use LJ cuts for posts that have more than a few images, but to be honest, if it's only one or two images I tend not to.

    ∞ I want to know and build relationships with the users on my friends list. And by that I mean not just read their LJ, but check their flickr accounts, frequent their websites, send packages and letters in the mail/post. I've met some really wonderful and like-minded people through LiveJournal already and I like it that way.

    ∞ I love to comment. I believe it feels good to know that someone out there is listening, and by leaving a comment I'm letting you know that I read your entry. Sometimes they seem a bit ridiculous and maybe even without feeling (sometimes I just leave smiley faces), but I'm trying to tell you that you have an ear. I'm not doing it to get tons of comments back nor do I mind if you personally abstain from commenting in my journal for whatever reason- I'm just letting you know I like to do it.

I think that covers everything.
Thank you.

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