I will pay attention and do my work. I will pay attention and do my work. I will pay attention and oooo... what's this?
That's currrently my thought process. I think I need caffine. Stupid legal addictions.
In other news, a town in Canada has outlawed
stoning, burning, and circumcising women. I'm not sure what's more disturbing, the fact that its 2007 in the Western culture, or the fact that it's Canada and it felt like these laws were actually needed.
Side note to my brain: Please stop having Lindsey Lohen songs on repeat. Don't make me poke you with a q-tip again. Also, you have to stay aware for at least another 4 hours.
And to prove my AD(H?)D, I just totally squee'd because
Whose Line site is back up. Now if only I can remember what I was looking for....