Blog For Choice Day (Now with handy Lj-cuts!)

Jan 22, 2007 19:00

It's Blog for Choice Day, meaning that Pro-Choicer's have been asked to share why they are Pro-Choice.

Today is the 34th aniversary of Roe vs. Wade, one of the most controversal court cases ever. Basically, the Supreme Court ruled that the vast majority of U.S. laws banning abortion were, in fact, illegal. However, there has been issue with this ever since as many states and cities don't want to abandon their ruling over women's bodies.

This is known as the aruguement that will never die, for reasons summed up quite nicely by
naamah_darling: "We won't give, because we're defending our bodies and, often, our lives. And they won't give, either. They think they're protecting the helpless. The pro-life groups shun the pro-choice because they believe that we do not see a fetus, embryo, or zygote as human. We fear them because we feel that they do not see women as human."

I'm Pro-Choice because I belive that what I do with my own body is my own business, and that I can't know what is right for other people. I may never want or have an abortion, but this doesn't mean that I'm going to tell everyone else that they have to do the same.

In many ways, this is the same as my argument about religion. I may not agree with your believes. I may think that they are ignorant and wrong, but that doesn't mean that I believe any less in your right to believe them. These are your belives, your choices, your life. I have enough difficulties running mine, thank you very much. I don't the added burden of making sure that someone else is doing everything the same way I am. As long as it's not hurting others, then we're all cool.

It's the not hurting others that makes this abortion issue so sticky. When is a fetus alive? People are killed for killing others, why should a fetus be any different?

With the aid of medicine today, more and more Premies are survivng. However, there is a certain period of time where the fetus cannot, in any conditions, survive outside of the mother. It is during this time that I support abortion, because there is no reason why someone should have to house and feed something with their own bodies that they don't want to. And short of locking up these expectant mother's that don't want their children, nothing can insure that their children will be born healthy. The child's development depends on what the mother consumes, do if the mother has no desire to take care of herself for the child, you can nearly bet that the child will be born with several defects. Fetal Alchol Syndrome. Addiction to Drugs. Body abnormalities. All because the mother had no desire to make sure that her child survived to term.

If these children survive the first few hours of life, the mother might give this children up to the state for adoption, which almost never occurs for less than "perfect" children, or take the child home to an unloving home. There have been no official studies done, but it seems to be that if mother desired an abortion in the first place, that they wouldn't want or care for the child after it was born. There is no need for this.

Yes, every child should get a chance at a loving envioronment, and there might well be another Einstien or Mozart or Edison amoung those aborted. But, is it worth it for all the other unloved children brought into this world?

Yes, I'm writing this as I go along, so my thoughts aren't very put together, for that I apologize. Here, have stuff to make up for it.

First, Music.  Sex Changes by the Dresden Dolls.

Also, Slash, yay!
Untitled Jeeves/Wooster correspondence fic by
puritybrown , Part 1 and Part 2. In this, Jeeves as gone, and Wooster wants to know why.

Jeeves and the Blessed Indiscretion by shalott, in which Jeeves has issues, Wooster jumps to conclusions, and no one was prostate in the hall.

I would give things from other fandoms, but all I've really read today and most of yesterday is Jeeves and Wooster fics. For those who haven't seen this loverly piece of Laurie and Fry interaction, the first episode can be found starting here.

Additionally, if you could find it in you to remind my brain that it does not need another RPS pairing, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

rl, fic recs, reactions, links

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