
Sep 24, 2011 16:40

So, I've decided to kind of....review....the dramas I have finished so far.  Pretty much just for my own orginizational skills, seeing as how no one reads this journal, but hey. It works.

So, Hana Yori Dango was the first Arashi drama I watched.  Actually, it was the first Jdrama I watched at all! Not only that, but it was probably only two or three months ago (really though, it seems like a LOT longer)   How did I get in to Hana Yori Dango you (the little voice in my head, since no one is reading this) asks?  Well, actually, it was a long, round about way of doing it.   See,  I was a big geek in high school (I'm now 24) and was into all the manga/anime and all that jazz.  However, when I went to college, I kinda started hiding it...my roommates in freshman year were NOT geeks and I was a little embarrassed.  I go through many obsessions, phases really, but I kept coming back to the Japanese one.  I really love ALL things Japanese. I had the AMAZING fortune of going to Japan in 2008 and was blown away by how awesome it was.  But then, a bunch of personal stuff happened, I dropped out of school, went to another school, did a complete 180 in my life and some how, 2 and a half years later, got bitten by the Japanese bug again.  Thus, I found the website, Tofugu.com.  (wonderful website, check it out if you haven't)  I browsed the website for days reading articles and learning more and more about Japan.  I eventually ended up reading an article about Christmas that mentions Tskushi and Domyouji (http://www.tofugu.com/2007/12/25/we-wish-you-a-merii-kurisumasu/) and for some reason, I decided I HAD to watch the show.  So I found a subbed version on-line and began to watch.   I actually thought Matsujun was really ugly at first, but then he really began to grow on me.  I loved how much he loved Makino and how determined he was. All the comments on dramacrazy were for support for Rui though and I HATED Rui....well, not hated, but hated him and Makino together...anyway, how do I express how great this show was?  I don't know if I can! I quickly found out that MastuJun was part of a group called Arashi, and I started to look them up...I am embarrased to say I had the worst trouble telling Sho and Aiba apart at first...I just kept mixing them up! Anyway, this is kind of turning into a "how I got to love Arashi" more so than it is a review, so let me gather my thoughts and we'll give another go at this another day...yay
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