So I have this questionnaire kind of thing I have to fill out for work, they gave it to me awhile ago, but I kinda forgot... it's got some of the normal questions; favorite color, favorite food, movie ect but then it asks things like "Indulgence" (I put J dramas) "Hobby" "Past time" (aren't those the same thing?) "board game" "TV Show" "movie star" "Fragrance" "Favorite flavor of cake" "favorite flavor of icing" and my favorite "Aspect of your life" WTH am I supposed to say for that? It totally threw me off. And game show? I don't watch game shows! Then it also asks of I have an special talents or interests, if I'm in any groups or clubs and if there's anything my co workers don't know about me....I feel like I'm filling out an online dating questionnaire or something...I also have to write something to go on the website about me...gah this is crazy! I still do love my job though, it's going well. I hope it continues to go well and my bosses think it's going well too...anyway, I leave you with my finally set up Arashi/Kanjani8 shrine