Gone Away

Feb 22, 2004 17:58

Raindrops are falling on my head....
And everywhere. What a day. I want to snuggle deep within the confines of my new pure silk duvet but instead I am at work. On a sunday. Why? Because I have a new job that starts next monday, and I have a lot to do before I finish at this job.

So, I want to make some changes at the new job and one of them is being online. I know I never check in here anymore. I miss it sometimes, but it isn't a part of me the way it used to be. I miss a lot of you, and think about many of you. Just the other night I had those little babybel cheeses and thought of Liz and the time we were in LA and I was driving around with one of the little red wax pieces on my nose. And I often think of Logan and all the time we spent together. And of Abby and Kate and the finger condoms. And Meg and Brendon... I don't see enough of you both. And Christy... I was just thinking about the captain slip n slide thing the other day. My other half. And the gnome. A trip to LA to see Nick Cave with a stranger. LJ used to be the essence of my life. And well, I could go on and on and on. But I digress.

I haven't done a very good job at keeping in touch but there are many of you I'd love to hear from again. I will be around even less as life continues to flow. But you can find me at simplysara@cox.net I hope some of you say hi. It has been too long.
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