I'm so tired of writing stories. Being a beat writer is exhausting... you literally never get a day off...
Ya know what I hate? summary leads... they are such a cop out of actually having to take a second to be creative. I guess if it's breaking news and the news speaks for itself, it's acceptable. Ya, the who what where when why is important, but you can make the point without being bland. ugh its irritating.
So I guess the Central Florida Future took home 3rd place at SPJ conference... That's not too shabby. I mean, first or second would be better... but third mean's we're pretty baller considering I think like every school in the South East competed. (don't quote me on that)
Anyways I found this search thing and looked up my name and it gives you like random statistics from the census relating to your name.
http://www.isthisyour.name/name.php?forename=Jessica&surname=Saggio evidently they predict that I am the ONLY Jessica Saggio in the world!!! Way to go mom and dad!!!! You should look up your name too, it's kinda cool. idk how legit. it is... but w/ev.
Tonight will be sad. alas my big bro must retreat back to NYC. boo. I will miss his random stories about TKE doing very stupid things.