(no subject)

Mar 08, 2004 14:43

Look! Two posts in two days. I like time off.

The kids were suppose to come today really early like 6:15 early, but my brother in law never dropped them off, cause he didn't go to work today or something. My sister did call to tell me that he probally wouldn't and if they weren't here by 6:30 I should just go back to bed. I fell asleep on the couch til 8. Then I went back to bed. My neck and back are a bit stiff from the couch.

I played more .Hack Part 2 today. It's mainly leveling stuff right now, because I don't want to advance plot at this time. I've cleaned the kitchen and did a bit of laundry. I was putting up clothes when I decided to get online. I was talking to the Captain last night and we decided to get a gaming group together. I want to run In Nomine and he wants to run a D and D game. So I bought the In Nomine core book and the Game Master guide. I want to buy the song book too, but I'll wait to make sure that the group gets off and running and interested in the game. The Captain already has a charater concept in mind, just based off of what I told him about the game.
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