Apr 21, 2005 15:04
so many things happening, but too lazy to write it all down.
i'm sick.
taks sucks.
more auditions.
BIG paper to write.
gone for 2 days of school.
band trip.
not being that much excited about band trip as i was.
as for today.
go to school.
take taks.
come home.
go back up for drum major stuff.
come home.
get ready for pictures.
go to the studio.
take pictures.
have rehearsal shortly after.
come home.
pack like a mother.
pack even more.
plan out tomorrow's crazy schedule.
as for tomorrow.
go to school.
take taks.
come home.
go to the chiropractor in a rush.
get luggage.
go to the airport in a rush.
wait forever.
get on a plane...with a cold.
have fun :)
hooo dang. and to top it off, i didn't eat tuesday and yesterday i had ONE meal. you know how important food is to me. i must be really sick.