Sep 10, 2006 17:26
Al: the person i'm working with on the project is currently trying to "save" megan.
Al: the next few days are going to be interesting.
Al: (we just bought gemstones and a gemstone book)
lance2222: heh
lance2222: save megan?
Al: from damnation!
lance2222: ah!
lance2222: that pesky damnation
lance2222: always sneaking up and snagging teenagers who have never committed any real sins. you'd think the government would do something about it. make it illegal or something
Al: i know! geesh.
Al: this is the girl that, the day after the 2004 election, i said in a very "i'm trying not to rip things to pieces" mood and said through VERY clenched teeth, "so the republicans hold every branch of government," and she said - DEAD seriously - "i know, isn't it great?"
lance2222: heh. totally great that the entire system of checks and balances that our fore fathers worked so damn hard to establish in the first place was thrown out the window.
Al: i know, i just love it when that happens.
lance2222: all because idiots can be frightened into voting stupid
Al: i can't wait until we lose our individual rights and everything.
lance2222: checks and balances are overrated anyway
lance2222: what this country really needs is an evil dictator
Al: it's been too long without one.
lance2222: indeed.
Al: we've got too many jews, anyway.
Al: (part of the project we're doing is hebrew culture)
lance2222: jews and mexicans
lance2222: ooo! and we could even get rid of those pesky arabic people too
lance2222: we could consider getting rid of the last of the native americans (ha!) but we all know that'd never happen. we're still feeling too guilty
lance2222: from the last attempt we made
Al: i know. i feel really bad for not letting the puritans complete their genocide. that just isn't polite, you know.
lance2222: i know, dammit! it was an otherwise very successful run at one too... then you people had to go make us feel all guilty and shit. i hope you cry yourselves to sleep at night.
Al: the wolves do the crying, actually, since they're making you white devils make such an effort to repopulate them.
lance2222: well that's something different. the extinction of animals was short-sighted
lance2222: wolves are fluffy
Al: fluffy
lance2222: they are!
lance2222: haven't you ever seen a wolf pup? it's all furry and fluffy and cute
Al: yeah
lance2222: we should only ever kill off non-fluffy animals
lance2222: and non-fluffy people
lance2222: native americans aren't fluffy
lance2222: neither are mexicans or jews
lance2222: black people can be though! when they have afros