{DOUBLE DRABBLE} Shh…Don’t Wake the Baby! (Mary/Matt; G)

May 23, 2014 18:56

Originally posted by simplyn2deep at {DOUBLE DRABBLE} Shh…Don’t Wake the Baby! (Mary/Matt; G)
This is a tumblr fic based on a prompt from imagineyourotp: Imagine your OTP inviting their friends to see their child for the first time.

In this, Joan is Mary & Matt's biological daughter and sometime later (think 18 months later) they have a son who they name Kai Brice McGarrett Williams

Shh...Don’t Wake the Baby!

There was a loud crash from the back of Mary and Matt's house and they instantly looked to their sleeping three week old son, holding their breath and praying that he wouldn't wake up. The little baby only stirred and after a few minutes, it was obvious the little boy was still out for the count, they quietly left the room and went to see what the noise was.

When they got to the living room, Mary smiled. Her brother was setting up their grandmother's rocking chair while Danny was unpacking a motorized swing.

"Umm what are you doing?" Mary asked with a laugh.

"Helping you set up for Kai's arrival," Steve said like it should be obvious.

"You do know that was three weeks ago, right?" Matt asked as he looked from his brother to his would be brother-in-law.

"Of course we do," Danny said. "What kind of Uncles would we be if we didn't remember when our nephew was born?"

"You would have been dead uncles if Kai woke up," Mary replied with a glare.

Matt nodded his head, "Keep the setting up noise down or we'll leave you to try to get him back to sleep again."

writing, tv show: hawaii five-0 (2010), steve mcgarrett, fic, otp: it was a good idea at the time, double drabble, danny williams, mary ann mcgarrett/matt williams

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