Today is just...UGH!
The car battery started...dying...earlier this week. I had to try a couple of times to get it to start.
Today after I put gas in the car, it gave me big time problems, I should have gone back to my sister's but I didn't and managed to get to the office.
Around 12:30, I guess, I decide that I've done enough work for today and I was going to go get something to eat before going back to my sister's. When I leave out of the office and get to the car, I don't have my laptop bag (but thankfully I have my office keys!), so I go back to the office and see I left some envelopes in the hall, I pick them up to put in my office, only when I get to my office, I forget to leave them. Whatever, I put them in my laptop bag get in the car to start it up...and NOTHING! It makes a weird clicking sound but doesn't start. Then the radio goes out and the car is just quiet. I try to start it and nothing!
I’m a little frustrated, but not too much. We have a portable car battery charger! YES! But umm…where’s the battery?! This car’s battery isn’t like other car’s batteries so I had to call my dad and have him walk me through it. I let it charge for 20 minutes - 10 with the car off and another 10 with the car on. I figure that should be long enough and go to unhook everything only before I get back into the car, it dies again! ;qlskjfs;slkjg!
I do this charge thing 2 more times and it’s not holding the charge. I think the portable charger is out of juice because it’s been charging now for 30 minutes (car off) and I’ve tried to start it and it won’t.
I get a hold of my sister and she THINKS she has jumper cables. She’s going to look in her car and if she does, she’ll come to my office and give me a jump. If this all works, I’ll be driving right back to her place and tomorrow I’ll take the bus.
OH! Let’s talk about the drama that’s starting to happen at my sister’s place! There’s a spot in the parking lot that has a faded visitors painted on the ground. That’s me. A visitor. But apparently one of the tenants has been parking her SECOND car there because her FIRST car is in her assigned spot and it doesn’t run. Well since I’ve been there, she’s had to park on the street or in her daughter’s assigned spot (the daughter uses the garage for her car). After like a week of being there, she asks if I can park closer to the bush so that she has space to get in and out of the spot. Okay, cool. I can do that. And I start doing that. Sometimes I park on the street because it’s late when I get back and the spot in the lot is taken. Well I guess she’s tired of using her daughter’s spot or parking on the street so she calls the landlord, tells him who knows what and the landlord, presumably, texts all the tenants that if they see a car in the lot that doesn’t belong, to call and he’ll call a tow truck! What the ever loving fuck!? So my sister tells me to look for a spot on the street first before parking in the lot so that the car doesn’t get towed.
Now today, car problems! I’d park it on the street tonight, but if I can’t get it started in the morning, it can’t stay on the street because of street sweeping. And if I have to take the bus, I have to leave at 7 am to get to the courthouse by 9 am. When I was at my apartment, I could leave at 8 am and take 1 bus and be there at 8:50. Now I’m farther away and that means I have to take more buses so I have to leave earlier.
Now I’m wondering if I wouldn’t have called out yesterday, if I’d be having car problems today. I know chances are I probably would, or I would have had them yesterday and had to get a jump from someone at the courthouse, but I can’t help but think that this is my punishment for calling out yesterday.
Now I go back to waiting for my sister. Maybe I’ll get some reading done. I was going to try to write, but I’m feeling too rage-y. People who follow me on twitter know why. Anyone here wants to know, I’ll send you a private message.
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