Jul 16, 2005 01:59
wow. man tonight has been so crazy. this is the first time i've talk to people on the computer for a long time. i so miss the internet. its killing me 'cause i know it'll be gone tomorrow. im just so glad that i got to catch up with afew of my friends before school starts back. anyways. i'm mellowing out alot. i realized that im way too young to take things so seriously. im in high school for godsake. i need to get high, drive too fast, and do thing people dont approve of just for the sheer hell of it. just because i can. i refuse to take things too seriously. that doesnt mean im not looking for commitment it just means i have found the right person yet so im not going to settle for anything less than more than perfect. :) if you catch my drift.
<3. muah, mere.