Oct 26, 2004 06:55
It's late October.
And it's gorgeous outside.
And that disgusts me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not sitting here wishing for snow, but this is crazy--I spent most of the day in shorts. Yeah...uh, hi God...you probably know this, but it's almost November and...well...I was wondering if you could make it feel like...well...fall. Thanks.
I'm sure there are people living elsewhere in the country/world who will think I'm a little bit nuts for complaining about the weather but...I think I'm ready for a season change, here.
Okay, enough about the weather.
I closed last night and decided to play a dirty little trick on Ryan--a trick that he had happened to mention to me a week ago in passing. So really, it's his fault. No, I mean it.
We have timers that we set that tell us when to brew new coffee, when to wipe down the tables in the lobby, ect. So Jill and I decided last night that we'd set the timers to go off at half-hour intervals--and hide them. So this morning at 5am, 5:30am, and 6am, these annoying little timers went off and wouldn't shut up--not until they were found and shut off. Poor Ryan. He'll learn sooner or later that I love pranks. Though I have a feeling I just started a war.
Bring it on, Ry-Ry. I can handle it.
Well...maybe not. Anyway, so I decided this morning to go in and see his reaction to our little prank. I got there at about 11:30 (giving him a nice long period to laugh it off) and wandered into the back. I copy down some directions to a meeting we have on Thursday, and then kinda glance at him and mention some odd thing or another...and then he grinned at me and said, "So who hid the timers everywhere?"
After a somewhat muddled but amused confession, we swapped ideas on where to hide timers and who to play that little trick on next. And then I felt dumb, because I certainly don't need to be bonding with one of my bosses. Well, at least not this boss.
That was my amusing tidbit of today. I kinda admitted to my mum that school has been biting me in the ass lately...perhaps she'll take pity on me at semester. I'm going to need someone on my side when dad BLOWS UP at me.
Well, guess that's it from my side. See ya!
PS: Michele: I've got a little bit of the first part of White Houses if you want to read it.