
Sep 29, 2004 16:53

Dr. Z, in particular, will appreciate this.

I found myself aimlessly searching the internet and wandered onto the Manchester United website. I still remember the days when the ManU site was absolutely swamped with Beckham, Beckham, and (surprise surprise) more Beckham. And now it's plastered with Wayne Rooney. "Get his jersy!" "Exclusive interview!" How funny. The saddest part is that I'm older than this kid. But I have to admit his a fantastic footballer.

I had lunch with Michele and that helped me forget my troubles for a while. Now I'm in the Hub, passing time by writing a note and trying to ignore the fact that there are about 20 people waiting for a computer and I'm just dorking around. Haha...get here earlier next time, suckers. really, I am a nice person.

I have to admit, before this week I hadn't seen Star Wars in at least six years. I can no longer claim that to be true--I've seen two of the three movies in less than a week. Oh well, at least I'm not watching the prequels.

I heard Sky Captain was bad (with the exception of Angelina Jolie's character), and I'm dissapointed. Oh well. I don't even like Jude Law.

I saw crazy-hot pre-med guy at a high school football game. Oh man, that guy is sexy. Probably an ass, but very, very sexy.

Is there a point to any of this? Well...that remains to be seen.

Been writing like crazy. I should make a journal for my stuff. But I don't know how to make layouts, so maybe I won't.

Right...enough of this...pointless...ness.


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