Bobby Cutts Jr.

Feb 27, 2008 02:04

Now, I'm not sure if it's nationally and internationally known, but here in my city of Canton there is a big murder trial going on. Of who? Bobby Cutts Jr. He murdered his pregnant gf. If you haven't heard the story in the media, look it up.

What I'm not understanding is, he's being seriously charged for murdering the baby, but not the gf.

By tomorrow (well, today as it's 2 AM) or so I hope, we're supposed to find out if he lives or dies.

I personally want him to die.
I think it's cute how he didn't care about murdering his own flesh and blood and two human beings, but yet he is fake crying wanting the jurors and judge to spare his life. His reasoning for doing so, because he has another child who needs him. Well, no offense to the kid, but his dad surely didn't think of the same thing when his little boy and soon to be born baby needed a mother.
Not fair at all.
I also say he was fake crying because you can just hear it in the audio. I've not seen or heard in my 21+ years of life of many guys crying, but still.. if you heard it, you'd call it as the same thing. FAKE.

I strongly believe in the death penalty.
Now, if only the system worked my way. This way is that, whatever you had done to the victim, should be done to you when found guilty.

I don't believe in this paradise called, jail/prison. I envision jail like I see on TV. Freedom. Even it's playing basketball, lifting weights, etc. Prison... I'm clueless on.

Anyways, with wanting Bobby to die, I doubt that'll be the verdict. Because the guy is black. No, seriously, if he doesn't get the death penalty, that'll be the main reason why. Because the jurors were too scared to do so because of his race. Now, don't go calling me racist or anything, because his race has been brought up often. People are wondering if he's being treated as so because of his skin color.

Now... lets make this a community type thing.
If you know the story, what are your thoughts?
What are your opinions on the death penalty? Against or For? Why?
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