Feb 26, 2008 14:09
hey remember back to the last time you hung out with me?
was it awesome?
well let's do it again so i don't have to be alone.
I really fucking miss/need hangouts and all of you should be a part of it.
if you get back in touch with me you will be my superhero.
dead serious.
I love all of you.
also, i posted some new music the other day here::: myspace.com/coinopcoinop
It's new. It's just me and it's instrumental (but i have a feeling that whatever idea you have of instrumental music will not align with how this sounds, for better or for worse). I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to listen. It might just be annoying and confusing but I'm proud of it and if you give it a chance I think you'll all like it too. be my friend?
thanks so much!