k-pop; follow through 1/2

Dec 01, 2014 23:55

Title: Follow Through
Pairing: Minseok/Lu Han
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Minseok is expecting a long, boring flight to New York, but what he gets instead is Lu Han.
Author’s Note: AU. 13845 words. I saw this nervous flyer and random seatmate AU from this list on tumblr and was randomly inspired. Why is this so long cries. T_T Thank you to Ilana for looking this over for me!! ♥ I hate titles bye

Minseok settles down into his small seat next to the window on the airplane, getting as comfortable as possible in the narrow space. He’s grateful, at least, for not having long legs like Chanyeol or Jongin, who always complain about the limited room when they’re all traveling for business. He kind of wishes they were here today, but instead Minseok is flying to New York alone.

Fourteen hours on a plane by himself seems even more long and boring than usual, but he’s brought a book Jongin has been talking about for months and his phone is all full of music so he thinks he’s set. If all else fails, he can just try to sleep because god knows the second he lands and meets with Baekhyun, he probably won’t get any unless he staples Baekhyun’s mouth shut.

He pulls out his phone and headphones, sets them in his lap, and stuffs the book Jongin lent him into the pocket of the seat in front of him. He’s all ready to go, but there’s still a line of people filing slowly down the aisle and struggling to get their carry-ons up into the overhead compartments. Minseok checks his messages and emails before he has to put his phone on airplane mode, smiles at Chanyeol’s excited have a safe flight hyung!!! message and is about to reply to Jongin’s that he won’t lose his prized book, when there’s a thud next to him and a backpack falling out of the middle seat and onto the floor.

“Shit,” says a harried voice and Minseok looks up into the face of a young, pretty boy. The boy’s eyes are a little wild though, and he looks torn between going after his backpack and figuring out where to store his luggage and Minseok can tell that he’s not a frequent flier already.

“I got it,” he says, reaching down to pull the backpack up onto the seat again and the boy blinks at him before huffing out a laugh.

“Thanks,” he says, before doing his best to shove his dark blue duffle bag into a compartment two seats down. When he returns, he all but collapses into his seat with a heavy sigh, fidgeting as he pushes his backpack down between his legs and tries to get his seatbelt on.

Minseok eyes him as discreetly as he can, not wanting to be rude or anything. He’s never been afraid of flying so it always strikes him a little amusing when someone is so clearly flustered, but this boy doesn’t seem that old, either. Maybe it’s his first time.

Well, it’s not really any of Minseok’s business either, so he just sinks back in his own seat and types up his reply to Jongin. It’s just a couple of minutes before a flight attendant addresses everyone over the speakers, and Minseok always tunes this out, pressing his earphones in place and setting his phone to airplane mode. He picks a song and relaxes, thinking maybe he’ll try to nap first. The boy next to him is typing rapidly on his phone and looking antsy still, and Minseok closes his eyes.

He doesn’t manage to fall asleep before they leave the ground, not when the boy next to him keeps shifting uncomfortably and his elbow jabs Minseok’s arm again and again. Minseok shuffles closer to the window, and sighs, pushing up the blinds to stare out at the asphalt as their plane slowly moves into position.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” the boy is whispering under his breath, but it must be loud enough for Minseok to hear through his music, and he looks over at him again, the way he’s got his hands clenched to each armrest on either side of him. “I’m going to die.”

It takes a moment for Minseok to realize everything the boy just said was in Chinese and not Korean. His Chinese is not up to date, and he knows just enough to get by whenever he has to accompany Zhou Mi or Song Qian to their Beijing branch. He understands that the boy is freaking out though, as the plane starts to gain momentum and their pilot announces that take off is starting.

Minseok feels a little bad for him, because he looks like he might actually pass out and well, Minseok would rather not have to deal with that. He dredges up the Chinese he knows and leans over to get a good look at the boy, pulling one of his headphones out as he says, “Are you okay?”

The boy snaps his eyes up to him and they’re wide with shock, though Minseok isn’t sure if he’s because of his fear of flying or because Minseok suddenly talked to him in Chinese. He opens his mouth to speak but just then the plane lurches up into the air and the boy holds on tighter and looks really terrified.

“Hey, relax,” Minseok says, switching back into Korean. “It’s not so bad, just focus on something else and not the flying.”

“Like what?” the boy grits out and he’s speaking Korean now, too.

Minseok shrugs. “I don’t know. Something you like? Something funny or happy. Or, listen to some music?” He instinctively holds out the end of his headphones and the boy stares at it for a moment before he takes it, holds it up to his ear.

“You listen to JJ Lin?” he asks, surprise in his voice and his eyes, and Minseok thinks that’s definitely better than the terror.

“He has good music,” Minseok says and for the first time, the boy smiles, actually smiles at him, with no tension or fear in his face at all. He looks even younger like that, and his smile is just as pretty as the rest of him and Minseok feels strangely winded, hastily dropping his gaze. He glances out the window instead, and they’re up in the air now, flying steadily over the landscapes and he points toward it. “See? You made it. The worst part is over.”

“The whole thing is the worst,” the boy grumbles and Minseok laughs despite himself. He hands his headphone back. “Thank you,” he says sincerely. “You really helped.”

Minseok waves him off. “Don’t worry about it,” he says. He doesn’t put his headphone back in. Instead, he says, “I’m Minseok, by the way. Is this your first time flying?”

“Minseok,” the boy says slowly, as if tasting Minseok’s name on his tongue. He grins. “I’m Lu Han,” he says, “and no, I’ve flown a lot but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.”

“Really? I was sure this was your first time, with the way you’re acting.” He says it as lightly as he can so he doesn’t come across as offensive, and thankfully Lu Han just laughs.

“Yeah, it’s a little pathetic, isn’t it? A grown man who’s afraid of heights and has to force himself onto a plane?”

Minseok blinks at him, slowly tilts his head to the side and looks him up and down. “Grown?” he says under his breath but Lu Han catches it and pouts, pouts, at him, his brows furrowed.

“You thought I was a kid, didn’t you?”

“Aren’t you?!”

“I’m 29, I’ll have you know,” Lu Han huffs, but he’s starting to look more amused than annoyed, but Minseok is just amazed because they’re the same age. “And you don’t look all that old yourself either.”

Minseok frowns at that, because most of his friends like reminding him of how much younger he looks than he actually is. “Well, surprise, we’re the same age,” he says and can’t help but smile when Lu Han grins at him.

“I’m guessing you fly a lot, huh?” Lu Han says after a moment. “You’re completely at ease.”

“I travel for work,” Minseok says with a nod. “But flying’s never bothered me. I have cousins who live in California, and my family used to go visit them once a year when I was younger, so I got used to it pretty quickly.”

“Lucky,” Lu Han says. “I wish I didn’t get so freaked out, but sometimes even elevators scare me and--” He suddenly groans, as if realizing what he’s just said and gives Minseok a rather pitiful look. “Pretend you didn’t hear that. It’s lame.”

“Hey, you can’t really control what you’re afraid of,” Minseok says with a shrug. “I don’t think it’s lame. See, being afraid of clowns, now that’s a little lame.” He pauses, gives Lu Han a once-over. “You’re not afraid of clowns, are you?”

Lu Han laughs a little too loud as he shakes his head and quickly covers his mouth to stifle the sound. “Nope,” he says and Minseok grins.

“Then I think you’re safe,” he says. “Besides, you’re on the plane, aren’t you? So maybe you’re not as afraid as you think you are.”

“Maybe,” Lu Han agrees tentatively and the way he’s looking at Minseok is half grateful, half full of wonder.

Minseok pulls the other headphone from his ear and presses pause on his phone, wrapping the cord around his fingers. “So, what are you braving your fear for?”

“A wedding,” Lu Han says. “My best friend is getting married and I’m the best man, so I couldn’t very well say no, could I?” He laughs at himself. “Though I did try to get him to have the wedding back in Beijing at least, so that the flight wouldn’t be so long.”

“Guess that didn’t work out,” Minseok laughs and Lu Han shakes his head, black hair falling into his eyes that he hastily brushes away.

“He just had his family flown in instead, that bastard,” Lu Han says, but he doesn’t sound all that angry about it. “I’m excited though. I can’t believe he’s getting married.”

“What about you? No special someone back at home?” Minseok asks and he’s a little surprised by how easy it is to talk to Lu Han, this complete stranger. He wouldn’t normally be this forward, especially not on an airplane where everyone is mostly interested in sticking to themselves and getting on and off plane as quickly as possible. But Lu Han is nice and interesting and he’s relaxed considerably since the start of the flight which makes Minseok feel more at ease, too. Besides, he has nothing else to do and Lu Han doesn’t seem bothered by Minseok making conversation.

“Me?” Lu Han laughs. “I wish. It’s been a long time since I’ve held down a steady relationship. It’s a good thing I don’t care about going to a wedding without a date, huh.” He looks over at Minseok, eyes assessing, and adds, “You look like the type though, all dressed up in your suit.”

“I left for the airport right after work,” Minseok defends himself, smoothing down the fabric of his tailored pants along his thighs. “And actually, I’m in the same boat as you. Single.” Minseok tries not to think about his last failed relationship; Jongdae had been fun and exciting and comfortable but the long-distance hadn’t worked in their favor. It’s been about five months and it still stings thinking about it sometimes.

“What a shame,” Lu Han says, shaking his head, and Minseok flushes a little despite himself. “If we can’t keep a relationship, then what’s the point of having such youthful faces??”

Minseok snorts. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly what the issue is,” he says. “Well, maybe you’ll meet someone on the flight over. Fourteen hours is a long time.” He glances around. “Maybe start with that lady who keeps giving you the stink-eye for talking too loud.”

“I’m not talking too loud!” Lu Han says, loudly, and then slaps a hand over his mouth while Minseok laughs.

Most of the flight goes on like this, Minseok chatting with Lu Han who is more than happy to blabber right back, telling him little anecdotes about his friend whose wedding he’s going to and the horrible experiences he’s had on flights over the years. The more he talks, the more Minseok finds himself inexplicably infatuated. Lu Han is...really cute, he thinks with a sense of dread. He laughs a little too loud sometimes and the slight crows feet around his eyes when he smiles give away his age. The sparkly earring in his left ear jingles a little whenever he moves and Minseok has to squash down the ridiculous urge to reach out and touch it.

Minseok is a pretty private person by nature, but Lu Han is really good at getting him to open up and he always looks so interested in everything Minseok has to say, even if it’s completely inane like how he was almost late to work once because he’d gotten up early to clean his entire kitchen. The attention is strangely nice, though, and they swap stories without pause for the first few hours of the flight. Minseok learns that Lu Han teaches Chinese classes at a university in Seoul and when he’s not teaching, he’s meeting with friends for impromptu soccer games. Lu Han is excited when Minseok tells him he’s a pretty big soccer fan, too, and insists that Minseok will have to come join him for a game sometime. Minseok just nods and agrees, but he’s not particularly holding his breath on that one. Who knows what’s going to happen after this flight, after all.

Lu Han falls asleep sometime after the flight attendants bring out drinks and complimentary pretzels. He curls up, head lolling toward Minseok’s right shoulder, shifting away from the young girl in the aisle seat who had sat down after Lu Han, put on her large headphones and promptly ignored everything. Minseok doesn’t really mind Lu Han’s proximity, even if it means he has to be a little more careful not to move in case he startles him, so he gently pulls out his book and sets it atop the table to read for awhile, still sipping on his small cup of coffee.

Minseok gets in a few chapters of reading before the plane hits a wave of strong turbulence, rumbling loudly around them and slightly shaking the whole plane. It instantly wakes up Lu Han, who sits upright and looks around with wide eyes, his hair all flat against his head where he’d been sleeping on it.

“What’s happening, is the plane okay?” he hisses at Minseok who shushes him gently, the way he does whenever his nephew threatens to wail.

“It’s just a little turbulence, we’ll be fine,” Minseok says. “Why don’t you go back to sleep?”

Lu Han shakes his head, rubbing at his eyes for a brief second before he grasps the armrests again much like he had when they were taking off. “No, I won’t be able to, not with all this--” He cuts off when the plane gives a rather sudden lurch and even Minseok feels his stomach knot up in unease.

“Relax,” he says, instinctively reaching out to pat Lu Han’s knee. “If it was that bad, they would say something.”

“Unless they’re trying not to scare us.”

“Well, seeing as how you’re already scared--”

“Shut up,” Lu Han says, but he’s laughing now and Minseok does, too. Except Lu Han chooses that moment to glance down at where Minseok still has his hand on his knee and Minseok’s laugh turns into an awkward cough as he pulls his hand back, heat flooding his cheeks. He can feel Lu Han’s eyes on him, and when he looks at him, he’s relieved to see his lips twisted in amusement. Minseok clears his throat pointedly and turns away, marking his spot in the book with an unused napkin since Jongin had very seriously told him not to dog-ear anything, and shoves it back into the pocket.

“You haven’t tried to sleep at all?” Lu Han asks, staring at the book.

Minseok shakes his head. “I can’t sleep well on planes,” he says. “I might try later, when I’m more tired. I just had coffee so I’m pretty wired now.”

“Good, you can keep me company again,” Lu Han says decisively.

“You say that like I have no choice.”

Lu Han grins. “You don’t.”

Rolling his eyes, Minseok settles back in his seat and tries not to smile too widely back. He can’t help it, but he likes Lu Han a lot already. A little forward, easily excitable, and so endearing. He’s not too loud or annoying the way Baekhyun is, just happy to have someone to talk to and Minseok doesn’t mind it at all. Besides, he’s kind of nice to look at, and Minseok was expecting a long, boring flight and Lu Han is definitely not boring.

They spend an hour or so listening to music together on their phones, swapping headphones and making lists of songs to look up when they land. Minseok teases Lu Han on his extensive collection of DBSK music which gets Lu Han a little pouty and insisting there’s nothing wrong with liking idol groups. (“Whatever you say,” Minseok replied, smirking, and laughed when Lu Han lightly punched him in the shoulder.) Lu Han talks about his students for awhile, how he misses his parents in Beijing and is saving up some money so he can fly them to Korea for once, how he’s excited to visit New York City for the first time and make his friend show him around everywhere.

“Yes, because he’ll have so much time in-between planning a wedding,” Minseok points out.

"I know, I know. I wanted to stay for like two weeks but I have class and just got a few days off before the wedding and one after. I'll make it work somehow, there's definitely enough time!” Lu Han insists. “Besides, most of the planning is done already. I just have to show up.” He tilts his head at Minseok and asks, “How long are you staying in New York?”

Minseok hums thoughtfully, considering the project plans and everything he has to do when he gets there. “A week at the least, probably,” he says with a shrug. “It always depends on how things go. I have to stay until the project is completed, since I’m in charge.”

“Oh, so you’re like a boss, huh?” Lu Han says, eyeing him rather intensely. “That’s kinda ho--cool. That’s cool.” He clears his throat and looks down at his knees and Minseok files the slip up away to ponder over later.

“I guess I’m some kind of boss, at least,” he agrees. “It mostly means a lot of paperwork.”

“And traveling.”

Minseok laughs. “That, too. But I actually quite enjoy that part of the job.”

“Clearly I could never do what you do, then,” Lu Han says, shaking his head, lips curled up in amusement, and this is much better than the slightly panicked look on his face from minutes earlier.

They chat all through the complimentary dinners that are brought out an hour later, picking at the suspicious plane-food and trading bits and pieces of what they don’t like. Minseok continues to be amazed at how easy it is with Lu Han, and he’s starting to wonder just what will happen when this flight is over when somehow, they already feel like friends.

Minseok ends up falling asleep after eating, especially after Lu Han insists he should try to get some rest, too, and so he puts on some music and closes his eyes and he’s out within a few minutes. He’s jostled awake sometime later by Lu Han, who leans into his ear and whispers, “Wake up, please, we’re going to land soon and I’m freaking out already.”

Minseok huffs out a tired laugh, pulling out his earphones, and glances at Lu Han’s clearly anxious face. “Cute,” he says and instantly wants to take it back, eyes widening as Lu Han’s mouth opens a little in shock. He’s clearly still half-asleep and he quickly laughs it off, turning away to put his phone and headphones into his bag. “How long was I, uh, asleep?” he asks instead to push aside the sudden tension between them.

“A couple of hours I think?” Lu Han says and he’s smiling softly when Minseok looks at him, which puts him at ease. He rubs tiredly at his eyes as he settles back in his seat and glances around the plane as much as he can. Most of the other passengers are realizing they’re landing soon, too, and putting away their tablets or laptops, fixing their seats. The girl sitting on Lu Han’s other side is staring into a compact mirror and applying makeup.

Minseok stretches a little and relaxes, yawning. “I can’t wait to get out of this plane.”

“That eager to get away from me?” Lu Han teases and Minseok snorts.

“Well, of course,” Minseok jokes back, “I was planning on quietly reading the whole flight but instead I had to entertain you. How will I ever get those hours back?”

Lu Han laughs, swatting gently at Minseok’s knee even as he instinctively shuffles closer. “I say you enjoyed it,” he says, cheekily. “I made the flight more exciting, right?”

He did, but Minseok won’t readily give him the satisfaction of knowing that. Instead he pokes Lu Han’s forehead and replies, “You just tell yourself that,” and watches in amusement as Lu Han pouts and rubs at the spot.

It isn’t long before the landing announcement is made and Lu Han goes immediately rigid in his seat, which has Minseok quietly snickering. “Don’t laugh at me,” Lu Han grumbles, annoyed but mostly pleading, and Minseok covers his mouth with a hand to hide it. Lu Han’s pitiful look gets the best of him, though, so he pulls his phone back out of his bag and sticks one end of his earphone into Lu Han’s left ear, the other into his own right. He plays one of the very few idol group songs he has on his phone and Lu Han lets out an amused breath of laughter.

“Thanks,” he says, glancing at Minseok, eyes warm. Minseok just shifts the volume up a little louder.

Landing goes really smoothly in Minseok’s opinion, though Lu Han seems terrified, gripping at the armrests again, and it takes more strength than Minseok is willing to admit to refrain from grabbing his hand to hold and comfort him. The whole plane seems to come alive when they land, making a collective sigh of happiness and relief, and Lu Han beams at Minseok, returning his headphone.

They’re sitting toward the back of the plane and have to wait awhile to get out, but it’s easy for Minseok to shuffle out of his seat, grab his carry-on and file off the plane after a few other people. He’s lost Lu Han somewhere up ahead of him, but he figures that was bound to happen. The flight is over, there’s no obligation left.

The wait to get through customs feels exceptionally long, but Minseok is just glad to be out of the plane and able to stretch his legs a bit. He doesn’t have any extra luggage or special items to check so it’s pretty quick for him to get set on his way, and he’s definitely not looking around for Lu Han or anything. It’s just that it would have been nice to say goodbye.

He’s about to head off toward baggage claim when he hears his name being called. It takes a second to look through the crowds but he finds Lu Han standing off to the side, grinning brightly and waving him over. He waited. Minseok can’t help his own smile as he walks over, dragging his carry-on behind him, and is surprised to see that Lu Han is actually a few inches taller than him.

“There you are, I thought I lost you,” Lu Han says, smiling, and Minseok shouldn’t feel so happy about that, but he does. They’re quiet as they head out toward baggage claim; Minseok doesn’t know what to say at all. Should he thank him for the fun flight? Ask him for a way to contact him when they get back to Seoul? It’s weird, because they got along so well on the plane but Lu Han is still technically a stranger and Minseok isn’t always good at these things, speaking up with people he doesn’t really know.

As they get closer to the exits, Minseok texts Baekhyun that he’s here and hopes his friend didn’t accidentally-on-purpose forget he was supposed to come pick Minseok up. Thankfully, Baekhyun replies within the minute to tell him where to wait and Minseok turns to Lu Han to say goodbye.

Before he gets a word out, though, Lu Han says quickly, “Can I have your number?”

Taken aback, Minseok gapes at him for a moment, just long enough to have Lu Han visibly panicking and explaining, “I mean, it was really fun meeting you and talking with you and I thought--maybe--we could, I don’t know, meet up again sometime but if you don’t want--”

“Lu Han,” Minseok interrupts and Lu Han clamps his mouth shut, looking nervous and a little chastised. Minseok smiles at him to get him to relax and says, “That sounds like a good idea.”

“I--you--really?” he says, dumbfounded, like he fully expected Minseok to call him a creep and say no.

So Minseok holds his phone out to Lu Han to type his information in, and Lu Han hastily hands his over, too. They exchange numbers and return each other’s phones and Minseok isn’t sure what to do with how pleased he feels, warmth settling into his chest as he grins up at Lu Han.

Thankfully, his phone rings in his hands a moment later and Baekhyun is shouting at him to get his ass over to the exit, I can see you!!

“Well, I guess this is goodbye then,” Minseok says, glancing down the airport to where he can see Baekhyun’s familiar figure waiting by the doors.

“For now,” Lu Han says quickly and Minseok nods, happy.

“For now,” he promises and gives Lu Han a little wave before he heads off to meet Baekhyun.

“Who was that?” Baekhyun says instantly, the tone of his voice far more suggestive than it has any right being.

“No one,” Minseok lies, knowing better than to rise to Baekhyun’s bait. He’s going to be here for a week, and he doesn’t need to start digging a hole for himself quite yet. Baekhyun doesn’t look like he believes him one bit, but he lets it go, looping his arm through Minseok’s and marching him toward the doors.

Minseok glances back at Lu Han, sees him watching, and grins as Lu Han waves goodbye.

“Here, Soojung, please get this printed out for everyone before the meeting at two, okay?” Minseok says, handing a sheet of paper to the young employee who nods quickly before heading off down the hall. Minseok watches her go, then glances at the clock on the wall behind him. He groans, rubs at his stomach a little and pushes aside the hunger burning at him. He looks down at the papers in his hands and figures a quick break would do him some good, especially if he doesn’t want to fall asleep during the afternoon meeting. He stops by the desk that had been assigned to him when he came three days ago and drops off the papers, grabs his wallet and coat, and goes to find Baekhyun.

“Let’s get lunch,” he says, startling Baekhyun who is hunched over at his laptop and practically jumps a foot in the air.

“You’re taking a break?” Baekhyun says, surprised, even as he quickly grabs his own light coat and follows him out. “Without someone forcing you to?”

“You make me sound like such a workaholic.”

“You have been running around the place like a crazy person ever since you got here.”

“Because we’re behind,” Minseok exclaims as they get on the elevator and head down to the lobby. He sighs when Baekhyun only laughs at him, uncaring. “I don’t know why I bother with you.”

“It’s because you love me so much,” Baekhyun says, batting his eyelashes and leaning into Minseok’s space. Minseok groans, pushing Baekhyun away with a palm pressed flat against his face. Baekhyun cackles as he draws away, practically jumping out of the doors of the elevator when they stop at the lobby. “I want a burger,” he declares, pulling Minseok along into the streets.

It’s still really warm for mid-November New York City, definitely warmer than in Korea, and Minseok keeps forgetting. He could have left his coat in the office, it’s so nice, but he follows Baekhyun down the crowded streets to a nearby McDonalds for lunch.

“How fancy,” Minseok says and Baekhyun rolls his eyes at him.

“What were you expecting? We’re on a deadline here,” Baekhyun says. “And besides, there’s nothing wrong with McDonalds.”

Minseok makes a face at him but dutifully gets in line so they can order, and somehow ends up paying for Baekhyun, too, who blinks innocently at him and says, “Oops, I forgot my wallet.” It’s really been too long since Minseok’s seen Baekhyun that he’s falling for all of his old tricks.

“Thanks for lunch, you’re the best,” Baekhyun says brightly when they sit down. He’s ordered way too much food but Minseok knows he’ll somehow manage to eat it all. Minseok sits across from him and watches as Baekhyun immediately goes for his large burger and follows it up with a dunk of his fries in ketchup.

“Slow down, you’re making me nauseous,” Minseok says, slowly unwrapping his own sandwich.

“Just eat,” Baekhyun says around a mouthful, waving at him. “We should finish before Kyungsoo calls me and tells me he’s gonna kill me for leaving.”

“You’ll just tell him it was my idea to go for lunch.”

“He likes you, though, so he won’t care. He’ll blame me,” Baekhyun says.

“Well, maybe if you didn’t try to annoy him every chance you get, he would be nicer to you,” Minseok says, shaking his head. He hasn’t been here that long yet, but he’s already gotten a pretty good taste of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo’s push-pull relationship.

“He’s just so cute when he’s angry,” Baekhyun says with a smirk and Minseok laughs despite himself, making a mental note to bring that up with Kyungsoo later if Baekhyun starts getting on Minseok’s nerves too much. “Speaking of cute,” Baekhyun says, leaning forward and pointing a fry at Minseok’s face, “whatever happened with your friend from the plane?”

Minseok really does regret telling Baekhyun about Lu Han. Baekhyun managed to weasel it out of him a day after he arrived, after noticing how much Minseok kept glancing at his phone like he was expecting someone to contact him. It was kind of pathetic, Minseok admits, and he’s definitely stopped checking so consistently. It’s just that since Lu Han asked him for his number, he expected Lu Han to reach out to him first, but it’s been a few days and nothing. Minseok feels stupid for hoping.

“Nothing,” he says, shrugging. “He hasn’t called me.”

“You know the phone works both ways, right?” Baekhyun says, giving him a pointed look.

“I know that, smartass,” Minseok replies and Baekhyun grins, all teeth. “I don’t want to bother him. He’s here for a wedding, after all. I bet he’s busy.”

“I bet he’s thinking the same thing about you,” Baekhyun says and Minseok really hates when Baekhyun is right. “Since you told him you’re here for work.”

Minseok shrugs helplessly again, pops a few fries into his mouth and stares back at Baekhyun who is watching him expectantly. “What?” he asks, annoyed. “Maybe I don’t want to call him.”

“Yeah, right,” Baekhyun snorts, munching loudly on his food. Minseok frowns at him in disgust and silently hands Baekhyun a napkin. “I’m just saying, if you guys hit it off that well, then you should take the chance and contact him.”

“I have more important things to worry about than this, okay?” Minseok says, putting as much finality into his tone as possible and Baekhyun pouts at him, like he wants to keep prodding and poking, but surprisingly relents, slumping back into his seat.

“Fine, fine,” he says as he doodles on his hamburger wrapper with a ketchup-dipped fry. “Just don’t regret it.”

“I won’t,” Minseok assures him, even as he thinks back to how happy Lu Han looked when they exchanged numbers and wonders if he’d be that happy if Minseok tried to call him.

Minseok does such a good job at convincing himself that Lu Han isn’t going to contact him that when he does, later that same day, he stares at his phone for a long time in surprise and wonders if Lu Han maybe texted the wrong person.

suit fittings are very tiring >.< his message reads and Minseok can just picture him at some tailor shop in the city, poked and prodded and measured to perfection. He’d probably look really good in a suit, though, he thinks.

Did you mean to message me? Minseok wants to type. I thought you weren’t ever going to contact me. He thinks for a long time before he sighs, rubbing at his temples for a moment before he sends back When is the wedding?


Minseok smiles at the quick reply. Cutting it close, aren’t you? Getting a suit so late.

my friend didn’t trust me to bring my own that was good enough :( Lu Han replies and Minseok just knows he’s pouting. i’m thinking i might just wear jeans to the wedding instead

That’ll show him, Minseok types back, grinning.

exactly what he deserves for putting me through this, Lu han says. i think i’m bleeding from all the times they stabbed me with the pins. they do it on purpose, i swear!

You probably just fidget too much, Minseok sends back quickly, glancing up at the clock and wincing because he has a meeting to get to and he can’t just sit here and message Lu Han, no matter how tempting it is. You barely sat still on the plane.

that’s different! Lu Han sends back, followed shortly by another message. they’re making me go back now ㅠㅠㅠ save me minseok ㅠㅠㅠ

Minseok can’t help but laugh, shaking his head a little and pushing aside the urge to actually do as Lu Han wants. It would be nice to see him again, but Minseok has too many other things to worry about. Don’t be a baby, he says, Fighting! (ง’̀-‘́)ง

He puts his phone away before he ends up even more distracted and gathers up his papers for the meeting. It must show on his face, that he’s happy Lu Han finally texted him, because Baekhyun gives him a very knowing look when he walks into the conference room and for once, Minseok just lets it slide, grinning to himself.

With everything that Minseok has going on, he doesn’t really get a chance to ask Lu Han to meet up, not when Lu Han sounds just as busy as him. He texts the next morning whining about he got roped into arranging the centerpieces at the reception site and how the bride-to-be is really sweet but really crazy and Lu Han fears for his well-being. Minseok is a little disappointed that Lu Han never asks to meet with him, but he enjoys being able to communicate like this, anyway. It’s better than nothing, and Lu Han’s texts make Minseok’s otherwise very long days feel not quite as boring. He likes being able to send a photo of Baekhyun drooling on his keyboard to Lu Han and receiving a picture of Lu Han’s friend, Yixing, drunk and sobbing, from the bachelor’s party the night before.

He’s thinking about how to reply when Lu Han sends him another message, complaining about his hangover and not being artistically inclined enough to help create centerpieces and Minseok laughs quietly, easily imagining the whiny tone to Lu Han’s voice in his head.

Drink lots of water, he sends back and practically jumps out of his skin when Baekhyun, leaning over his shoulder, says, “Things work out between the two of you, I see.”

Minseok laments the fact that his chair is in the way so he can’t elbow Baekhyun in the stomach. Instead he reaches an arm around and pinches the back of Baekhyun’s neck until he flails and moves back, rubbing his nape while Minseok smirks. “Did you need something, Baekhyun?” he asks.

“Maybe,” Baekhyun says, “if you promise not to do that again.”

“There’s no point in making a promise like that with you,” Minseok says and Baekhyun grins, unrepentant. “So, what’s up?”

“I have a favor to ask,” he says, perching on the edge of Minseok’s desk and looking at him seriously. He’s only ever serious when he wants something. “A friend of mine is getting married tomorrow and I don’t want to go alone. Please, please, please come with me.”

Of all the things Minseok was expecting, this was definitely not even on the list. “You want me to be your date to a wedding?” he asks, making sure he heard correctly. Then, without waiting for a reply, “Since when do you care about going places without a date? Wouldn’t that just give you a better chance to hook up with the bridesmaids?”

“That’s true,” Baekhyun says, “but I won’t know anyone else there and weddings always remind me of how painfully single I am--shut up, don’t say it--and since you’re here and all, I figured this would be the perfect solution to my problem.” He smiles imploringly at Minseok. “So? You’ll do it, right? Because you love me.”

“That’s debatable,” Minseok says. He thinks about it, about all the work he has to do, still, about how boring it’ll be going to a wedding where he will definitely not know anyone, about how even being Baekhyun’s pretend date is on a list of Things Minseok Never Wants To Do, and yet--

“Come on, please?” Baekhyun says, actually pleading. “You already have fancy-ass suits and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, just come with me and keep me company. I’ll even pay for all your drinks!”

“Ah, now that’s a good proposition,” Minseok says, grinning, and Baekhyun narrows his eyes at him for a moment before he slumps, shoulders sagging in defeat.

“Fine, fine, I suppose that’s the least I could do, anyway,” Baekhyun says.

“In that case, I guess I could go with you,” Minseok says.

“Good!” Baekhyun says, clapping his hands together. “You could use the break anyway. I know you came here for work, but have you done anything other than hole yourself up in the office and then sleep when you get back to your hotel? You haven’t done anything fun.”

“There’s time for fun after we finish this project.”

“You sound like Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun sniffs, and while Minseok doesn’t see how that’s really a bad thing, it clearly is to Baekhyun. “Live a little, Minseok! Maybe you will get to hook up with one of the groomsmen at the wedding.” He winks at Minseok who can’t help but laugh.

“I’m sure they’ll all be better potential dates than you,” he says and Baekhyun makes an offended noise.

“Fuck you, I make an amazing date, you’ll see,” he says, hopping off the desk and making his way out of Minseok’s small cubicle.

“Don’t be late picking me up!” Minseok calls after him and quickly ducks his head when he realizes that was much louder than he intended.

He sighs, glancing at his phone that’s blinking with notifications, probably another text from Lu Han, and he wants to see what it is, but if he’s going to attend a wedding tomorrow, then he really needs to focus on work. Later, he tells himself, shoving his phone into his bag and Lu Han from his mind.


genre: au, r: pg-13, p: minseok/luhan, g: exo

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