some fics and drabbles

Nov 05, 2013 20:45

these are a bunch of things i posted on tumblr over the past few months and finally remembered i should put them here too lol i hope you enjoy if you read! ♥

Title: Puppy love
Pairing: Chanyeol/Jongin
Rating: PG
Summary: Jongin and Chanyeol can’t decide on what type of pet to get.
Author’s Note: 3063 words. Inspired by this prompt, but really just an excuse to write kaiyeol and puppies ;~~~;

“We need a guard dog,” Chanyeol says insistently, tapping the picture of a German Shepherd on on his laptop screen. “That’s why we need a big dog, like this. Or a retriever.”

Sitting beside him, cheek pressed up against Chanyeol’s shoulder, Jongin rolls his eyes. “We don’t need a guard dog. We live on the tenth floor of an apartment building.”

“So? We can train it to bite Jongdae when he tries to pick his way into the apartment,” Chanyeol says.

Jongin laughs. “Now you’re just being an idiot,” he says, reaching out both hands to slide the laptop over onto his legs. “I want something smaller. We don’t have that much space for a big dog, anyway.” He scrolls through some photos and then points. “Look at this!! It’s so cute.”

Chanyeol peers at the screen. It’s a small fluffy looking toy poodle. “Small dogs are annoying though,” he says and gets a half-hearted smack to his chest.

“No, they’re not,” Jongin says. “They’re no more annoying than any other dog, honestly. The small ones won’t take up as much room and they’re so cute.” He points at another picture of a small terrier.

"They're cute but they're so small...always running around under your feet and--"

"Chanyeol, are you afraid of small dogs?" Jongin asks, voice dripping with amusement as he turns to look at him. Chanyeol shoves at him and shakes his head.

"No!" he insists. "I just think the bigger ones are more fun. Golden retrievers are so pretty, man."

"But I've wanted a poodle for ages." Jongin pouts, like that is gonna make Chanyeol change his mind. If they were talking about dinner, it might have worked, but not on this. Chanyeol is resolute.

"How can you say no to this?" Chanyeol demands, pulling up a picture of a retriever.

Jongin just snatches the computer back and finds pictures of an admittedly adorable looking toy poodle. "What about you?" he exclaims, continuing on to show Chanyeol a picture of a dachshund, a pomeranian, and more poodles.

Chanyeol eventually sees enough cute pictures to last him a lifetime and he tugs the laptop away, sets it onto the coffee table. "Are we seriously going to fight over a pet?" he asks, tugging Jongin in close and threading his hand through his soft brown hair.

Jongin sighs, leaning back against him and replies, “It’s a very serious matter, okay.”

Chanyeol hums thoughtfully and for a while they sit in silence, Jongin’s soft breaths against his shoulder as Chanyeol continues to slip his fingers through his hair. He thinks Jongin’s maybe fallen asleep but then he pulls away suddenly, looking at Chanyeol with determination in his eyes.

“Okay, so you know what kind of dog you want, right?” he asks and Chanyeol blinks and slowly nods. “I know what I want. Why don’t we just say it together, and see. If we can agree then--”

“Then that’s what we get,” Chanyeol says with a laugh. “All right. On three.”

Jongin counts slowly up from one and just as Chanyeol calls out, “Retriever!” in a loud voice, Jongin, surprisingly, says, “Retriever!” too.

A big grin spreads across Chanyeol’s face as he throws his arms in the air with a triumphant shout. Jongin, on the other hand, is gaping at him, before his expression turns dark and he smacks Chanyeol repeatedly in the chest.

“You were supposed to say poodle, fuck you,” he grumbles irritably as Chanyeol starts to laugh. “I was being considerate about your feelings, I can’t believe you just went with what you wanted.”

“That’s how you win,” Chanyeol replies. “Guess we’re getting a retriever.”

Jongin shoves him so hard Chanyeol flops back against the arm of the couch. “This doesn’t count, you’re a fucking dick.”

Chanyeol reaches out and grabs a fistful of Jongin’s shirt, yanking him down against his chest. “Aww, don’t be upset, Jongin,” he says, patting his back soothingly even as Jongin tries to wrestle away. “Why don’t we take the week to think about it and then on Saturday we can make our decision and go look at some shops?”

It takes a moment but Jongin finally relaxes against him, heaving out a deep breath. “Fine,” he mumbles into Chanyeol’s collarbone. “I guess that’s fair.” He pauses then, drawing away to look down at Chanyeol’s face. “And what if we don’t agree?”

Chanyeol smiles, pushes Jongin’s bangs away from his face and answers, “We’ll figure something out,” before leaning up to kiss him.


Chanyeol quickly realizes he may have underestimated Jongin’s desire for a poodle. Two days later Chanyeol wakes up to find a picture of an adorable toy poodle set as the background of his iPhone. Not only that, but Jongin seems to have made the desktop of his laptop a rotating slideshow of a bunch of small dog breeds. His screensaver is now a floating image of a sad looking poodle with a message in Jongin's writing that says don't you want me? :(

Chanyeol just laughs it all off. It's cute, how determined Jongin is in changing his mind. Chanyeol is not gonna budge though, no matter how much Jongin tries. On Wednesday there's a calendar tacked to their fridge of small puppies on the pages. Thursday, Chanyeol finds a book stuck in his bag about different types of dogs, all the pages on poodles and terriers and whatever else marked with blue post it flags.

"Maybe we should just get a cat," Chanyeol tells Jongin Friday morning when he finds an email from Jongin with a bunch of photos of poodles attached.

"Cats are boring," Jongin replies easily as he tugs on his jeans. “Not to mention evil. Don’t you remember how Zitao’s cat tried to claw my eyes out?”

Chanyeol laughs. “That’s because you told Zitao it was fat,” he says.

“My point exactly,” Jongin stresses and he knocks Chanyeol’s hands away so he can help put on his tie properly. When he finishes, he twists the end of the tie around his hand and tugs Chanyeol down the few inches to meet his lips in a kiss. “We’re getting a poodle,” he says when he pulls back, grinning widely before he lets go and picks up his bag to head off for work.

“We’ll see about that!” Chanyeol shouts after him.


As it turns out though, neither of them are willing to give in by the weekend. They visit a couple of pet shops and adoption centers in the area and Jongin falls in love with every tiny poodle he sees. It’s really kind of cute, Chanyeol has to admit, watching Jongin pet the fluffy things gently with this loving look in his eyes. In the end they can’t come to a decision, not after Chanyeol sees the new litter of golden retrievers at one of the adoption centers and contemplates buying all of them. Jongin almost has to drag him out of the building but Chanyeol doesn’t miss the way Jongin’s eyes had lit up when he’d looked at the puppies, too.

“I guess we don’t have to rush this,” Chanyeol admits as they head home, taking the umbrella from Jongin to hold it above their heads. “It’s not like we’re going anywhere.”

“True,” Jongins says, sticking as close to his side as possible without getting too much in the way. “And if we’re both going to be this stubborn about what we want, maybe we should wait a little.”

Chanyeol nods. “We’ll find something soon,” he says. “Now can you stop putting up pictures of poodles everywhere. I think I’m going crazy.”

Jongin laughs. “All right,” he says and then pouts a little. “I can’t believe that didn’t work though.”

“It almost did,” Chanyeol admits and Jongin looks at him skeptically. “As in I thought about it for a second. But then I came to my senses.”

Jongin sniffs and nudges Chanyeol off the sidewalk into a puddle along the side of the road. Laughing, Chanyeol kicks muddy water toward Jongin who doesn’t manage to jump away in time. Instead he glares at Chanyeol then down at his dirtied pant legs, and reaches out to snatch the umbrella back from Chanyeol, heading off down the street. Chanyeol catches up to him quickly enough, ducking under the umbrella even as Jongin pretends to shove him away again.

“Hey, you’re the one who tried underhanded tactics,” Chanyeol says, “I was just banking on you being nice and changing your mind.”

“You could’ve retaliated,” Jongin says. “And my plan wasn’t underhanded, it was smart.”

Chanyeol snorts. “Whatever you say, Jongin,” he replies and Jongin shoves him out into the rain again.


They don't talk about the pets for the rest of the weekend, just putting it out of their minds entirely with the hope that maybe when they discuss it in a few weeks they'll be able to reach a solid decision.

Of course that is all easier said than done, and Chanyeol feels a little disappointed they couldn't agree on something. They had been talking about getting a dog for months and he's a little sad that they have to put it off just because neither of them are willing to change their minds. It is a pretty dumb thing to be fighting over; Chanyeol would love a retriever but a poodle wouldn't be so bad. Especially after he saw how cute Jongin looked with one. He's pretty sure that goes for Jongin, too, that if Chanyeol went back to that adoption center and got one of those puppies that Jongin would fall in love with it within minutes.

It’s not until halfway through the next week that Chanyeol comes home from work with the intention of letting Jongin know he’s okay with getting a poodle. He just wants a pet, one that they can call theirs, a little addition to their very small family. And if everything goes okay with this one, maybe in a few years they can get a retriever like Chanyeol wants. That sounds pretty good to Chanyeol, really.

He has everything planned in his head, they could even stop by one of the shops tonight if they wanted, but the second Chanyeol gets home and hears the unmistakable bark of a dog, he stops dead in his tracks. It doesn’t quite sound like the TV, much more real than that, and Chanyeol hastily stumbles out of his shoes and drops his bag in the hallway. He heads into the living room to find Jongin lying on the floor with two small puppies climbing up over his chest. One of them is clearly the little poodle Jongin loved, and the other is an adorable retriever from the litter they saw over the weekend.

“What--” Chanyeol starts but the rest of his words sort of die on his tongue because he’s a little stuck.

“Hey,” Jongin says, finally noticing him. He sits up, cuddling the poodle in his arms while the retriever barks and settles in his lap. “Welcome home.” He grins widely and holds the poodle up toward Chanyeol. “So, I thought of a compromise.”

Chanyeol is half torn between thinking that this is the worst idea (they can’t take care of two puppies!!) and wanting to kiss the happy grin on Jongin’s face because his boyfriend is a genius. In the end it’s a mix of the two that he goes with, joining Jongin on the floor and greeting him with a kiss. “This is insane,” he tells him afterward. “How are we gonna take care of two puppies at once?”

“We’ll make it work,” Jongin replies confidently. “I just didn’t think we’d ever come to an agreement and I’d been looking forward to our new pet for ages and--”

Chanyeol cuts him off with another kiss. “I get it,” he says, and he thinks Jongin doesn’t need to know about Chanyeol’s decision earlier that day. He takes the retriever from him and coos at him, scratching it behind the ears and Chanyeol’s heart melts as it rests its head on his thighs and stares at him sleepily.

Next to him, Jongin is still grinning, playing happily with the poodle which Chanyeol has to admit is really adorable. Its soft brown curls match the ones on Jongin’s head and he laughs to himself. Jongin glances at him then, brows furrowed questioningly, but Chanyeol just shakes his head and throws an arm around Jongin’s shoulder. He kisses his temple and reaches down to pet the poodle as the retriever licks tentatively at Jongin’s fingers. His chest tightens, warmth spreading throughout his body as he takes in the puppies and Jongin’s solid presence next to him. His perfect little family.

“You know we’re gonna just end up arguing over what to name them now, right?” he asks.

Jongin laughs. “How about you just name the retriever, and I’ll name the poodle and we can’t complain?”

“Good plan,” Chanyeol says and Jongin seals the deal with a kiss as the puppies scramble across their laps and yip.


It doesn’t take long at all for them to get used to the puppies. The toy poodle that Jongin had wanted so much has taken a strange liking to Chanyeol instead, following it around at his heels and barking whenever it wants attention. Jongin fails to hide his amusement over it, especially when Jjangu startles him every time; Chanyeol really isn’t used to small dogs. Thankfully Jongin will wordlessly sweep in and pick Jjangu up so Chanyeol doesn’t trip over him, and holds him up to Chanyeol’s face so he can lick at him until Chanyeol is laughing and pushing them both away. The golden retriever that Chanyeol wanted is a hyperactive ball of fluff, running around both of their feet and trying to climb onto the coffee table and getting lost in their basket of laundry. And just as Chanyeol knew he would, Jongin takes a liking to Potato (“I can’t believe you named our pet after food!”) almost instantly (just once he gets over Chanyeol giving him that name).

Chanyeol loves waking up in the mornings to eager puppy kisses and Jongin’s sleepy eyes, loves spending Saturday afternoons on a walk even if he has to chase after Potato when he escapes from Chanyeol’s grasp, leash dragging down the ground after him, loves that when he comes home on days that Jongin works late that he’s not completely alone, that Jjangu and Potato are immediately at his side wanting attention that Chanyeol is more than happy to give. He finds it super adorable when Jongin tries to give the puppies a bath and ends up with more soap and water on himself and he enjoys the way Jongin retaliates at his laughter by launching himself at him and tickling his sides and their puppies join in on the fun, getting water all over the bathroom floor while Jongin’s tickling soon turns into kisses, soft and sweet against his lips. Jongin likes to look up stupid youtube videos about how to train dogs to do dumb things and Chanyeol gets a kick out of watching Jongin try to make Jjangu play dead.

“I don’t think they’re quite old enough for those tricks yet,” Chanyeol tells him when Jongin gives up to let Jjangu roll over his chest. “We should make sure they’re properly potty trained before then.”

“I guess,” Jongin replies, a wide grin crossing his face when Potato climbs up onto his leg and yips at Jjangu. “Eventually though, we’re gonna teach them a lot.”

“They’ll be the smartest dogs ever,” Chanyeol agrees and he tosses the little toy bone down the hall for them to retrieve, laughing with Jongin when neither one of their puppies even move.

What Chanyeol discovers he likes the most is coming home from work to find Jongin asleep on the couch with the puppies curled up on his chest. It’s a sight that doesn’t fail to make his heart a little warm and stomach a little fluttery and he’s quiet as he changes out of his clothes into something more comfortably, tossing his bag by the desk in the corner of their bedroom.

He stops by the couch on the way to the kitchen, gently ruffles Jongin’s hair and pets his puppies. Jongin stirs slightly but it’s Jjangu who wakes up, peering open brown eyes that grow excited when he sees Chanyeol. Jjangu yips and jumps onto the floor, following Chanyeol into the kitchen as usual. Chanyeol starts on dinner for the night the smell of food eventually wakes Jongin up, an audible yawn making its way to Chanyeol’s ears.

Jongin walks into the kitchen a few seconds later, Potato scooped up in his arms, and he startles Chanyeol a bit as he presses his forehead between Chanyeol’s shoulder blades and mumbles, “Welcome home.” The puppy in his arms barks its own greeting and Chanyeol laughs, turning around to give Jongin a kiss, and getting a sleepy but happy smile in return.

And they eat dinner with Jjangu and Potato running around at their feet and Chanyeol sneaks them bits of food off his plate even though Jongin always tells him not to. Later, after the puppies drag them around for a walk around the block, and a round of Mario Kart that Chanyeol ends up losing somehow even though the dogs kept distracting Jongin, Chanyeol pulls a yawning Jongin to bed. The puppies follow and try desperately to jump up onto the bed, and Jongin laughs as he watches them struggle for a few minutes.

“Come here boys,” he says, reaching over the sides to pick them up one by one, and he giggles cutely when Jjangu licks his face.

Chanyeol slides into bed next to Jongin, and they sit there together and watch their puppies stumble over the mountains of their legs, slipping a bit against the bedsheets. Jongin rests his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder and he finds Chanyeol’s hand under the cover, squeezing gently, and Chanyeol catches the soft, content smile on his lips when he glances down at him. And in that moment Chanyeol thinks that this, with Jongin snug beside him and their two puppies running around them, is really what happiness is supposed to be.

He squeezes Jongin’s hand back and smiles, too.

Title: Rise and Shine
Pairing: Junmyeon/Jongin
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Jongin helps wake Junmyeon up.
Author’s Note: 1517 words. I tumblr spammed this to Iqra a couple of months ago and it’s 100% all her fault. :<

"Hyung, wake up," Jongin says, leaning over Junmyeon curled up in his bed. He reaches out and shakes a visible shoulder, and Junmyeon makes this unhappy groan and flings his arm back to swat Jongin away. "Come on," Jongin says a little urgency to his voice. They're all supposed to be up and ready within the next twenty minutes and Junmyeon is up next to shower whenever zitao gets out.

Junmyeon just grumbles something indecipherable and Jongin pouts at his sleeping form. He's a little surprised Junmyeon isn't already up and running around trying to help get everyone in order for wherever they have to be today. Minseok always gets up the earliest, but Junmyeon is usually right after him. he must be really tired, Jongin thinks with a sigh. he shakes Junmyeon's shoulder again but Junmyeon only groans again and rolls over onto his other side.

Jongin can see his face now, brows a little furrowed from irritation even in sleep, his lower lip jutted out in that slight pout of his. Like this he's really cute, and Jongin crouches down to peer into his face a little better. Junmyeon is usually cute but Jongin never tells him that; it's embarrassing enough that Junmyeon enjoys telling Jongin how cute he thinks he is on a daily basis and Jongin can only blush so much before he wants the ground to swallow him whole.

He pokes Junmyeon's cheek and whines, "Hyung." When Junmyeon is still unresponsive, Jongin, now slightly annoyed, continues to poke him incessantly.

It doesn't take long before Junmyeon lets out this angry sound and opens his eyes in a glare. He doesn't seem to really focus on Jongin there, just snaps, "Stop that!" and rolls over again.

"You have to get up," Jongin says and he follows Junmyeon into bed, yanking at the covers that he doesn't understand how Junmyeon even wears since their room is always so hot, and Junmyeon puts up a good fight but Jongin is bigger. "We're going to be late!" he exclaims, hoping he can reach the Suho part of Junmyeon who always insists on being on time and ready for everything.

"I'm tired," Junmyeon mumbles and Jongin's not sure if he's actually still asleep or not.

"I know," Jongin replies anyway, and he leans down and presses a tiny kiss to the corner of Junmyeon's mouth. Junmyeon sighs, eyelashes fluttering stark against his pale cheekbones, and he wriggles onto his back under Jongin's body with a sigh, but Jongin gasps in surprise because Junmyeon is hard between his legs. Well, he wasn't expecting that, but it's not like it's something that can be avoided. He stares down at Junmyeon for a split second before making a decision.

"Hyung," he says quietly, leaning forward again to speak softly into the crook of his neck. “Are you awake?"

"No," Junmyeon grumbles. He shifts again, rocking up against Jongin, and that's enough for Jongin to go through with it.

He pushes the blankets off onto the floor and presses a kiss just under Junmyeon's jaw. When he reaches between them to palm his cock through his pajama pants, Junmyeon shudders, and Jongin grins. This might be a more effective way of waking him up, he thinks, as he rubs the length of him a little harder.

Junmyeon still seems to be in that cusp between sleep and reality, whining softly in the back of his throat, and it's kinda hot, to say the least, to see him like this. Jongin leaves fleeting kisses down his neck as he eases Junmyeon's pants and underwear over his hips. His cock is hard against his stomach and Jongin licks his lips as he takes him in hand.

He strokes him firmly from base to tip, rubs his palm over the head, and Junmyeon jerks up into his hand instinctively with a deep groan. "Junmyeon," Jongin says, "wake up already."

Instead of actually doing what Jongin wants, Junmyeon just ruts up into his hand again, moaning, and Jongin wonders what he's dreaming about. Wonders if it's at all like what's really happening. he really wants Junmyeon to wake up now, not just because they have somewhere to be in less than fifteen minutes, but so Jongin's not actually doing this when he's not even awake to fully enjoy it.

He reaches up to push Junmyeon's hair back from his face, trails his fingers down his cheek and picks up the pace of his hand on his erection. He strokes him faster, and Junmyeon instinctively moves into the pleasure, feet scrambling against the bed. When Jongin finally leans down to flick his tongue across the tip of his dick, Junmyeon practically shouts himself awake, eyes wide and breath all ragged, and he curls in on himself, just about knees Jongin in the jaw.

Jongin pulls back quickly with an amused sort of laugh. Junmyeon blinks a few times until he finally seems to focus on Jongin kneeling between his legs, his cock in his hand. "What the fuck--" he starts, but Jongin chooses that moment to lick a stripe up the underside and the rest of Junmyeon's words melt into a moan.

"Good morning," Jongin says happily. Junmyeon's dick twitches in his hand from the heat of his breath, and Junmyeon is staring down at him looking somewhere between amazed and mortified. "You're really difficult to wake up, hyung."

Junmyeon swallows. "So you thought...this would be a good idea?" His voice is still thick with sleep, but Jongin just wants to hear him more.

"Well, it worked, didn't it?" he replies before he takes the tip of his dick into his mouth and sucks around him.

Junmyeon hisses, "Jongin," and a hand reaches out to fist into Jongin's hair, tight the way Junmyeon knows Jongin loves it. His other hand finds Jongin's jaw, thumb rubbing along his jawline as Jongin works to take more of him into his mouth. Junmyeon's tiny noises of pleasure fuel him on, swirling his tongue around the head before delving down until his lips meet his fingers wrapped around the base. Junmyeon rocks up into his mouth, mutters, "So good, Jongin," and Jongin has to pull back to catch his breath.

Jongin is vaguely aware of the fact that they don’t exactly have a lot of time left, that someone is gonna come looking very soon and he’d rather they not find them like this. With that in mind, he jerks Junmyeon off with his hand, resting his cheek against his thigh and occasionally leaning over to lick across the slit, lapping up the precome that clings there. Junmyeon watches him so intently it makes Jongin feel a little embarrassed, a hot flush climbing up the back of his neck. He’d already gotten dressed and now his jeans feel too tight and it’s so hot in the room, with the heat of Junmyeon’s gaze burning through his tshirt.

Junmyeon is the one to tap his cock against Jongin’s lips, a silent demand for more, when he starts to cant his hips up relentlessly as he undoubtedly gets close. Jongin is only eager to oblige, taking Junmyeon back between his lips and Junmyeon’s deep groan practically feels like his own.

“Jesus I’m--” Junmyeon gasps, just as Jongin’s wraps his mouth around the base, working past his gag reflex as Junmyeon’s cock flirts with the back of his throat. Jongin swallows around him once, and Junmyeon is pulling on Jongin’s hair, his free hand covering his mouth to muffle his cry as he jerks against Jongin’s tongue and comes hard into his mouth.

Jongin pulls back with a small cough and swallows with a slight grimace, and before he’s even able to say anything, Junmyeon’s grabbed his hand and tugged him forward. He falls a ungracefully into Junmyeon’s chest, but Junmyeon just finds his mouth with his, kissing him softly until Jongin is whimpering against his lips, a sudden painful reminder of his own arousal.

Junmyeon makes to reach between them, but Jongin forces himself to pull away. “We don’t have time,” Jongin says when Junmyeon raises a brow at him questioningly.

That seems to snap Junmyeon out of his orgasmic bliss, scrambling over to look at the clock and cursing under his breath. “Then come shower with me quick,” Junmyeon says, struggling to get out of bed and pull up his pants at the same time. He races around the room grabbing clean clothes and looks at Jongin expectantly when he stops by the door.

Jongin weighs his options, but there’s really only one answer. “All right,” he says, even though he’s already showered and everyone is bound to give him questionable looks afterward. Junmyeon walks back over and holds out a hand for him, and Jongin lets himself be pulled out of bed and into Junmyeon’s chest again.

“Thanks for waking me up,” Junmyeon says with an amused grin, reaching up to ruffle Jongin’s hair. Jongin laughs, shoving at him, and files this method away to use the next time Junmyeon oversleeps.

one last time / kaiyeol / pg / 1288 words / prompt / this broke my heart to write lol but i write...more…

“You look great,” Chanyeol says, slipping into the room and closing the door behind him. Jongin turns from where he’s standing in front of the full-length mirror and gives him a small smile. It doesn’t quite meet his eyes.

“Thanks,” Jongin says, fiddling with the collar of his suit and turning back to the mirror.

Chanyeol walks towards him slowly, taking in his appearance. The black suit fits his frame perfectly and his dark hair is styled up from his face. He looks gorgeous as usual, even if his shoulders are stiff and his lips are pulled into a tight frown. As Chanyeol stands beside him, Jongin flicks his eyes up to look at him through the mirror but then drops his gaze just as quickly. Chanyeol’s heart aches so, so much, and the night has only just started.

He pushes the feeling away because it’s not important. There’s nothing he can do about it, anyway. He catches Jongin struggling with his tie that’s come undone and Chanyeol reaches out to help. “Let me,” he says softly and Jongin looks like he’d rather run than let Chanyeol fix it, but in the end just turns so Chanyeol has better access.

Chanyeol stares at the black tie in his hands and not on Jongin’s face even though he can feel Jongin watching him, maybe memorizing his face for the last time. The thought makes Chanyeol’s hands shake a bit and he’s doing everything he told himself he wouldn’t. He was supposed to be strong. He was supposed to keep his feelings locked up in a little cage. He was supposed to plaster a smile on his face and tell Jongin everything will be okay. That’s it’s better this way, in the long run.

Instead he’s already falling apart, itching to draw Jongin close to his chest and hold him tightly and never let go. He wants to kiss the frown off his face and replace it with that big, stunning smile that Chanyeol loves. He wants to take Jongin’s hand and just walk right out of here before anyone sees.

Except none of that is possible, and all he can do is smile as he straightens out Jongin’s tie and steps back. “There,” he says, dropping his hands and still not meeting Jongin’s eyes. Jongin turns toward the mirror again to check on his appearance and Chanyeol doesn’t think he can hide the pain any longer. He’s seconds away from turning on his heel and walking out, when Jongin catches his wrist, soft, familiar fingers wrapping around and holding on tight. “What--” his voice comes out strangled, “what are you doing?”

“I hate this,” Jongin says, speaking more to their shoes than to Chanyeol himself. “I hate this so much, I can’t do it, I can’t--”

This isn’t what Chanyeol wants to hear. They’ve had this conversation before. Chanyeol tries to tug his hand out of Jongin’s, but he only grips on tighter. “Jongin,” he says, “stop.”

“No,” Jongin says petulantly, and he steps a little closer. He finally looks up at Chanyeol and his eyes are blazing, a mix of anger and sadness that Chanyeol feels in his own heart. “No, how can you be so calm? How can you just stand--stand there and not want to yell and--”

“Because we already have,” Chanyeol says and he doesn’t hesitate now to pull Jongin into a hug. Not because he wants to feel Jongin close again like he hasn’t in over a month, since they decided, but because Jongin needs it, the comforting, the strength. “You know this hurts me as much is does you.”

“Then why?” Jongin exclaims, shoving him away. “Why did we agree to this? I don’t want to get fucking married, I don’t want--”

“It’s the best for you,” Chanyeol says as firmly as he can. It’s what he’s been telling himself every morning. “Best for your future, for your family, for your company--”

“It’s not even my company,” Jongin spits, but he’s calmed down considerably. He’s still holding onto Chanyeol’s wrist like it’s an anchor, while to Chanyeol it feels like the iceberg he’s crashed into because he’s quite sure he’s drowning.

“It will be,” Chanyeol says. “It will be, and then you’ll get to boss all those peasants around while you set up a PS3 in your office and play video games.”

Jongin snorts, his lips twitching just slightly into a smile, and Chanyeol can breath again a bit at that. “That’s a good idea,” he says.

“I’m full of good ideas,” Chanyeol replies with a tiny laugh. He hopes it doesn’t sounds as hollow to Jongin as it does to him.

Jongin looks back up at him now, and the fiery anger has mostly faded from his features. There’s still the lingering unhappiness, the downward turn of his lips again and the lifelessness of his usually bright, beautiful eyes. Chanyeol thinks he must look the same. Jongin sighs and steps up to him again, releasing his wrist to instead slip his arms around Chanyeol’s waist, fingers clutching to the back of his suit as he clings to him.

“Jongin--” Chanyeol gasps, suddenly tense, but Jongin just leans his head against his chest and whispers, “Please, please just let me have this.”

Chanyeol should push him away, shouldn’t give in, but his arms are already moving to hug Jongin back, tugging him into him even closer. He blinks back the prickling of tears behind his eyes because he promised himself, no matter what, he wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t fucking cry. Jongin, he thinks, isn’t doing quite as well, the tiny sniffling noises only making Chanyeol’s heart break for what must be the hundredth time just that day.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers into Jongin’s hair and Jongin shakes his head.

“I love you,” Jongin says, muffled into Chanyeol’s chest. “I will always fucking love you, you idiot.”

Chanyeol’s laugh sounds more like a choked sob. He squeezes Jongin tighter and replies, “I love you too, Jongin.” The words feel like an ending, today. He takes a deep breath and gently pushes Jongin away. “Now stop crying into my suit. This is fucking Armani.”

Jongin shoves at him again, retreating and hiding his face. “I’m not crying,” he says, but his voice catches and Chanyeol doesn’t have the heart to tease him anymore. Chanyeol doesn’t think he has the heart for anything right now, least of all Jongin’s wedding to Soojung.

So he stuffs his hands into his pockets and offers Jongin, his boyfriend for nearly four years, the brightest smile he can possibly manage. “Take care, Jongin,” he says, and the watery-eyed smile that Jongin returns will be etched into his mind for the rest of his life.

Chanyeol walks out without another word and he doesn’t look back. He keeps walking straight out of the building, darting around Baekhyun who greets him cheerfully and the doors to the beautiful chapel where the ceremony will take place. He walks straight out into the chilly autumn morning air and only then does he finally breathe, taking in large, painful gulps of air that does nothing to mask the ache in his chest.

It takes him awhile to calm down enough to walk back inside, and by then he feels a little numb, like nothing can hurt him any longer. He stands in an aisle and watches as Jongin, the only person he has ever truly loved, marry the daughter of Jongin’s father’s business partner. Baekhyun stands next to him and squeezes his hand but Chanyeol doesn’t feel it through his numbed state. And when Jongin leans over to kiss his new wife, Chanyeol clenches his eyes shut tight and still does not cry.

morning after / kaiyeol / r / 820 words / prompt

Chanyeol is careful not to be too loud as he stretches his arms over his head and gently works the kinks out of his body. A big yawn overcomes him and he covers his mouth, rubs at his eyes with his other hand and then sinks back into the bed with a satisfied sigh. It's early, the sun peeking through under the curtains and up onto the sheets in a lanes of light.

Chanyeol rolls over onto his side, props his head onto his palm and looks over at his sleeping boyfriend with a slow smile pulling at his lips.

Jongin's soft brown hair falls into his face, hiding his closed eyes from view. His mouth is parted just barely, and one hand is clenched into his pillowcase.

Staring at him like this, he looks young and soft in sleep, not the fierce and eager Jongin that Chanyeol got to experience last night. He grins, thinking about it, because he's been wanting to be with Jongin for a long time. finally having sex and going all the way, it was more than Chanyeol ever imagined. They'd fooled around many times before then, of course, catching bruising kisses in between classes, grinding together in the dark corner of a club in the city. Jongin gives amazing fucking blowjobs, and Chanyeol still remembers the first time he'd sunk to his knees in Junmyeon's kitchen with Chanyeol pushed up against the fridge, while their friends were just a few feet away.

He'd sucked him off last night, too, with Chanyeol's hands fisted in his hair and Chanyeol's dick heavy on his hot, wet tongue. that was before Jongin had pushed the tube of lubricant into his hand and whispered, "Fuck me," into his ear. And he had, yanking Jongin into his lap and pushing a finger in, then two.

Chanyeol swallows, thinking about it now, how good Jongin had felt as he'd lowered himself down onto his cock. So tight, and hot, and nothing like Chanyeol had ever felt before. He sighs, trying to will the beginnings of arousal away. Jongin is still sleeping and it's the worst time to get an erection when he can't even have Jongin to help him out.

He reaches over and gently slides his fingers down the slope of Jongin's bare back. his skin is warm under his fingertips, a little sweaty from the unrelenting summer heat. Chanyeol feels a little too hot now, too, licking his dry lips and itching for something to drink. He should stop thinking about last night and how fucking perfect it was, because it's not helping him at all. He wants it to happen again, wants to feel Jongin all around him, the way his fingernails dug into his skin as he rocked his hips in his lap, how his teeth scraped at his earlobe, hot harsh breaths clinging to the side of his neck.

"Shit," Chanyeol grumbles, shaking his head a bit to clear the thoughts. His hand absentmindedly slides over Jongin's ass. He'd tugged back on his boxers before sleeping and Chanyeol would like to just pull them off, maybe slip his fingers inside him again, see if he's still stretched open his from his cock last night.

Of course, that's when Jongin stirs, making a noise like a rudely awoken puppy, and he pushes his face into his pillow from side to side a few times. Chanyeol is so charmed. The smile on his face grows wider.

When Jongin finally opens his eyes, he blinks for a minute and stares at Chanyeol like he doesn't know who he is. Then he smiles sleepily, rubs the heel of his palm against his eyes.

"Hi," he says, he sounds ruffled and adorable and Chanyeol wants to push him over and kiss him.

So he does, ignoring Jongin's surprised squawk in favor of sliding his mouth against Jongin's full lips. Jongin moans and Chanyeol's not sure if it's because of his great skills or out of protest, but then Jongin is pushing him away and Chanyeol's ego deflates a little.

"Let me brush my teeth first, jesus," Jongin says, but he doesn't sound angry, just exasperated.
Chanyeol doesn't think he can wait that long, and he ruts his hips against Jongin's thigh and Jongin's eyes go round.

"Oh," Jongin says, slowly smirking. "I see."

"Sorry," Chanyeol says, feeling like he needs to explain, "I was just thinking. about last night. and--"

Jongin cuts him off with a quick press of his lips to Chanyeol's. "Last night," he says softly, and Chanyeol groans because Jongin's slid his hand between their bodies and taken his half-hard cock in hand, "was amazing." he laughs against Chanyeol's chin. "We should continue where we left off."

"Yes," Chanyeol agrees, attaching his lips to Jongin's collarbone and pushing up into his hand. he grasps Jongin's hip and fists his other hand into his hair, "we really should."

pretending to be married / kaiyeol / pg / 729 words

Make it believable, Jongin’s father said, his only bit of advice after the meeting that morning. He doesn’t know if he’s fulfilling on that at all, too busy being distracted by how close Chanyeol stands next to him, how easily he slips a hand onto Jongin’s waist, almost possessively, when they stop by to greet another guest.

It’s only for a few months, once the major business deal both their fathers are pushing to get through. a few months pretending that he’s married to Chanyeol and making everyone believe it, too.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol whispers into his ear, startling Jongin because he’s so close. When Jongin turns to him, Chanyeol’s gaze is full of concern and he’s pretty sure everyone is convinced by him. Jongin, however, is not a very good actor.

“I’m fine,” he says, and the corner of Chanyeol’s lips quirk up like he knows Jongin is not. It’s a look Jongin has seen many times before but never this close, never under these circumstances. he sighs as Chanyeol tugs him away, hand curling around Jongin’s wrist, his fingers so very warm even through the sleeve of Jongin’s suit. “This is too weird,” Jongin whispers to him as they stop at the bar. “Why do you look so calm about everything?”

Chanyeol laughs, ordering two drinks from the bartender before turning back to Jongin. “I’m not calm, really. We just don’t have a choice, so it’s easier to go with it than to complain,” Chanyeol says. he smiles down at Jongin who feels suddenly flustered, his mind continuously running back to the fact that Chanyeol isn’t supposed to just be his friend, someone he’s known for most of his life and has seen at his best and his worst. He’s supposed to be his husband and Jongin has to make it obvious that he loves him, but Jongin doesn’t know that he can.

“Don’t think too much,” Chanyeol says, nudging Jongin’s shoulder with his, and his smile widens. “We’ll get through it. Besides, you’re totally lucky to be in a fake-marriage with me, I’d make an amazing husband.”

Jongin snorts. “Oh yeah?” he says, amused. “You can barely do your own laundry.”

“You say that like you don’t have maids to take care of yours for you either,” Chanyeol retorts and Jongin pouts in annoyance. The bartender stops back with their drinks and Chanyeol hands a glass to Jongin who takes it gratefully. A little alcohol is the only way he’ll get through the night.

And he’s definitely right when Junmyeon and Yifan find them, ordering drinks and congratulating them on the marriage.

“We almost couldn’t believe it,” Junmyeon says. “But I saw you earlier and you both look so cute together.”

“It’s definitely a good match,” Yifan agrees. “And I’m sure your parents are pleased, as it helps both your companies.”

Jongin thinks that’s definitely an understatement and he drinks some more to keep from saying something potentially stupid. Chanyeol’s arm has found its way back around his waist and Jongin is getting used it, somehow even finding it comforting among all the fake smiles and pretending.

“Well, that was definitely a bonus,” Chanyeol laughs, squeezing Jongin closer to him. “But you know, our love for each other is more important than any of that. Right, Jongin?”

Jongin nods automatically, and smiles up at Chanyeol in what he hopes looks genuine. “Of course,” he replies, reaching out his free hand to lightly touch Chanyeol’s arm. Before Jongin can turn away, steer the subject off to something much safer, Chanyeol leans in and kisses him on the mouth. It probably last no more than a second but to Jongin it feels like hours, his mind nearly short-circuiting in surprise, while his heart threatens to beat right through his chest. When Chanyeol pulls back he’s grinning and doesn’t say anything about it at all, simply shifting his attention to Yifan to ask him about getting lunch on monday, and Jongin catches the amused grin on Junmyeon’s face.

Jongin ducks his head and sips on his drink and tries so very hard not to think about Chanyeol’s arm around him or the full, soft press of his lips against his and why it made his heart race so fast. the next few months are going to be the longest of his life.

accidental baby acquisition / seyeol / g / 543 words

There a quite a few things Sehun has come to expect when he gets home. Chanyeol yelling at the television through a game of halo, dinner burning on the stove, and laundry piling up in a corner of their bedroom. Sehun even expects sometimes to find Jongin on the couch playing with Chanyeol, or week-old dishes in the sink, or even Chanyeol napping naked in their bed when Sehun walks in to change out of his clothes.

What Sehun doesn’t expect that monday night after a very, very long day of fashion photoshoots and irritating hairstylists is a baby on their coffee table.

Sehun stops in his tracks, slowly lowering his shirt which he’d started to remove after he’d gotten off his shoes. He stares at the baby resting idly in a blue carrier. The baby gurgles up at him and gives a toothless smile. Sehun’s heart almost melts. almost. He’s still stuck on the fact that a baby is sitting on his coffee table.

“Chanyeol?” he calls out, trying to keep his voice low enough that he doesn’t startle the baby. “Why is there a baby on our coffee table?”

Chanyeol stumbles out of the bathroom, wiping hands on his jeans and grinning like there is nothing wrong with the situation. “Hey you’re home,” he says, swooping in to give Sehun a kiss on the cheek. “How was work?”

Sehun shoves him away. “You’re ignoring my question,” he says. “Baby. How. Why. Explain.”

“It’s not mine or anything!” Chanyeol exclaims.

“I’m not sure if that’s comforting or not. how did it get here? Who’s is it?”

“I don’t know.”

Sehun blinks slowly, drags his gaze away from the (admittedly cute) baby towards his boyfriend. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Ifound him. Her. I’m not sure actually I haven’t checked.” Chanyeol swallows when Sehun narrows his eyes. “It was sitting outside on our doorstep. Like someone just left it there.”

Now Sehun’s heart does melt. He looks back at the baby, crouches down to get eye-level with it and reaches a finger out to gently poke its nose. The baby blinks and gurgles again and thankfully doesn’t cry. “Who would leave a baby on someone’s doorstep?” Sehun says, growing worried.

“Someone who didn’t want it,” Chanyeol sighs and he kneels beside Sehun to peer at the baby too, wraps an arm around Sehun’s waist. “Can we keep it?”

“It’s not a pet, we can’t just--” Sehun exclaims, his voice going a little high-pitched in hysteria. and maybe it’s the frantic look on his face or the sound of his voice that makes the baby suddenly screech, like it knows Sehun is upset.

“Oh no,” Chanyeol says, reacting faster and pulling the baby out of its carrier to awkwardly cradle it in his arms. Sehun sighs, sagging against the coffee table as he watches Chanyeol rock the baby side to side and murmur soothingly at it. The baby looks even smaller against Chanyeol’s tall frame. Warmth fills his chest at the sight, even through his lingering panic, and he offers Chanyeol a small smile when he glances at him.

“I guess we can watch it for the night and figure out what to do tomorrow,” Sehun says finally and Chanyeol beams.

secretly a virgin / baekris / pg-13 / 1314 words / someday i might continue this one…

Wu Fan knows he’s got a good thing going on with Baekhyun. Even after nearly four months of dating he’s always pleasantly surprised by how well they fit together. Baekhyun’s excitable, outgoing personality the perfect complement to Wu Fan’s slightly more reserved, quiet nature. Baekhyun brings a lot of energy into his life that Wu Fan doesn’t get from a mediocre 9 to 5 job. But coming home every night to Baekhyun singing loudly in the kitchen or wreaking havoc in form of suddenly deciding Wu Fan’s bedroom needs new paint or accidentally-on-purpose putting a red sock in with Wu Fan’s whites just to snicker at him, all of that makes Wu Fan’s heart swell a bit because it feels right. With Baekhyun, everything seems to slide right into place.

Which is why Wu Fan just knows something is bound to eventually go wrong. Namely because this whole dating a guy thing is something that Wu Fan is really, really inexperienced in.

Wu Fan has been pretty good about keeping the whole thing a secret. He and Baekhyun haven’t gotten too far yet anyway, mostly fooling around when they get the chance to see each other. Baekhyun’s much more busier schedule as a fashion designer makes more late night visits and sneaking around during Wu Fan’s lunch break.

And after an especially long week where mere phone calls and texts had to suffice, Wu Fan is really glad to see Baekhyun at his door friday night, looking tired but impeccable. His eyeliner is a little smudged but his grin is vibrant and he loops his arms around Wu Fan’s neck and lets Wu Fan pull him up into a kiss.

“How was the show?” Wu Fan asks him, shutting the door behind Baekhyun with his foot and letting Baekhyun manhandle him towards his room. He laughs, “I guess we’ll eat later then.”

“I haven’t seen you in a week and you’re thinking about food?” Baekhyun mutters into his lips. He pushes Wu Fan down onto his bed and climbs on top of him, shrugging out of his leather jacket and pulling off the long gold chain around his neck. He sets it onto the bedside table and slides his hands up Wu Fan’s chest.

From there it’s easy, falling into the usual push and pull of Baekhyun’s lips against his, Baekhyun’s thigh pressed in between his legs, Baekhyun’s slim fingers slipping under his shirt. His hair feels a little dry from hairspray as Wu Fan runs his hands through them but his skin is warm and soft as always. It’s like no time at all has passed since they were together last.

But Wu Fan can tell from Baekhyun’s hitched gasps and the desperate way he grinds down against him that this is one of those times when Baekhyun seems ready to go a step further. When Wu Fan makes up a hurried excuse just to distract him long enough to maybe jerk each other off and not take things to the next level. So when Baekhyun undoes his jeans and then reaches for the side table muttering, “Do you have lube? Condoms?” under his breath, Wu Fan panics.

“Are-Are you sure you’re not hungry?” Wu Fan asks, louder than he means to. He pushes Baekhyun away with a hand pressed firmly against his chest and Baekhyun stops his search to slowly move back.

He’s looking at Wu Fan like he’s some kind of zoo animal, one eyebrow arched. “I’m practically grinding on you and you’re still thinking about food?”

Wu Fan feels an embarrassed flush climbing up his neck. “It’s just--we haven’t--it’s been a week and I thought, it’d be nice, you know, to just...sit down and relax f-first.”

Baekhyun continues to stare at him like he’s insane, even though Baekhyun’s hair is stuck up all over the place and his button-up shirt is halfway undone and hanging off one shoulder. Then he laughs, leaning down to cup Wu Fan’s face in his hands and kiss him. “We can do that later,” he says and Wu Fan groans internally, tries to push Baekhyun away again.

“Wait, just, I’m hungry, i think we should eat right now,” Wu Fan tries as a last attempt and when Baekhyun suddenly sags down against his chest, he thinks maybe he’s won.

Then Baekhyun mumbles into his neck, “Do you like, not want to have sex with me or something?”

Wu Fan starts so much he practically knocks Baekhyun off the bed, sitting up quickly and exclaiming, “What? No!”

“Then are you seeing someone else maybe? Getting satisfied elsewhere and that’s why every time we get close you back away?” Baekhyun questions and he looks rather wounded, lower lip jutting out just slightly and eyes staring down at his lap instead of at Wu Fan’s face. Baekhyun is rarely like this and it makes Wu Fan’s chest ache a bit, even though his mind is racing from the fact that Baekhyun has noticed, all this time, when Wu Fan had been trying to be so discreet.

“I’m not seeing anyone, I swear,” Wu Fan says, pulling Baekhyun’s chin up to look up at him.

“Are you waiting for some super special day when you take me out on a date and ask me if we can ~make love~?”

Wu Fan snorts and shakes his head. “C’mon, I might be a romantic but I’m not that bad.”

His attempt at lightening Baekhyun’s mood up doesn’t seem to seem to work because his brows furrow and his lips press into a thin line like it does whenever he’s angry. “Then what?” Baekhyun demands. “We’ve been together for months and it’s not like we have to fuck or anything but, you know, it’d be nice, I mean I really like you and--”

Wu Fan cuts him off with a quick kiss, tugging Baekhyun in close until Baekhyun relaxes, slowly sliding his arms around his back. And this is definitely not how Wu Fan wanted to admit to this, but he doesn’t think he really has any way around it anymore. He pulls away and gently combs down Baekhyun’s tangled hair and says, not quite meeting his eyes, “I...haven’t done this before.”

A long stretch of silence follows his statement and he glances up to see Baekhyun’s shocked face. “What?” he asks when he finally seems to find his voice.

“I’ve never had sex with a guy,” Wu Fan says in one breath.

“Oh,” Baekhyun says. “Oh.” He laughs softly and Wu Fan can tell it’s not mocking. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

Wu Fan shrugs. “I don’t know,” he mutters as Baekhyun traces his fingers down along his cheek and up into his hair. It’s soothing and Wu Fan can practically feel his anxious heart rate slow down.

“You didn’t have to be embarrassed about it,” Baekhyun says. “Now that I know, it’s really kinda hot.” His fingers squeeze the back of Wu Fan’s neck and he leans in to speak against his lips. “I’m glad i get to be your first.”

“You mean if i let you,” Wu Fan teases but he feels so much better now that Baekhyun knows.

“You will,” Baekhyun replies cockily, “I’ve been told I’m good.”

Wu Fan scrunches up his face. “Do not want to hear about any of that,” he growls, catching Baekhyun’s lower lip between his teeth and slowly easing into a kiss.

Baekhyun chuckles into his mouth, and then asks, “So can I fuck you?”

Wu Fan’s breath catches in his throat and he nods quickly instead. “Yes,” he manages to choke out, “Yes.”

“Good,” Baekhyun says, kissing him soundly on the lips once more before sliding off the bed and tugging Wu Fan up with him. “But I think you’re right, let’s eat first.”

high school au / kaiyeol / g / 669 words

Jongin hears the creak of the door to the rooftop, then footsteps slowly walking towards him. He knows who it is without even turning to look, he doesn’t even bother opening his eyes, continuing to rest on his back, head pillowed his his hands.

“There you are,” Chanyeol says, deep voice curling warm in his heart and tugging a small smile at Jongin’s lips. “Class starts in like ten minutes, you know.”

“And yet you’re up here, too,” Jongin replies. There’s a soft shuffling sound and then a low sigh as Chanyeol undoubtedly lies down next to him.

“Had to come find you and make sure you weren’t late,” Chanyeol replies. “Remember our teacher said you’d get detention again if you were.”

“Who cares,” Jongin mutters even though he knows his parents will probably ground him for a week if he brings back another detention slip. “And since when do you care about me getting detentions? You usually try to get me into detention.”

“Yeah because that’s fun,” Chanyeol laughs. “Like the time I called your phone in the middle of math and--”

“Shut up!” Jongin exclaims, eyes flying open as he turns and smacks Chanyeol’s repeatedly in the chest. Chanyeol’s laughs get louder and he curls over, batting Jongin’s hand away with both of his. “I thought we said to never talk about that again,” he says, cringing from the memory of how Chanyeol had secretly taken his phone earlier to make his ringtone a very incriminating recording of Jongin bitching about their teacher when he’d been drunk. He’d gotten a week’s worth of detention for that and after two days of Jongin resolutely ignoring Chanyeol, Chanyeol made it up to him by buying him chicken for lunch for the rest of the week. But that doesn’t mean he’s completely forgiven him - even if he did get Chanyeol back for it later.

“It’s just a very fond memory of mine,” Chanyeol says, an amused lilt to his voice that makes Jongin smack him once more for good measure. Chanyeol exaggeratedly whines but Jongin ignores him, turning away and closing his eyes again.

The early morning sunlight is warm on his face and the cool autumn breeze glides through his hair and Jongin enjoys the quiet up here. There’s still the perpetual chatter of students but faded a bit, up on the roof than down in the halls. He comes up here most mornings to relax, sometimes with Chanyeol, sometimes just on his own.

Chanyeol doesn’t find it as necessary as Jongin does, because Chanyeol likes the noise and chatter of high school classrooms, always the center of attention and happy that way. But he meets Jongin up here most mornings and they sit together in comfortable silence or Chanyeol naps with his head in Jongin’s lap during lunch. Chanyeol likes to call it “their place” even though anyone in the school can get up here, and Jongin secretly likes it.

He peers his eyes open, casting his gaze sideways toward Chanyeol who is cleaning the lenses on his glasses with his sleeve, brows furrowed cutely. Once he’s put them back on, Jongin rolls over onto him, laughing at Chanyeol’s immediate oof.

Jongin grins down at him and Chanyeol returns it, hands sliding up Jongin’s back. “Ready for another day?” he ask and Jongin laughs again.

He takes Chanyeol’s face in his hands and leans down to kiss him softly then pulls away, up to his feet. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” he replies, stretching his arms over his head and dropping them with a contented sigh. Chanyeol stands, grabbing both their bags and handing over Jongin’s before he drops an arm around Jongin’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry,” he says as they head down the stairs. “I don’t have any embarrassing pranks planned for you today.”

“Oh that’s good,” Jongin says, smirking, “because I do,” and he pecks Chanyeol on the cheek and darts away with a laugh before Chanyeol can react.

note: i hope you enjoyed even one of these!! thank you for reading~~ (=^・^=)

p: suho/kai, p: sehun/chanyeol, p: baekhyun/kris, type: drabble, type: fanfiction, g: exo, p: kai/chanyeol

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