fic; six fics, various pairings

Aug 03, 2009 15:05

Here are six more fics. D: And then two more to come in the last post. DD:

Title: Prank King
Pairing/Characters: Ueda, Jin, KAT-TUN
Rating: PG
Note: 1402 words. For pipsqueaks. Prompt: cellphone

Ueda’s not one to get too involved in KAT-TUN’s pranks and lately that’s all KAT-TUN has been doing - pranking one another. It’s fun to watch as long as he’s not on the receiving end, and sometimes he’ll help out Kame or Maru or Koki when they ask, but Ueda doesn’t directly come up with a prank on his own. But then Jin thought it was funny to hide Ueda’s hair straightener for a day and Ueda got bitched out by the photographer for having frizzy hair. He ignored it, forgave it, but then Jin “misplaced” his lyrics notebook, and after that switched out his shampoo with honey.

So of course this means war. And Ueda is going to come up with something good to get Jin back.

He steals Jin’s phone. And the idiot doesn’t even notice. Which kind of puts a damper on the whole thing because it’s no fun if Jin’s not flailing about the place searching for his phone, but Ueda keeps it in case (because he has a running bet with Koki over how long it’ll take Jin to realize it’s gone.)

Ueda passes time by checking Jin’s phone, looking through the contacts and his messages and feeling a little more than scarred for life after reading all of the messages from Yamapi. He’s thinking maybe he should return Jin’s phone after all when said device beeps in his hand and informs him he has text from none other than Yamapi himself.

Curiosity gets the better of him so Ueda reads it.

Jin, still meeting up for dinner tonight, right? I’ll wait for you out by the back exit.

Ueda frowns; how boring, he thinks. He glances at Jin who’s sleeping on the couch and then gets an idea. Of course, the best way to mess with Jin by taking his phone is by actually using it - why didn’t he think of that before?

He ponders for a moment and then types back: Okay, see you then! :D

Ten minutes later when Jin wakes up, Ueda tells him, “You don’t have to meet Yamashita-kun for dinner tonight anymore. He came by and said he had to cancel.”

Jin tilts his head at him and Ueda keeps his expression blank. Then Jin shrugs. “Okay, thanks, Uebo.” He leaves to get some coffee, doesn’t even check if he has his phone.

Ueda grins and pulls out the device again, flipping through the contacts. He hovers over Matsujun’s name and after a while finally sends him a message. Five minutes later Jin stomps back to the dressing room, sopping with with coffee stains on his shirt, shrieking about how Matsujun had told him to fuck off about unsolicited comments on his hair and that it did not make him look like a monkey thankyouverymuch and even though Jin had no idea what he was talking about, Matsujun had glared at him menancingly and poured scalding hot coffee all over him with with the parting words that juniors should know their place.

Ueda tries to look sympathetic in the corner.

Halfway through the day Jin’s phone gets another message, this one from Ryo. After Ueda gags on nothing just from seeing the name, he opens the message and reads:

You need to give me a lift home, Bakanishi. And you’d better not go home without taking me.

Ueda vaguely remembers something about Ryo’s license suspension and sends back, What’s in it for me, skinny monkey?

Ryo’s response is instant: I’ll let you live until tomorrow.

Ueda wonders how Jin can be friends with this psycho. Instead of taking out his aggression via text (physical contact is so much better), he replies with, Then you can walk for all I care.

Apparently this type of conversation is normal between the two of them because Ryo replies, I think you’re the one who needs the walk, Akanishi. Lose those extra pounds.

Ueda tries not to laugh as he sends back, Right, so I’ll walk and you can borrow my car.

So you can be a genius sometimes, Ryo says. I’ll be out front at seven, don’t be late.

Can’t, actually. Going to dinner with Pi.

Say that in the first place you fucking idiot. Useless.

Ueda grins as he flips the phone shut and then remembers who he just had a conversation with and the look on his face drops, stomach churning with displeasure. “Fucking Nishikido,” he mutters.

“What?” Jin says, peering curiously at Ueda who jumps and shakes his head quickly.

“Nothing,” he insists and Jin shrugs and goes to bother someone else.

As the day continues, Ueda goes through almost everyone on Jin’s contacts list (well, everyone he knows by name at least) and sends them all a text that says he’s thinking about selling his car and would love to inquire on those interested. He also sends Nishiyama Maki a message saying he’d love to meet with her again (even though it’s been awhile and that he’s so sorry) and Ueda nearly convulses in fits of laughter when she actually replies back and says to meet him at a café after work tomorrow and asks if he still has the matching necklace.

By the end of the day, Ueda tucks Jin’s phone back into his bag like it was there the whole time. Ueda’s smirking deviously as they part ways and waits for tomorrow to come.

“I don’t know what happened!” Jin is shouting when Ueda arrives the next day. “Pi’s angry with him because I forgot to go meet him for dinner and Ryo-chan is angry that I forgot because I was supposed to take him home and Maki-chan keeps texting me about the matching necklaces because I never told her if I kept it but I have no idea what she or Ryo or Pi are talking about because I don’t remember making these promises!”

He finally stops to take a breath, but then launches right in to whine some more. “And-And people keep calling about my car but I’m not selling it and I don’t know where they heard that from and Shirota called because he heard that I was in a leaked porno that’s surfacing the internet and Matsujun is still pissed because of that comment about his hair that I never even made and-”

“Jin, calm down,” Koki says, cutting across Jin’s rant.

Jin rounds on him, eyes wide and wild. “I-I can’t! I’m so confused! I don’t know how any of this happened!”

Ueda covers up a snicker with a cough. Kame notices and Ueda quickly looks away.

“I think you should ask Ueda,” Kame says, smirking.

Ueda glares at him but then Jin flails over and grabs Ueda by the shoulders, shakes him a little and exclaims, “Uebo, do you know something? Wh-What is it?”

Ueda sighs, takes pity on him. “Jin, it was prank,” he says. When Jin just looks at him blankly he continues, “I took your phone yesterday and sent all of those messages to your friends.”

Jin’s eyes widen. “W-What! You-You did that? You’re the one that made Pi and Ryo-chan angry with me and my crazy ex-girlfriend message me again and kept me awake because people kept calling to find out about my car and my sex tape?”

Ueda winces - hearing it like that makes it seem a little harsh. He nods, but then he realizes the look on Jin’s face is not of anger but of awe. “Jin?” he says carefully, confused.

“That was the best prank ever, Uebo!” Jin exclaims. “You are the…the…Prank King.”

Ueda feels like he’s been hit by a bus; this is not the response he expected.

But before he can do anything about it Jin says, “I’ve got to come up with an even better prank!” He gasps. “I’ve got to go tell Pi!” he exclaims and then without another word runs out of the door.

Ueda blinks after him in bewilderment, then collapses onto the closest couch. Kame laughs, pats his shoulder and says, “So, Prank King, what’s your next move?”

Ueda groans. “Maybe I can prank him off a cliff,” he muses and Koki muses, “We can help with that.”

And as the others start discussing on ideas they could use for just that, Ueda thinks that maybe he’s not quite ready to give up his new title - after all, Prank King Ueda has a pretty nice ring to it.


Title: Victory
Pairing: Yamapi/Kusano
Rating: NC-17
Note: 1360 words. For crystallekil.

“Hey, thanks for coming on such short notice,” Yamapi says, greeting the younger boy as he walks into the gym.

Kusano grins, pushes his sunglasses up to rest on his head. “No problem,” he says. “Anything for my ex-leader.”

Yamapi laughs, leads the way towards the locker rooms. “So Jin says you played basketball a lot in New York.”

Kusano nods and dumps his things into an available locker. “I’m pretty good. So you called the right person.”

“I just need more practice. You know, so it doesn’t seem so methodical when I film,” Yamapi explains as he walks towards the basketball court.

“Is there anything you’re having trouble with?” Kusano says, heading straight for the bin with the basketballs and pulling one out.

“Shooting,” Yamapi says. “My aim isn’t very good.”

Kusano nods again, bounces the ball a few times then shoots towards the closer hoop. It arches perfectly in the air and falls through with a swoosh of net. He grins at Yamapi who looks awed. “So,” he says, jogging over to get the ball. “We can play one of those lame shooting games to work on your aim, and the loser has to buy dinner. Or we can play a one-on-one game and loser still has to buy dinner.”

Yamapi smirks, walking over and successfully sneaking the ball out from where Kusano was dribbling it by his side. “I think we’ll go for the one-on-one,” he says, and quickly heads down the court, Kusano shouting a “Hey!” after him before following.

Yamapi quickly learns he’s in for it because Kusano scores a few shots within the first five minutes of their game. He thinks maybe he should have found a friend who’s no good at basketball because it’d at least make him feel better and not have to shell out cash for dinner (though he probably would have paid for them both without the deal on the table). But he does know that Kusano’s not going easy on him, actually trying to help him improve, and Yamapi knows that’s more than what his trainer has been doing so far. He’s just an idol, they think, not meant for actual physical labor that isn’t posing for photo shoots or dancing.

So even though Kusano’s winning, a triumphant gleam in his eyes as he says, “I think I want yakiniku for dinner. What do you say?” Yamapi can’t help but be glad Kusano came to help him out.

He grins, dribbling the ball past Kusano, and replies, “I think you shouldn’t get so ahead of yourself.” He aims and shoots and cheers when the ball meets net. He flashes a grin to Kusano who just smirks and gets the ball back before it rolls away.

“We’ll see about that,” he says and they start up again.

Yamapi’s trainer said he was best at blocking, though as the lead of his drama, blocking isn’t what he needs to know how to do. But it does come up helpful right now because he’s able to keep Kusano away from the hoop, but he doesn’t expect Kusano to fight dirty. He nudges Yamapi in the ribs and in the second Yamapi heaves, spins on his feet and passes around him and manages to make another shot. Yamapi glares while Kusano breaks out into an impromptu victory dance, shooting Yamapi a bright grin and a peace sign.

“You’ll pay for that one,” Yamapi says, his glare now mocking as he pretends to be hurt, rubbing his side.

Kusano tosses him the ball with a smirk and the game continues. Kusano is good at blocking, too, which doesn’t help Yamapi much in scoring more points - he’s still losing and if he doesn’t turn the tables around soon, he’ll be treating the younger boy to yakiniku. And he’s so preoccupied with not wanting to lose that he ends up losing his balance when Kusano snakes the ball away from him, sending Yamapi crashing to the floor and bringing Kusano with him. The ball slips out of his hands and bounces away, echoing in the court as Yamapi groans, blinking his eyes open and wincing.

Then he realizes he’s on his back, Kusano pushing himself up on his hands, straddling his hips and his eyes go wide. Something catches in his throat and he stammers quickly, “I-I’m sorry.”

Kusano meets his eyes from behind his bangs, and licks his lips surreptitiously, Yamapi‘s eyes following the movement of his tongue, only looking away quickly when he realizes what he‘s doing, a blush sweeping up his neck. Kusano smirks, says, “I’m not,” and Yamapi’s eyes dart back to look at him.

“Wha--” he starts but then there’s no room for speaking because Kusano’s got his tongue in his mouth and is doing wicked things. But just as Yamapi starts to get into it, Kusano pulls away, licking his lips again and this time Yamapi doesn’t look away. “Uhm,” he says eventually, after his brain decides to function again. “What was that?”

Kusano shrugs. “Well, you should pay me back for helping you today, don’t you think?” he says so easily Yamapi wonders if this was some kind of hidden agenda.

“I thought that’s what the yakiniku was for,” Yamapi replies.

“Forget the yakiniku,” Kusano suggests and when he finds Yamapi’s mouth again, Yamapi does.

Somewhere in the fuzziness of Yamapi’s mind he thinks they should probably move, because even though this is a private gym, the court is open to anyone who chooses to come play. It doesn’t help that Kusano’s grinding against him with intent, hands relocating to his hips. And even though it pains him, Yamapi pulls away just long enough to gasp, “Locker room.”

“People there, too,” Kusano says. “Bleachers.”

They scramble behind the bleachers, Kusano pushing Yamapi up against the wall and finding his mouth again, hand pulling at shirts until they make their way to the floor.

“This brings back high school memories,” Kusano muses with a low chuckle, breath ghosting along Yamapi’s jaw.

Yamapi glares a little, jealousy searing in his veins, replies, “Forget those memories,” and Kusano smirks, understanding.

“Forgotten,” he assures, and Yamapi’s lips curve in a smile before pulling Kusano back in for another kiss.

It’s rushed and exhilarating, more about just reaching that peak together than any of the actual feelings - but Yamapi knows this wouldn’t be the same were it anyone else; the way his stomach knots and twists every time Kusano’s eyes meet his. Later, he promises himself, there’ll be time for the rest. Right now, he just feels. Frenzied kisses and lingering touches. Melts into the overwhelming sensations of it all.

He reaches a hand past the hem of Kusano’s shorts and boxers, wraps fingers around his erection and delights in the way the younger boy moans into his mouth, grabbing Yamapi’s elbows to keep steady. But Yamapi knows he can’t last very long, and eases them down anyway. Kusano rushes to push both their remaining clothes down their hips, then snakes a hand around Yamapi’s erection, stroking firmly and making Yamapi break the kiss to breath harshly into the crook of his neck.

Kusano gets there first, muffling his cry into the back of his hand as he comes over Yamapi’s fingers and struggles through his daze to bring Yamapi after him. Yamapi groans against Kusano’s shoulders as he finishes and bleary-eyed, searches for Kusano’s mouth with his own. Kusano meets him halfway, a slow, deep kiss that leaves nothing to the imagination and Yamapi’s skin tingling long after the fact.

Kusano uses his shirt to clean up and then they slip back into the locker rooms. Yamapi’s grinning and can’t seem to stop which makes Kusano laugh at him, but he’s not much better off.

“So,” Kusano says, pulling a clean shirt over his head. “I won the game. That means yakiniku right?”

Yamapi laughs, slams his locker shut and throws his bag over his shoulder. “As long as we get take-out,” he replies, leaning in to steal another kiss and when Kusano kisses back, thinks losing the game was worth it if this is what he wins instead.


Title: Cause you had a bad day
Pairing/Characters: Mostly NewS-gen, a little Ryo/Koyama/Shige
Rating: PG
Note: 1346 words. For beltenebra. Prompt: Koyama is in a foul mood and steals Ryo's snark. Bonus points if Ryo and Shige fix him up at the end with snuggles.

Everyone knows something is incredibly wrong when Koyama enters NewS’ dressing room Monday morning without his usual cheerful smiles and greetings. He says nothing, doesn’t even look up at anyone, his eyes on the floor, and sits down on the couch, dropping his bag to the seat next to him as if it’ll keep people from sitting beside him.

Of course, that doesn’t stop Tegoshi, who shoves the bag carelessly to the floor (a frowning Koyama is of much more importance, obviously) and plops himself down onto the couch and with his perfected childlike innocence says, “Why is Kei-chan so unhappy?”

Koyama turns and, to everyone’s surprise, glares at Tegoshi as if the younger boy had just spoken unmentionable words. Tegoshi’s eyes go round but even his usual don’t-be-mad-at-me-I’m-cute look doesn’t change the look on Koyama’s face. He jumps up and scurries over to hide behind Ryo, who, like the rest of them, is staring at Koyama in horror.

“Ryo-tan, do something,” Tegoshi hisses at Ryo, who just glances around at the rest of them uncertainly before turning to Shige. He narrows his eyes and nods his head towards the eldest member of the group, who’s now frowning so hard Ryo thinks if they don’t stop this soon, the look will be permanently etched onto his face. “You’re his best friend,” Ryo says. “Do something.”

Shige gapes at him and when Ryo’s glower intensifies, he puts up his hands in defense and says, “Okay, okay.” Shige hesitantly sits down in the spot Tegoshi vacated, unsure what to do or say. In all the years he’s known Koyama, he’s never seen the older man like this. If anything ever got him upset, he usually recovers within a few minutes because he claimed being sad takes up too much energy and he’d rather spend his life being as happy as possible.

So seeing Koyama glaring at the floor and not speaking to anyone is more than a little disconcerting. “Koyama,” Shige starts carefully. “Is something wrong?”

Koyama turns to him quickly, glarling with frustration. “Why is everything snapping at me? I’m fine,” he exclaims irritably. “Leave me alone, okay? Nothing’s wrong.” He turns his stare upon the rest of them in turn and then without another word stomps out of the room leaving in his wake a chilled silence.

“What the fuck was that about?” Ryo shouts after a few moments, breaking everyone out of their shock.

“Someone stole Kei-chan!” Tegoshi exclaims and Shige rolls his eyes at him.

“That’s impossible,” Shige says smartly.

Tegoshi pouts and Massu jumps in to say, “But Koyama never acts like that, so what else could it be?”

“We need to find out what’s wrong,” Yamapi says authoritively, pounding a fist into his other hand.

The rest of them agree and put their heads together to come up with ways to fix Koyama.


Of course, none of their ideas go according to plan - Koyama’s “problem” is worse than any of them anticipated.

When Massu offers Koyama some food, Koyama just snaps that Massu eats too much in the first place. It results in the rest of them gasping in horror while Massu practically curls up in the corner. He doesn’t touch any of his snacks for the rest of the day.

Tegoshi tries next, sidling up to Koyama in usual Tegoshi fashion, and complaining about being to hot. Koyama only glares at him like Tegoshi’s done something horrible and tells him to find a damn ice pack if it bothers him so much. Tegoshi’s eyes go round again and he even threatens to cry but the look on Koyama’s face doesn’t change and Tegoshi runs back to be comforted by Ryo who would normally glare at whoever made Tegoshi sad, but he’s too stunned by Koyama’s behavior to remember.

Yamapi goes next, but even he can’t get Koyama to soften up. He even calls upon his rarely used Leader Tactics and tells Koyama, “You have to stop this, it’s making the rest of the group sad and unfocused!”

Koyama just ignores him. And Yamapi returns to the rest of them with a dazed look on his face. “He didn’t even care,” he says with awe. “I told him the group is sad and he didn’t even blink an eye!”

“This is insane,” Ryo says. “What the hell’s up with him?”

Shige looks at Koyama thoughtfully and says after a while, “Let’s just leave him alone. I think that’s what he needs most, right now.”

“But-” Tegoshi and Yamapi start.

“No, I think Shige’s right,” Ryo cuts in. “Just leave him alone. Let’s get through the day. We’ll take care of Koyama later, okay?” He glances at Shige who, albeit looking a bit surprised, nods his agreement.

The others still look troubled but eventually give in and the matter is dropped. They walk off onto the photo shoot set for the next batch of photos and Ryo grabs Shige’s wrist and stops him before he can join them, too.

“You’re going over to Koyama’s after work, aren’t you?”

Shige nods. “I was planning to. Even if he tries to shut me out, I want to know what’s wrong. He’s worrying me.”

Ryo smiles. “You’re a good friend,” he says and Shige flushes. “You’re taking me, too.”

Shige groans as he pulls his hand out of Ryo’s grip. “Praising me won’t get you any.”

Ryo grins ferally. “Oh, so that is where your mind goes to?” he teases and Shige smacks him half-heartedly in the side.

“Remember, I’m the one with a car, and I’m also the one with a spare key to Koyama’s apartment,” Shige shoots back with a smirk and Ryo glares at him.


Shige knocks on Koyama’s door loudly five times but Koyama never answers. Ryo tries next but to same result. They know he’s home, they’d followed him all the way back, they saw him walk into his apartment from the stairs.

“What the fuck is with him?” Ryo snaps impatiently, getting annoyed. “Let’s just run the fucking door down, I want to give him a piece of my mind.”

“I think that’ll just make it worse, Nishikido-kun,” Shige says. “I have a key, so let’s not get you arrested for breaking and entering, okay?”

Ryo harrumphs and crosses his arms but lets Shige unlock the door and carefully make his way inside. All of the lights are off in the apartment and they glance at each other worriedly, slipping out of their shoes and heading for Koyama’s bedroom. The door is ajar far enough to see a lump in the bed where Koyama undoubtedly is, and with another glance at each other - this time devious, lips quirking - they run in and jump onto the bed with screams.

Koyama screams back at them, flailing wildly around the bed until he releases it’s only his bandmates. Then the foul look returns to his face. “What’re you doing here?” he demands.

“What do you think?” Ryo retorts, jabs Koyama in the forehead with his fingers. “Being the group’s asshole is my job. Don’t just steal it without prior discussion.”

Koyama blinks at him, then glances at Shige who smiles. “We were all worried about you today, Koyama.”

Koyama looks away at his fingers twisting together in his lap. He bites his lip thoughtfully, trying to find the right words to say. But before he can muster up the courage, Ryo’s jabbing him in the forehead again and Koyama pouts, rubs at the skin.

“Shove over Shige,” Ryo says, reaching over to push at the younger boy’s shoulder until Shige moves over enough for the three of them to lay comfortably beside each other on the bed.

Koyama looks back and forth between them and opens his mouth to say something but Shige cuts in, “It’s okay. We know. You don’t have to tell us.”

“Next time,” Ryo says, eyes already closed and looking close to falling asleep, “don’t shut us away, okay?”

Koyama nods fervently, his eyes filling with tears, and lets them hold him until he falls asleep.


Title: The Best Present
Pairing: RyoShige
Rating: PG
Note: 1126 words. For indian_monsoon. Prompt: Birthday cake. Obviously this was written before Shige's birthday and before we learned that he had a party with his friends and everything. ^^;

Shige’s not one for elaborate birthday plans or events or anything. He’s glad to get a congrats from his friends, a call from his parents, maybe a gift or two here and there. Birthday parties like Yamapi’s that get printed in the papers is not on Shige’s to-do list. So when July 11th rolls around, he goes home and has lunch with his parents. They give him home cooked food and he gets a new watch and he returns to his apartment by three to have Koyama stop by with his present.

It’s a set of finely crafted wooden frames. “I thought you could finally get around to hanging some of your photos. I’ll even help,” Koyama says, grinning. They make plans for it later and after a few drinks, Koyama goes home. Shige’s fine with it, pulling out study material and working instead. Tegoshi sends him a text with birthday wises and an oh so helpful reminder that Shige still owes him a yakiniku dinner. He walks with Massu on the phone later and even Yamapi manages a text with the promise of drinks sometime soon, and then all Shige has left to wait for is a message from Ryo.

That never seems to come.

He doesn’t know why he cares so much - he knows this is probably the busiest summer of Ryo’s career and that he has a lot of other things on his mind to worry about than Shige’s birthday. And yet, he can’t help but want Ryo’s wishes more than anyone else’s. He’s not really sure why, but he does.

But the night goes on without any call or message from Ryo and Shige’s ready to go to bed when there’s a knock on the door. His heart leaps when he finds Ryo standing there, looking exhausted, but before he can say anything, Ryo shoves inside and gasps, “Did I make it on time?”

“Huh?” Shige says unintelligibly.

“Your birthday, genius,” Ryo says, walking into the kitchen and putting a plastic bag on the table. “Did I make it?”

Shige glances at the clock. 11:57. “Just barely.”

“Good enough.” Ryo pulls out a cake and grins. “Happy birthday,” he says and Shige’s stomach flutters.

“Y-You didn’t have to do that!” he exclaims, flustered but undeniably pleased.

Ryo ignores him and helps himself to plates, knives and forks. “I don’t have candles!” he exclaims suddenly. “I knew I forgot something!”

Shige quickly says, “It’s okay!”

Ryo pouts. “No, it’s not,” he says defiantly and looks so angry at himself for messing u that Shige takes pity on him and grabs the last candle from within a drawer by the sink. He puts it in the middle of the cake and Ryo grins, pulls out his lighter from his pocket and lights it.

“If you sing to me, I’m kicking you out,” Shige warns when Ryo beams at him.

Of course Ryo does it anyway - loudly and purposely off-key, but Shige’s grinning even if his ears are bleeding, and blows out the candle when Ryo finishes. Ryo claps and Shige’s cheeks heat from as the situation and its absurdity catches up to him. But he doesn’t have a lot of time to dwell on it as Ryo grabs the knife and cuts out a piece.

Then a thought occurs to Shige and he says, “You don’t’ even like sweets.”

Ryo looks at him like he’s insane. “This is for you, stupid. Not me.” He hands Shige the plate.

“Are you going to just watch me eat?” Shige says.

Ryo grins and leans in so close that Shige’s breath catches in his throat. “I could feed you instead if that’d make it better.”

Shige flushes, he can feel Ryo’s breath hot on his neck and it sends his heart into a frenzy. He shakes his head quickly and exclaims, “N-No, that’s okay!”

Ryo actually looks disappointed but Shige’s too busy freaking out to notice. He pokes the younger boy in the side and says, “Eat.”

Shige sighs but takes the fork Ryo’s holding out to him and has a bite of the cake. His eyes go round and he exclaims, “This is good!”

Ryo smiles, looks relieved. “Good.”

“Thanks, Nishikido-kun,” Shige says earnestly and grins when Ryo actually looks embarrassed. “Aw, you’re blushing, how cute,” he teases and Ryo glares at him but it comes out half-hearted.

“S-Shut up,” he snaps, turning away and stomping to the fridge. “Do you have anything to drink? God, some kind of host you are, not even offering your guest anything.”

Shige just smiles because this is so like Ryo, and says, “Beer in the back on the second shelf. Help yourself.” And Ryo does. “Are you really a guest when you barged in here unannounced?”

“I came for your birthday,” Ryo says. “So that should even things out.”

“You didn’t have to. I know you’re really busy.”

Ryo peers at him, then closes the space between them, so close that Shige can count his eyelashes, and when he speaks, Shige can’t stop but watch the movement of his mouth, sort of mesmerized. “I wanted to,” he says and a chill runs up and down Shige’s spine.

He pulls away in the next second and Shige has to force himself to remember to breathe. “So,” Ryo says, walking into the sitting room like he owns the place. “What did you do all day?” But before Shige can answer, Ryo notices the piles of law books on the floor and exclaims, “Did you seriously spend your day studying?”

Shige pointedly does not look at Ryo.

“You did! Ohmygod, you are so boring,” Ryo marvels and Shige turns to glare at him.

“Not everyone celebrates the same way.”

“It’s a good thing I came by. At least you can tell people someone cared.”

Shige nudges him as he moves to sit on the couch. “I went to my parent’s for lunch. And Koyama came by this afternoon,” he says. “You were the last person to wish me a happy birthday.”

Ryo doesn’t miss the slight twinge of hurt in his voice, and smirks. He joins Shige on the couch, turning to face him fully and leans in again, invading personal space, but Shige doesn’t stop him. His eyes widen and Ryo grins just before he presses their mouths together in short, simple kiss. When he pulls back, Shige’s staring at him dazedly, and he says happily, “But mine was the best, wasn’t it?”

Shige blinks back to reality and slowly smiles, his heart hammering in his ears and every nerve in his body going haywire. He reaches a hand out to wrap behind Ryo’s neck, pulling him back down and breathes, “Yes,” against his lips before Ryo kisses him again.


Title: Time is of the essence
Pairing: Ueda/Kame
Rating: NC-17
Note: 1118 words. For aka_chan_dar. Prompt: Something with Kame in a kimono.

Ueda’s watched the progression of Kame’s solo routine from the beginning - the ideas he has to make it over the top because he’s Kame and he’s nothing if not an over-achiever. The song is beautiful, but Kame makes it even more so - the images of kimonos and water and fireworks along with the flying adds to the song even more than before. Kame keeps it mostly under-wraps though, Ueda doesn’t know how the final performance is going to look all put together. He sees Kame practice but without the costumes and the juniors and everything working on set at once, he can’t visualize it completely.

The first time he sees it then is during their first Dome concert in May. He’s backstage with Jin and Nakamaru because Kame, Koki, and Junno have their solos in succession right now. The staff has a television in the back set up to the video playing out front and Ueda watches while he waits, hears the slow opening music for Kame’s solo begin to play.

And then Kame comes out, dressed in a colorful kimono with his hair pinned back, twirling a traditional umbrella between his fingers. Ueda’s throat promptly goes dry, eyes widening as he takes in Kame’s appearance and the way he moves fluidly across the stage. He sways his hips and curls his fingers and spins on his feet in practiced ease and Ueda’s more than a little hypnotized. Then he smears lipstick across his lips and Ueda can’t stop staring at his mouth, round red beautiful lips that Ueda suddenly has the desperate desire to kiss.

When Kame pulls off part of his kimono and shoves his hand out of a sleeve, exposing his collarbones and shoulder, Ueda’s immensely glad he doesn’t have to go out and perform soon because he’s certain he won’t remember any of the lyrics. The rest of the performance is amazing, but Ueda’s eyes never leave Kame’s face, entranced by the way he looks and moves around the stage.

When Kame finishes and returns backstage, Ueda has to force himself to look at a magazine, at something, anything, to stop himself from jumping the younger boy right then and there.

He manages it that first day though he’s not entirely sure how, but the next day it happens again and the day after that it happens again. Only by now Ueda has to make quick trips to the bathroom whenever he has the chance to satisfy that bubbling need now permanently resting in the pit of his belly. But by the last day, Ueda can’t take it anymore.

Jin and Nakamaru seem to be conveniently not in the room when Kame returns from his performance, sweaty with his hair in his face and panting for breath. He’s still in his kimono, one sleeve hanging off his shoulder, and Ueda quickly shuts the door and presses Kame up against it.

Kame’s eyes go round for a second but then Ueda’s kissing him hard and hot and all thought leaves his mind. He’s not sure what brought this on but he can’t say he minds - he had been wondering why Ueda refused to look at him the past few days and now thinks that clearly he had been wrong in assuming the older man had been mad at him.

Ueda pulls away after a while and Kame moans in disapproval, chasing after him with his tongue until Ueda delves back in, licks along the roof of his mouth. Ueda mouths a path along his jaw, then down the slope of his neck, murmurs into the skin, “Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this all week.”

Kame moans again at the thought and mutters back, “Then why didn’t you?”

Ueda has no response to that, instead scraping his teeth just lightly along Kame’s exposed collarbone. Kame gasps, arching his back and fisting his fingers into the back of Ueda’s shirt. He glances up at the clock on the wall. “We don’t have very long,” he gasps into Ueda’s ear as the older man grabs his hips and grinds against him roughly.

Ueda grunts his acknowledgement of the time situation and moves faster, fingers slipping and sliding along the smooth silky fabric of Kame’s kimono. He pulls back and looks at him, eyes travelling up and down, taking in the younger boy’s flushed cheeks, swollen red lips, the lipstick still smeared at the corners. He meets Kame’s eyes next, and the world seems to stop for a second before they both move at once, pulling at clothes and feeling skin on skin within moments.

Kame’s head hits the door when Ueda wraps his fingers around his erection and strokes firmly from the base to the tip. He swipes his thumb along the slit at the head and squeezes and Kame’s fingers dig painfully into Ueda’s elbows to keep from falling straight to the floor. Ueda works him fast, minding the time they have, and Kame comes sooner than he expects, orgasm hitting him hard and leaving his mind a blur, his senses haywire.

But before he has the chance to fully compose himself, Ueda’s pushing him just a little on the shoulders and Kame takes the hint, dropping obediently to his knees and undoing the fastens on Ueda’s pants. He lets them fall and pools around his ankles along with his boxers then takes Ueda’s erection in his hand. He flicks his eyes up and meets Ueda’s just as he leans in and sucks the head of his cock past his lips. Ueda thrusts his hips immediately, head dropping back, neck a long delicious line, and elicits a deep groan that has Kame hot all over again.

Fingers find their way into his hair, twisting and tugging, and Kame can feel Ueda’s close, pulsing in his mouth. He licks a stripe along the underside, presses the tip of his tongue against the head, and as he delves back down, hums from low in his throat.

“Fuck,” Ueda gasps, fingers tightening in Kame’s hair that it hurts, but then Ueda’s coming hard into his mouth and Kame forgets the pain, pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Ueda grabs a towel from his back and wipes his hand. They glance at the clock - two minutes until they have to be onstage again - and dress into their next set of costumes silently.

Just as Kame reaches for the door, Ueda turns him around and kisses him again, slow and deep and lingering. When he pulls back, he’s smiling, and says, “Come over tonight. And bring your kimono.”

Kame laughs and pulls Ueda back to kiss him until they have to go be idols again.


Title: A song for you and me
Pairing: Ryo/Ueda
Rating: PG
Note: 715 words. For sashjun. Prompt: playing guitar together.

Ueda wakes on a Saturday morning to the slow, mellow sounds of a guitar. He smiles and blinks through this sleepy haze and stretches before rolling out of bed. He slips on sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt before heading out to the sitting room.

Ryo is on the floor clad in only boxers with his guitar on his lap. A pencil is resting precariously on his ear and there are sheets of notebook and music paper scattered about him. Ueda's smile widens; it's not an uncommon sight, and Ryo doesn't even look up as Ueda passes him to the kitchen and starts a pot of coffee.

He listens to Ryo play - it's one of his favorite things, though he doesn't tell Ryo that because the younger man doesn't need a bigger head. Ryo's music is different than Ueda's: more acoustic, more rough, more melancholy. It's a lot like Ryo himself, Ueda thinks sometimes. Ueda's music is usually symphonic, delicate, precise. They are similar in a lot of ways, he and Ryo, but Ueda doesn't think or feel the way Ryo does when he writes music, and Ueda enjoys listening to the somber melodies that Ryo creates. It's soothing, peaceful.

When the coffee is finished he fills two mugs then returns to where Ryo is sitting. He sets Ryo's mug on the coffee table, then curls up on the couch and sips at his own. Ryo stops playing a few moments later, snatching the pencil from his ear and scribbling a few things onto sheets of paper. Only then does he look up at Ueda, smiling one of his warm, soft smiles that has Ueda's heart fluttering in his chest.

"Morning," Ryo says, taking a sip of his coffee.

"What're you working on?" Ueda asks him.

Ryo shrugs. "Not sure yet," he says, scratches his head sheepishly. "Just putting things down."

Ueda knows the feeling. He sets his mug down and goes to retrieve his own guitar, tuning it quickly as he sits back down. "Play it for me," Ueda says and Ryo does.

The apartment is filled with more of Ryo's beautiful tunes, and Ueda listens for awhile, hearing the beginning that he missed while sleeping and letting the notes wrap around him, engulf him, squeeze him, until all he can feel is the sounds and music. And then he meets Ryo's eyes over cooling mugs of coffee and scratched out music sheets and plays.

Ueda harmonizes while Ryo plays, adds in some extra notes and pitches and techniques to Ryo's piece. Together they fill out the hollow places, coming up with what sounds better at this part and wondering whether the bridge should come a few beats later or earlier. Despite Ryo's unbreakable concentration on his work, Ueda can't stop smiling. They don't do this often, work on music together. Usually it's something they keep private - not that they don't want to share, but rather because it's somehow embarrassing to share - writing about love stories that they don't really know about because together they already have their own.

"We should do this more often," Ueda finds himself saying. It's almost three hours later and the sun is high in the sky, casting a bright golden glow along the floor. Ueda's sitting on the floor beside Ryo now, their knees occasionally brushing together. Their mugs are empty on the coffee table and more paper litters the floor around them.

Ryo looks up at him, eyes widening a little, but then nods and smiles. But Ueda's suddenly too busy tracing the way sunlight runs along the lines and curves of Ryo's face, dipping down the slope of his neck and the curve of his collarbone before expanding in bright streaks over the rest of his body. His skin heats up from the sight, breath tightening in his throat, and only when Ryo speaks up does Ueda tear his gaze away.

"Thanks for the help," he says.

Ueda grins. "What're you going to call it?"

Ryo shakes his head. He puts his guitar down next to him, leans over and presses a kiss to Ueda's mouth. "This song is not for anyone else but us," he breathes and Ueda's stomach flutters as he wraps his arms around Ryo's neck and kisses him back.

p: ryo/shige, p: yamapi/kusano, p: ryo/koyama/shige, genre: fluff, genre: humor, g: kat-tun, genre: romance, genre: gen-fic, other: ueda-centric, type: fanfiction, p: ryo/ueda, p: ueda/kame, g: news

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