fic; yamapi to the rescue

Nov 16, 2008 20:57

Title: Yamapi to the rescue
Characters: Yamapi, Jin, with appearances by the rest of NewS
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jin is in trouble and Yamapi helps.
Author’s Note: For the gen-fic-meme. Prompt: Five times Yamapi had to save Jin from his car (either having it break down, almost getting into a wreck, trying to fix it, etc.) and one time he gave up completely.

The first time it happens, Jin calls him at four p.m., just as Yamapi’s heading out from a photo shoot. It is good timing and Yamapi’s laughing as he tells Jin to calm down and that he’d be there in ten minutes.

It only takes him five, arriving in time to see tow trucks pull him and two old men help to take Jin’s car. Jin’s sitting on the curb looking somewhere between irritated and horrified.

He brightens, however, when Yamapi pulls up next to him and says, “What the hell did you do?” through the open window.

Jin pouts and launches into an explanation that has Yamapi rolling his eyes. With a huff, he gets into Yamapi’s car and glares out the window the entire ride home.

“Are you crazy? I’m in the middle of filming!” Yamapi shouts. The rest of the cast give him wary glances, and Yamapi bows furiously in apology before shuffling into the hallway.

“Pi!” Jin whines. “Please! Ryo keeps hanging up on me when I call and Yuu’s not even answering! I need you help!”

“I thought they fixed your car? Why did it break down again?”

“Well, you see-”

“Wait, never mind. I don’t care,” Yamapi cuts in quickly. “I can’t come get you! I’m filming!”

“Pi! I-I’ll do anything! I’ll clean the apartment for a whole week! You won’t have to lift a finger, please!”

Yamapi weighs his options. A week of not having to clean sounded heavenly, but could he afford leaving right then?

He bites his lip and says quickly before he could change his mind, “Fine, I’ll be there in twenty minutes!”

“Twenty? But that’s so-”


“That’s perfect, bye!” Jin hangs up quickly.

In the end, as Yamapi should have foreseen, Jin doesn’t keep up with his end of the bargain and Yamapi does have to lift a finger in order to keep their apartment from resembling the remains of a tornado.

Yamapi things it’s getting a bit ridiculous when Jin calls him begging for help again. It wouldn’t have been much of a problem if it weren’t for the fact Yamapi had been in the middle of a shower. He’s ignored the calls all he could, but after the tenth one, he’d had enough.

Dripping wet and glaring at his reflection in the mirror, he exclaims, “Get a new fucking car, Jin!”

Jin makes a very scandalized gasp and Yamapi rolls his eyes. “I can’t do that!” he says. “This car is my baby!”

“Okay, fine!” Yamapi says, not in the mood to get into an argument over Jin’s junk of a car. “Do I even want to know what happened this time?”

“No,” Jin says brightly. “Just come get me.”

“Fine, jackass. You owe me.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” he says flippantly and Yamapi knows he’s getting squat. “See you.”

Yamapi hangs up and sighs, glancing back at the shower. He hesitates for less than a second before deciding that Jin owes him enough to wait for Yamapi to finish his well-deserved shower.

“Just leave him,” Ryo suggests as he flips through a magazine.

Koyama gasps and flails. “Yamapi can’t do that! He could die.”

“So? It’s Jin. No one would notice.”

“That’s not nice to say, Ryo-tan.”

“Pi, seriously,” Ryo says, pinning Yamapi with a Look. “You cant’ keep catering to the idiot’s whims. He’ll call you all the time because you can’t fucking say no.”

“But he’s my best friend.”

“And this is your group, who has rehearsal.”

Yamapi sighs and glances at the other members; Koyama encouraging to help Jin, Ryo glaring at him to not, and the other three looking as though they really couldn’t care either way.

After a few moments of debating, he looks back at Ryo and flutters his eyelashes. Ryo snorts and waves a hand at him.

“Just go,” he says and Yamapi beams at him before rushing out the door and calling Jin back.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Ryo’s probably going to kill you tomorrow, too.”

Jin laughs. “That midget skinny monkey can’t do shit to me.”

“I’ll tell him you said that.”

Jin shrieks. “Don’t you dare!”

Yamapi cackles and says, “You do the dishes tonight and we’re square.”

Jin mumbles something inaudible and replies, “Fine.”

Yamapi hangs up and knows that at least this time, Jin will keep his promise.

“I hate you, I really do,” Yamapi says, glaring at Jin as Jin’s car blows up smoke into the dark sky.

“No, you don’t,” Jin says easily. “If you did, you’d leave me stranded.”

“I’m starting to think that’s what I should have done from the first place.”

Jin pouts. “You’d leave me all by lonesome?”

“You have legs, you could walk to the station or something.”

But Jin knows Yamapi doesn’t mean it and grins cheekily at him, nudges an elbow into his ribs. “Thanks, Pi,” he says and means it.

Yamapi tries to keep the glare on his face, but his lips are quirking upward. He manages to muster a half-irritated, “I was at a club. With girls.”

“They’ve probably gotten over you by now anyway.”

“I really should have left you. Now I’m stuck here with you in the cold.” He glowers and Jin laughs.

“This is more fun, and you know it.”

Yamapi shakes his head, but the smile gives him away.

Yamapi shuffles around on his bed and reaches for his cell phone, groaning irritably that someone was calling when he was asleep; he winces as he sees the alarm clock flashing 4: 23 a.m.

He answers without checking the caller ID and immediately regrets it when Jin’s excited voice fills his ear.

“What, Jin?” Yamapi snaps.

“Pi, I need your help! My car-”

But Yamapi’s already heard enough. Without bothering to answer Jin, he promptly hangs up. There’s not even a tiniest bit of guilt as he decides to turn his phone off completely for good measure.

Somewhere on the opposite side of Tokyo, Jin’s sitting on the curb, furiously calling everyone in his phonebook. His car hisses and erupts into flames behind him.


other: yamapi-centric, for: gen fic meme, genre: crack, other: jin-centric, genre: humor, genre: gen-fic, r: pg-13, type: fanfiction

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