Apr 30, 2005 02:11
FYI everyone:
My writings in my journal are NOT a cry for help. They're venting. I REPEAT, you reading this does NOT make you an expert on my life. I don't need advice, I can take care of myself. I just need a place to get it all out. Unless I ask for it, please don't give it to me. I don't need it. I don't need ot be reminded of all the things I've done wrong, or who's wronged me. I don't nee you to tell me you think I'm being a "tad melodramatic"- fuck you and the horse you rode in on. First of all, no one has a clue. Second, I HAVE AN ANXIETY DISORDER. Things that seem small to you, my brain sees as HUGE problems. YOUR PERSPECTIVE IS NOT MINE- NOR DO I WANT IT! I've gotten myself this far in life, I can make it further. Don't assume anything about me, and don't pretend you're my fucking therapist. You're not. When I'm already in tears, it's a good idea to NOT MAKE ME WORSE by bringing up other problems. Oh, and making a quick exit- just PROVES you're just like a lot of other people in my life who've failed me. I didn't ask for advice, I didn't ask to even tell my story. Reading my journal doesn't make you an expert on my life! Please, Please- if you want to talk to me and i don't volunteer information- it's probably because I don't want to talk about it. Please trust that.
She's sun and rain, she's fire and ice. A little crazy but it's nice And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone 'Cause she'll rage just like a river, Then she'll beg you to forgive her...
It needs no explaination cause it all makes perfect sense...she's on both sides of the fence. She's anything but typical, she's so unpredictable- but maybe at her worst she's not that bad...