I lost 13 pounds in a month... serious.

Jan 17, 2007 07:57

Amazingly, I lost 13 pounds in about a month without even trying that hard. I decided that I was going to start eating better, but I didn't even change my ways DRASTICALLY-- and it still worked. Wanna know how?

I eat one hardboiled egg and one piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast--nothing  more, nothing less. The protein in the egg and the fiber in the whole wheat fill you up. It is not the most tasty breakfast, but you get used to it after you force it down your throat a couple of times. Interestingly, about 2 weeks after I started this I read an article about a study where the participants ate EXACTLY one egg and one piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. On average, they ate 418 less calories during the day than they would otherwise. They surmise it is because of the low calorie content of the egg and toast and because of how packed full of good stuff they are, they keep you full longer. It even affected how much the participants ate during dinner.

Besides just the breakfast change, I also cut back on soda intake. Rather than drinking 3-5 a day like I used to, I tried to limit myself to one. Sodas have no nutritional value and a ton of caffeine, sugar, chemicals, and calories. Three things I don't really need in my body.

Finally, I decided to just not let myself have 3 servings of dinner.  I always overate at night and then had dessert.

I actually wasn't even that strict with the diet, which made me think it wasn't going to work. I also didn't exercise at all and thought that would hinder my progress. But, LO AND BEHOLD when I stepped on the scale that read 130 a month ago it said 117 right back at me! F'ing crazy.

So I am now determined to eat one hard boiled egg and one piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast for my entire life haha.

And thats my story..

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