Jan 05, 2006 13:56
I'm totally stressed as of late because I can't find a job. Mind you, I've only been looking for 2 weeks, but fuck.. its stressful. Oh yah.. my internship site is getting back to me today on when I'll start there, but its only part time and I really want full time.
Anywho.. I went on an interview today and I almost slapped the bitch doctor that interviewed me. When she found out I had a son she said "What happened?" EXCUSE ME? What happened is I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy that has brought more joy to my life than that cold bitch has ever felt. Then, to follow it up she says "And why didn't you go to a real college?" Fuck. You.
Guess what happens next.
SHE OFFERED ME A JOB. I, of course, rejected the offer because I would never ever work with that bitch.