Feb 15, 2005 10:34
Valentines Day: sucked. got my hair done, its not what i wanted, just kinda like a DEEP red but i think it looks sorta violety but no one else does lol. i dont have a mullet anymore so thats a plus =] umm we won our volleyball game.. woot. and i got to play BOTH game.. yee haw! she didnt take me out at all, but i wish she did, i had to pee so bad. lol then i had to line judge for varisty.. bummer. hmm.. then i went out to dinner, with kurt my mom and her friend, and my mom made us all guess the price, and i dont know how kurt did it, but like i guess he remembered all the prices, and everything and did the tax right, and he ended up being 2 cents off.. crazy huh? he said $61.25 and it was $61.27 mhm then we went to my moms, exchanged gifts. blah. dont wanna re-cap it. watched a movie. blah yeah.
Today: never been more bored in my life. lol
Xaiba: alcohol must be your viagra
LMAO i've never laughed that hard at the computer in my life.
so i just HAD to post it in my journal. lol okay im outie!! ox