So... I'm doing so hot on the nuitritional part of these changes I'm supposed to be making. I mean, pizza and Burger King in one day? Come now, I can do better than that. (I'm motivating myself XD)
Food Count:
- 1 Croissan-which
- 10 hash browns (bk)
- 1 medium coke
- 1/2 cup rice
- 1/4 cup green beans
- 1 Reese's bar
- 1 cup of chicken noodle soup (progresso)
- 2 slices of cheese pizza (sal's)
- 20 standard crunches
- 20 knee-touch crunches (10 on each leg)
- 20 crossed-ankle crunches (feet off the ground)
- 20 leg switches (scissors)
- 20 modified push-ups
- 20 leg raises (10 on each leg)
- General stretching (toe touch, arms up, back twist, leg stretches)
I feel a bit sore now T-T I'm going to go meditate and relax.