i know this is long and boring, but if you live in socal or care about the environment...

Feb 26, 2006 22:41

then this is totally worth it.
I'm sure everyone doesn't have much time however I earnestly feel this is worth two minutes to read. The issue of stopping the Foothill South Toll Road isn't something that should surprise you nor will it be the last of its kind. To summarize in a sentence, it is a proposed freeway that 1) isn't immediately needed 2) it will make millions of dollars for new businesses/ developers/ real estate agents 3) it will compromise the future of the last pristine watershed in so Cal. The reason I'm in opposition to this freeway is simply, the short term money it will make is not worth the renewable long-term money and other ammenities that will be generated in the future by having a pristine San Mateo watershed. Here is another site that gives more details about the toll road and why its a bad idea (.http://www.surfrider.org/savetrestles/issues.asp). This is a GREAT opportunity to start urban planning in a way that will keep natural resources for future generations. This watershed is all that is left in Southern California that is still almost untouched. The reason this issue is a big one that you should be aware of is that the majority of residents and all environmental agencies are against this freeway while perhaps equally strong many development/ real estate agencies /govn agencies (generates short term $$$) want to develop this area.
Bottom line: The San Mateo Watershed is unique in world and people regularly travel long distances to go here because this place is a a welcome relief from the urban life. When was the last time anyone did this to visit a freeway? Shouldn't we take this as an opportunity to address the larger need for better public transportation considering population growth in southern California? Please email (it takes a minute) the Governor Arnold Schwarnegger and let him know that we need to keep our open space keep our ocean clean and create better public transportation NOT build more freeways. Here is his web site (http://www.govmail.ca.gov/) , please note that he promotes that California should be the "Golden Dream by the Sea." Let's give him more information so that he has the opportunity to do the right thing!

The TCA’s approval of the Foothill-South Toll Road alignment through San Onofre State Beach and the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy made headlines in papers throughout Southern California today. As you know, sending letters to the editor is one of the easiest, most effective, and most public ways we can share our concerns with decision-makers about ruining our cherished parkland for such an irresponsible toll road project. Please take a look at the articles below, and send a letter to your local paper (or a few of the papers). Keep in mind that it is best to send letters to each paper individually (they won’t print letters they think were sent to other papers), and keep your letters short - 150 words or less is usually best. TALKING POINTS FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: - The TCA’s decision to put a toll road through California’s 5th most popular state park is irresponsible and sets a dangerous precedent for state parks throughout California. - The TCA ignored alternative traffic solutions. Rapid transit, the widening of I-5 and carpool toll lanes need to be explored as options for addressing traffic needs in Orange County. - We support the Governor’s call for alternatives to be further explored. The Governor is committed to smart growth and curbing global warming. We hope he will maintain his commitment by preventing the devastation of San Onofre State Beach. - Given the recent financial failure of the 73 toll road, the TCA should be in no hurry to approve another financially risky toll road.
Below is a list of papers with articles about yesterday’s toll road decision and their contact information for you to send in your letters.
Route Chosen for 241 Splits San Onofre Park LA Times http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-tollway24feb24,1,2284619.story? coll=la-headlines-california Send a letter to the Times at letters@latimes.com or FAX to 213-237-7679 Toll-road extension gets green light Orange County Register http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/news/homepage/article_1016116.php Send a letter to the Register at letters@ocregister.com or FAX to 714-796- 3657 Board Approves Toll Road through San Onofre State Beach North County Times http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/02/24/news/top_stories/21_48_242_23_06 .txt Send a letter to the NC Times at letters@nctimes.com or fax to 760-745-3769 Toll road through beach park gets okay San Diego Union Tribune http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20060224/news_1n24toll.html Send a letter to the SD Union Tribune at letters@uniontrib.com or fax to 619-260-5081

Trestles Beach is one of the most beautiful SoCal beaches, having it destroyed for a freeway would be a shame. Let's try to stop it from happening.
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