Dec 30, 2008 09:23
2008 will come to it's final destination tomorrow, and with it we will be welcoming in 2009 with open arms to hope, optimism, and the opportunity to have a clean slate, that each new year brings. The ending of 2008 and the begining of 2009 in particular will be significant for many reasons. Let me recap the year, like many others do as each year ends and a new begins.
There was a lot of buzz around the word "change" and "hope" this year. Not just for me, but for millions of people around the world. And this year was defenitly a year of "change" for me. In a previous post, I posted things I wanted to accomplish this year, and by the first four months I had completed all of the list but one.
In February, I was offered a job working for the San Mateo County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO as the Political Director. I took the job seeking something, I'm not sure I exactly found. Either way, I found myself in the political arena just like I wanted. I worked for a couple months straight during the November Elections, helping to elect in local, state, and national candidates. I've gotten a broader perspective of the Labor Movement and the many different Unions, and because of it I think I've lost a smige of the idealism I once held. However, one of the more significant things I was able to do this year, was help elect in President-Elect Obama. The man who has given the American population and many nations HOPE, and the possibility of change in the future that we've lacked for so many years. The closing of 2008 and the opening of 2009 for the world will be significant for this reason alone.
The new job, also located me across the Bay and I now live by myself in San Mateo. I like my little one bedroom apartment, although I don't spend much time there. The only real complaint that I have is that my neighbor next door is a creepy, anal, ass hole. Either way it's become my little home.
The other two things on my list, one was sky diving and the other was law school applications. I went sky diving with my boys and it was a very freeing feeling, but with no adrenalin rush. I know it's weird to say, but it's true. However, we had fun together and it's something we'll always remember together. It was also a strong bonding point in our friendships.
Law school applications were finally turned in. However not as many as I had originally wanted because of the shitter the economy is now in and other factors. We'll see how the cookie crumbles in the upcoming months. But it did check off the last of my new year resolutions.
Ok so on to things I didn't expect.
You might have remembered me saying that I am never really home, there are two reasons for that. One would be work and the second reason would be Craig. Ahh yes, the girl who was never able to commit has finally found someone she didn't want to run away from. It's was very unexpected, but for the past 8 months and hopfully many more to come, he has made me a very happy woman. =) I'm excited to welcome in 2009 with him...
The BFF and I planned a trip to Brazil for Carnival this upcoming February. It started off with just the two of us and there's now 9 of us going. It's defenitly a plus for going into 2009! True, we should have done more planning and studying, but it's who we are, spontanious planners.
I hiked Half Dome in Yosemite with Craig!! I believe it's a 14 or 16 mile hike and we did it in one day! It was friggin amazing! =) However, we couldn't walk for the next couple days. haha
And I have started learning to become a wine conasour courtesy of Craig =) We've had some awesome times out in the wine country. hehe
Anyways, 2008 was definitely a year of many changes for me, and I hope to continue to grow and I am excited to see what 2009 has in store.
Best Wishes in 2009 everyone!!