Walking in a Winter Wonderlaaand....

Dec 08, 2008 05:15

It snowed yesterday. I managed to actually be with Mikee for the first snow of the year, and it was gorgeous, straight out a novel. We sat, curled up in a blanket, watching the snow and drinking tea~<3 (well, I was drinking tea, he was drinking hot chocolate).

I hate winter, but I love moments like that. After that beloved moment, however, I realized that I;

a) Had to wake up around three this morning because I had to say goodbye to Mikee before he left for the bus at four.
b) Have to go out into the cold, snowy, icy world to go to the bus by no later than six A.M.

I hate winter, its so cold and deadlike...

However, once I get home and I am warm and snug and happy, I think I'll continue re-reading the Twilight series like I have been for a while. I'm on Eclipse. Upon re-reading this series, I realize that it....wasn't that epic. It was alright for a short spazz. Stephenie Meyer is a pretty good author, but I think she continued the wrong series.

I would pay all the money in the world to get a part II for The Host.

Kyle=Asshole, Jared=Asshole, Ian=Sex god.

I need a new series author.

Correction, I need to go out and buy a copy of Belladonna, becuase the only way I'm gonna break my StephMey addiction is to feed my AnneBish addiction.

+10 awesome points for combining first and last names of real people.

belladonna, the host, books, boredom, twilight, stephenie meyer, anne bishop

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