Sep 05, 2004 16:22

well yeah kiddos nothin happened after wednesday. but last night i just went to the beach with carla..then went to her house for a bit..then camem home, took a shower then went out with my sisters & my friend gian. we saw Garden state, and wow that was a GOOD movie. one of the best i've seen this summer. then we just went to this japanese food place &i had some chicken salad which was pretty good. c-tina and drea had SUSHI, Ok i dunno why but i hate that stuff, haha. sorry sushi lovers.yep well about school...i'm kinda happy yet really sad. i'm not sure what quite to feel, i should be going to culver next year but iunno, cuz toni is going to graduate there, so i'm totally undecided about that right now. i guess it depeneds on how this schoolyear goes. okie dokie well i stole this survey from angie, thanks mucho! <3 i took some out tho, some were too long ass questions to answer. haha

::x::Name:.·-» jennifer
::o::Birthday:.·-» Jan 15.
::x::Shoe size:.·-» 7 1/2
::o::Height:.·-» short
::x::Eye color:.·-» hazel
::o::Hair color:.·-» medium to dark brown
::x::Hair length:.·-» like 5 inches below my shoulders, but im getting another haircut this week & trimming my side bangs
::o::Grade:.·-» 11th
::x::Nicknames:.·-» Jen, chica
::o::What Languages do you speak:.·-» English, bit of espanol
::x::Are you a morning or night person:.·-» night
::o::Are you ticklish:.·-» ohh yeah
::x::Do you have braces:.·-» no :D
::o::Do you have glasses/contacts:.·-» contacts
::x::What do you want to be when you grow up:.·-» marine biologist
::o::Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:.·-» Crush
::x::What are you most scared of:.·-» ehhh bugs
::o::If you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them:.·-»....
::x::What do you usually think about before you go to bed:.·-»..........


::o::Movie[s]:.·-»Finding Nemo, Gardentate, NNaolplean Dynatime, Edward Scissorhands
::x::Song[s]:.·-»currently...she will be loved, my only one , La la
::o::Band/group[s]:.·-» yellowcard, dc, the used, AFI, soty...etccc
::x::Store[s]:.·-»american eagle, tilly's
::o::Vacation spot:.·-» Beach
::x::Fruit[s]:.·-» apples
::o::Class:.·-» English/languae arts
::x::Holiday:.·-» Christmas,
::o::Color:.·-» blue, pink& black
::x::Magazine[s]:.·-» cosmo girl
::o::TV Show[s]:.·-» Degrassi, Fuse, TRL, the O.C
::x::Meat:.·-» chicken
::o::Pizza topping:.·-» cheese or prepperoni
::x::Book:.·-» Catcher in the Rye
::o::Animal:.·-» cats

-xox-HaVe YoU eVeR-xox-

::x::Done drugs:.·-» nope
::o::Eaten an entire box of Oreos:.·-» maybe..
::x::Been dumped:.·-» well in a way, kinda, its weird.
::o::Had someone been unfaithful to you:.·-» oh yeah
::x::Watched Punky Brewster:.·-» ?
::O:: Hicked a mountain:.·-»?
::x::Been in love:.·-» close to it i guess
::o::Seen the White House:.·-» no
::x::Seen the Eiffel Tower:.·-» someday i wish too
::o::Tried smoking DrUgS:.·-» ...
::x::Drank alcohol:.·-» yeahhh
::o::Smoked marijuana:.·-» hella no..
::x::Played Monopoly:.·-» Yessu,ms
::o::Seen Titanic:.·-» ive always had a love for it..
::x::Kissed someone:.·-» yes, but it wasnt that great
::o::French kissed someone:.·-» nopee
::x::Tried a weight loss program:.·-» nope::
o::Jumped on a trampoline:.·-» omg yeah a LONG time ago.
::x::Visited another country:.·-» mexico lol, close to visting canada, eureope=someday.
::o::Had a bubble bath:.·-» of cotrse
::x::Been on a plane:.·-» nope
::o::Been on a boat:.·-» yup
::x::Been on a train:.·-» yes
::o::Been in a car accident:.·-» no.
::x::Made a web page:.·-» yes, ina wau
::o::Played with Barbies:.·-» when i was yoo good 2 be true
::x::Stayed up all night:.·-» yeahh
::o::Called a psychic or sex hotline:.·-»no.
::x::Watched Jerry Springer:.·-» yes
::o::Gotten in trouble for talking in class:.·-» Ohaha yeah, but hardly tho :D

-xox-dO yOu-xox-

::o::Like to walk in the rain:.·-» "whoever said sunshine brings happiness has never Danced in the rain"
::x::Like to travel:.·-»yeaaa
::o::Like someone:.·-» i think so. not so sure nemore..
::x::Sleep on your side, tummy, or back:.·-» side
::o::Want to marry:.·-» yupers


::o::Who is/are your bestfriend[s]:.·-» Toni,mary, richie i guess hehe
::x::Would you take a bullet for him/her/them:.·-» fo sho.
::x::What is the one place you have to visit before you die:.·-»All over europe too
::o::Where do you work[if you work]:.·-»No work...i wanna though
::x::Do you own a mini skirt:.·-» yeah :D
::o::Do you floss:.·-» ya

-xox-tHiS oR tHaTt-xox-

::x::Pierced nose or tongue:.·-» ehh i think ill just go for the belly button
::x::Rap or rock:.·-» rock
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