in the city of blinding lights~

Feb 22, 2009 12:16

I'm lucky to have accomplished a couple of things that I've always wanted to do. So far I've:
- gone on the Alice teacups in Disneyland (my childhood dream fulfilled :))
- been completely terrified of a ride I never thought I'd go on
- had dinner that's not a date with a nice boy who I'm actually comfortable with
- learned horsebackriding
- stayed up all night and as a result gone through a bizarre period of doing nothing but laugh to myself
- performed onstage and won something for it

But here are the real important things I want to accomplish.

my lifetime to-do list.
Images are taken from weheartit and flickr.


Live in Paris and visit the rest of France.
I don't care if it's overrated. I can't explain why it is that I love the place so much, and I've never even set foot there. Just the thought of finally being there overwhelms me.

Someday, I'll be in Paris. Like all those people in all those pictures that I've constantly admired. And I'll come back so many times that I'll be too familiar with the arrondissements and the metro. And I'll go on a trip through the rest of France - Nice, Marseilles, Lyon. I'll start thinking in French and I'll be stocked up with wine. :)

Learn how to cook or bake something really well.
I am not domestic. At all. I'd really like to master cooking or baking just one thing, though, and make it my specialty. You know that dish that your mom or aunt or grandma is popular for in parties? Yes. I want one for myself. In the process, maybe I'll learn how to make some other things too, though not as well. I love food - I might as well be able to make it, right?

See the aurora borealis.

Meet my best online friends and keep in touch.
I think this one speaks for itself. You know who you are. ♥

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Master French, and a bit of Korean.

Own a house in a nice place close to the city and make it my own.

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Find someone who'll completely prove me wrong, and find out what this song is about.
I don't know about this one. This one seems a bit far fetched. But I'll just say that I'm not expecting to keep this person, if I ever find him.

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See DBSK/SuJu K.R.Y./Li Yin/The Grace live.
Any one of the four, though if it's the first one then it's definite jackpot. Especially if there's a Junsu solo or a suyin duet or "Wish" akfjaklfs.

This one is the one where those who hate people like me who take fandom/Internet seriously will point and laugh. Well, I don't care. And I don't care if this is just a phase - I'll make sure that even if 5 years from now, when I might laugh at how obsessed I was and spent all my money and time on these four, that I'll buy a ticket to a reunion/comeback concert/show anyway.

The thing with these four is that... I've always admired musical artists and groups for their music, of course - their vocals, their stage presence, their numerous talents. But I've never adored any celebrity for their personality, or for their actual weaknesses. I've never adored people for proving they're human - not until these four (or 13, really xD).

Participate in an archaeological dig.

Sleep under the stars.
At the countryside, without a tent - just a sleeping bag, a warm blanket, good food, and good music. And if I get lucky, I might witness a meteor shower.

Become a philanthropist.

Cry and laugh at the same time.
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