
Dec 02, 2004 17:48

Today was a pretty good day...beside the fact that I was in dieing pain cuz I had cramps lyke no other!
But my Studd Muffin had them aswell,so I didnt feel lyke a total goof when I would be laughing and then juss stop and start screaming.
Selena is ungrounded!!Woo hoo!And we rnt in any trouble!!Yay!Cuz Justin always thinks of good plans!
So this weekend I think I am gunna hang out with her becuase I just lover her oh,so much!And I can go see Justin.
I dont hafta go to school tomorrow!Woo hoo!That means I have the whole weekend to show my parents my mid term!!
I dont hafta go to school tomorrow cuz Jason (my brother) and Sheryl are getting married so yeah...hafta go to the weading...but its all good..
Tomorrow is also the wonderful Sean Davids birfday!He is gunna be 14!
So many things happen in December.I lyke it tho,it always keeps me going.
Well anyway..I have nothing else to say...
I love you Justin.
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