Apr 01, 2008 20:50
Contrary to popular belief, I AM alive.
I just don't update journals well.
I should, it's not all that difficult xD
Too much has happened since my last post to type it all in any detail... so basically here's the scoop for those who don't get on aim or call me regularly (or are on gaia <3):
I was in a fight show. I was a fight captain. It was very much fun.
I went to Cincinnati to go to a stage combat workshop.
I am planning to spend my summer becoming an SAFD recognized actor-combatant.
I love my job at the museum and Twitchy and I are truly driving each other batty... our co-workers are very highly amused.
I am a lazy bum and need to go hunt auditions.
And that's about everything interesting in embarrassingly short summary xD
Soooo yeah. I should learn the LJ interface better and start posting more... maybe, if you're lucky like that LOL