(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 21:00

I had such an amazing day.
I hung out with Jay,
all afternoon,
some of the evening.
We had fun :)
well, at least I did.

First I stopped by
his house
to pick him up.
He gave me
the sweetest gift

You see..
on the phone I told
him that I hated
yucky weather,
that I love the sun
and how it puts me
in a good mood.
So..he said he was
gonna make
me something.
At first I thought
it was gonna be a
a sun made out of
contruction paper,
but it wasn't
It was this little jar,
with a pop open lid,
and it had a little
wooden sun glued
to the bottom.
It;'s so cute!
He said that
he made it
to cheer me up
anytime I'm really sad.
Anytime I'm really sad
I just need to pop open
the top and bursts of sun
will come out
and make me happy
He said I can't use it
too much though
cause he doesn't want
me to waste the sun.
He doesn't want
it to burn out.
He said to use it only
when I'm really sad,
or when I miss him
[which is like always]
and to use it especially
when he goes to
Portugual *yucky*
He also said that when I
open it up while he's
in Portugal this summer
that once I open it,
his love will be here in
an instant.

I told my mom
about it all.
she finds it
the sweeetest thing
She was like
"That's when you
can tell when someone
really cares. && That's
when you can tell what
kind of person he is.
That is the sweetest thing.
It truely is."

We went to
my gandma's.
We were up in
my g-pa's office
and we played
Taboo, Mastermind,
Hehe! It was fun.
Lots :)
Then we ate dinner
[Chicken Power]
Then we had ice cream
in my old school cups
and the spoons for the
cups were shaped as
mini Ice creams and
the handle was like a
cone :) hehe

I had such a great day.
But I have so much
homework still to do.
It horrible.
But I wicked dont want
to do any of it.
Why do teachers give
homework on vacation
Why do they even call
it vacation if we get
so much work to do. :(

I'm gonna go watch
American Idol with
my mom.

Night Night
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