The Grumps sisters

Nov 25, 2009 18:46

As I've played many legacies, I've noticed a startling trend when it comes to NPCs or my sims. Whenever I have a toddler the games decides I didn't raise right, or a child that doesn't have an A average, they get stuck with certain traits. I can't stand them, and try my hardest to avoid them.

As I was trolling the Boolprop Forums, I came across this posting by worsiedog and came up with an idea. I wanted to do what worsiedog had started, but with a twist. I would throw two sisters together with some of my least favorite traits, and let them go at it. Hence the Grumps sisters.

Now, I have certain 'rules' I will follow. Once settled in a suitable home, no cheats. I may also never interfere or control them unless one thing happens. If the sim rolls a want to do something, I will do it if possible. But unless they roll a desire to learn a skill that would increase chances for a promotion, I can't guide them to learn skills for the job. For example, one sister has the LTW to be a Robot Cross Breeder. Unless she rolls the wish to learn how to garden or fish, I can't help her. If they roll a wish to meet someone, or kiss someone, I can help that along, but only in that instance.

Time to get started. Let's meet the sisters shall we?

Sophia Grumps:
Couch Potato
Computer Whiz

Favorites: Classical Music, Lobster Therimador, Aqua
LTW: Robot Cross Breeder (level 9 in Science career)

Angelica Grumps:
Dislikes Children
Mean Spirited

Favorites: Egyptian Music, Stir-fry, and Green
LTW: Emperor of Evil

This is the Grumps House. It isn't the normal legacy house lot in Sunset Valley, because this isn't a legacy. If they roll the wish to have a kid, I will oblige though I highly doubt we'll get that from Angelica!

If things die down a bit in the drama, I may add a kid just for the fun of it. We shall see, we shall see.

Day 1:
Both sisters rolled wishes to join the careers of their LTW, so Sophia joined the Science career, and Angelica the Criminal career. I then let them wonder around town. The first thing Angelica did, the little suck up, was call her boss.

Angelica:Hey, I haven't been at work but I wanted to call and introduce myself.

Not sure calling your boss trash is a good way to get promotions there Angelica.
Angelica:I'm going to take all the trash in your organization out!
Good save, good save.

Angelica then went home and promptly sat at the bar. Great, a drunk

Angelica: What? I got thirsty.

And what did sweet *cough* Sophia do?

Picking up a seed at the park of course. Okay, she actually left the Science facility and rolled a wish to learn a handiness skill. Then, she wanted to buy a handiness skill book, where she then sat down and read on the bench from the first picture. She THEN strolled over to the park and rolled a wish to find seeds. So, THAT'S why she picked up the seed.

And what did she do next?

Join Gunther Goth for a rousing game of chess. Because the Science track uses logic...right?

Here is a spam of their game. Use your imagination to their conversation points.

Guess who lost and then was left playing by themselves?

Sophia then went home to make dinner.

She was nice enough to make a group meal so that Angelica could enjoy it took.

Angelica DID roll the wish to gain some athletic skill. Yay Angelica! You need that for your job!

But then the unthinkable happened.

The couch potato dared to watch television.

Which made our Technophobe unhappy.

And the two went at it.
Angelica: Beakers suck.
Sophia: Oh no she didn't!

And so the great friendship ends on day one.

In a passive aggressive move, Sophia left the television on all day.

And night.

Which brings me to the end of day one:

Each sister went to their own room and hankered in for the night.

Goodnight Grumps sisters! I look forward to the morning!
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