Aug 11, 2009 03:06
Hello all! I have a somewhat big problem with my Riverview neighborhood.
So today, I accidentally deleted all the files I downloaded from the store (yes, I know that was stupid), including Riverview. I had managed to reinstall all of them (with Riverview). Once I started up the game, I noticed a lot of things were wrong with Riverview.
- All the names of the buildings in town are like "World/Riverview/LotName: Playground" or something along those lines.
- Sims in the town have file locations before their names.
- My sim was level 8 in the Business career. He moved with his family to a new home, and now he is unemployed.
- Apparently there are no schools in this town, when the family lives next to the school.
Also, at the main menu, Riverview's description just has a line of numbers, while Sunset Valley has an actual description. And Riverview doesn't show up in the launcher even though when I try to reinstall, it says the package is already installed.
Could all these issues be related to the fact that I accidentally deleted the town? I reinstalled it as soon as I noticed, but I did start up the game before realizing all custom content was gone.
Or could it be because of the patch? I had the game update to 1.4 a few days ago(because the game wouldn't stop bugging me) and I hadn't played the game since updating.
I deleted all the caches, but there are still issues. If I have to delete the family, then that's fine, but I really do enjoy playing them.
Please help. :( Oh, and I have no mods in my game. Just a bunch of stuff from the Sims 3 Store, GOS and MTS2. And I downloaded the town from the Sims 3 website.
game bugs and issues