"Move you DNA", Katy Bowman.

Sep 21, 2017 16:35

"The loads we experience in today's world differ hugely from the loads people experienced a hundred, a thousand, and ten thousand years ago. Yet we blithely accept that our health issues - which so many of us share - are genetic.
Genetic, a term we've internally defined as beyond our control.
Whether out of convenience or ignorance, we have failed to address the habitat in which our dwell, and the impact of the way we move on the state of our health." ~ Katy Bowman, M.S.

Буду много ее цитировать, наверное.
Она - призывает ДВИГАТьСЯ, именно не заниматься спортом или фитнесом, а разнообразно двигаться.

Читается легко.

reading, Спортивные развлечения, Я, Йога, Заметки на полях инструктора, Размышления

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