Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa

Mar 16, 2011 09:25

Какой- то страшный вирус закрался в наш дом и косит моих родственников.
Особенно пострадал муж.
Вчера с утра я почувствовала что у меня есть горло. Которое болит.
Зашла в СуперДрагФарм, чтоб купить какие- нибудь безобидные таблеточки, чтоб снять боль и иметь возможность говорить в классе.
Долго шарила глазами по полкам ... Ничего сколько - нибудь безобидного.
И вдруг... Среди коробок с Бенилином и Бакли, обнаруживаю странную коробочки с иностранным названием.
Вглядываюсь в ингредиенты. Пишут что это мед с вытяжками корней и травами .
Сегодня уже глотаю...
Делюсь с вами. Ибо пойду куплю еще бутылку, пусть стоит.

King-to Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa or more commonly, Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa or
simply Pei Pa Koa is a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy used
for the relief of sore throat, coughs, hoarseness, and loss of voice.
Today, it is manufactured and sold by Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory
Limited, a Hong Kong corporation. It is available worldwide.

In the name of the company, "King-to" means "capital", referring to
Peking, and "Nin Jiom" means "in memory of my mother". "Pei Pa Koa"
means "Loquat syrup".

The formula for Pei Pa Koa was originally created by Doctor Ip Tin-See,
a physician for the Qing Dynasty . Yang Jin, a county commander, asked
Doctor Ip to treat his mother's persistent cough. They were so impressed
that they created a factory to mass-produce it. Later, the Yang family
sold the business to Tse Sui-Bong, a medicine practitioner. Nin Jiom
Medicine Manufacturing was incorporated in 1962 to expand the business.

Today, Pei Pa Koa has annual sales of 45 million USD.

Medicinal Ingredients (per 10 mL):
Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica) ... 12.153 mg,
Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale Weber) ... 10.153 mg,
Peking Spurge (Euphorbia) ... 4.73 mg,
Chinese Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) ... 4 mg,
Mandarin Orange (Citrum Reticulata) ... 3.4 mg,
Coltsfoot (Tussilago Petasites) ... 3.4 mg,
Senega ... 3.4 mg.
Non-medicinal Ingredients: Honey Extract ... 3.46 Calories/mL.

Ingradients discription:
Consider Licorice. It's a hormone herb that repairs throat damage and
invigorates circulation. Honey is a potent antiseptic. It coats inflamed
areas and even triggers cells to produce new skin. Dandelion is a
commonly used remedy. It is rich in potassium, inhibits bacteria growth,
and reduces swelling. Coltsfoot actually means "cough dispeller". It is
an expectorant tonic and has many properties that help relieve stubborn
dry coughs due to colds and flu. Loquat comes from the Kumquat family.
It moistens the lungs and helps healing. Senega relaxes the respiratory
muscles. Mandarin Orange is an abundant source of Vitamin A and C.

Nin Jiom, a 100% naturally sourced cough expectorant, does not contain
any chemicals or alcohol. Blended in honey extract, it is a natural way
to relieve sore and irritated throats.

Chemical-based cough syrups can cause adverse effects such as
drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting or confusion. Nin Jiom does not
cause drowsiness. You can take it any time during the day to stop
coughing and soothe a sore throat. Nin Jiom is a 100% naturally sourced
cough syrup so its ingredients do not contain any substance that will
cause these adverse effects.

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