30 days of Harry Potter. It all ends 7.15 ϟ
The Deathly Hallows, this is the end of an era.
The opening of the final Harry Potter movie will arrive on July 15, and it has brought both sadness and excitement to the generation who grew up with the creative imagination both on screen, and in books. Harry Potter has been a fictional wizard icon for 14 years.
After seven books, eight films and a decade, the final episode approaches (just a month left to go) and the HP generation would like to do this special meme.
Spread the word, join the adventure, have a look at your friends and invite all your Potter friends to do it. Because we have stuck with Harry until the very end!
Copy and paste this meme into a new journal entry, and spread the word so your Potter friends can do the same and the cycle can continue. This meme consists of 30 questions; Answer a question per day and update your journal with it. You can add a meaningful picture to the question you answer everyday as a support. Write “HP meme. 30 days of Harry Potter. Day ___” as a title. And the proper day to the question you have to answer. You can update with more than an entry/question if you miss a day and want to catch up with it or feel free to do it all at once into a big entry rather than once a day. I'll just be a really long meme. You choose!
Questions are listed below, you can add the list everyday at the end of your entries and cross out the ones you have done.
01. Discuss how you got into Harry Potter. And how long have you been a HP fan?
02. Your favourite book and your favourite movie. (or a list of your top 7 in order of preference).
03. Hogwarts house you belong to.
04. Choose a magic object, a spell, a potion, a location, a magical animal and a wizarding snack.
05. Your favourite male character(s.)
06. Your favourite female character(s).
07. Song that reminds you of HP.
08. Your ship(s).
09. What shape does your patronus take? And which animal would you turn into if you were an animagus?
10. Favourite book moment(s).
11. Mischief managed! Favourite marauder?
12. Favourite movie scene(s).
13. Least favourite character(s).
14. Moments in the books/movies that made you cry.
15. What character would you say you are most like?
16. How have you participated in the fandom over the years?
17. Your favourite celebs from the movies. And which director did you like best?
18. Hogwarts subject you would most like to take? And, who is your favourite teacher?
19. A photo or poster of the saga you really like.
20. A favourite quote(s).
21. How has the HP fandom connected you to other fandom, interests, or people? How much has it changed your life?
22. Your favourite villain.
23. Out of the characters who have died, if you could bring back one, who would it be?
24. Do you prefer the books or the films?
25. Would you rather to own the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone or the elder wand?
26. What aspect of the books has been best translated to film? And most poorly?
27. If you were a Quidditch player, what would be your position?
28. Tell a HP related anecdote(s) that happened to you.
29. Fill the gap with true facts: You know you are a huge Harry Potter fan when…
30. How much HP does mean to you. Describe the saga in just one word.