Suggestion Post

Feb 27, 2008 18:05

*Suggestion Post.
This is the suggestion post.  I've seen this in some LJs and I think it was a good idea so I'd like to add it in mine too. It's simple, you can comment here with any suggestions for me. Just comment any time you want to. So don't hesitate to comment here with your suggestions, this can help me to know what you like or you would like to see. This is not a request post, this is just somewhere that I can look back on and see if your suggestions spark my creativity. Who knows, maybe this is a good chance. If I like the ideas I will start making your suggestions in the future.
You can comment and suggest about things like those:

+ Graphics or fandoms you liked most so this can help and I can make more about the same soon.
+ You would like to see anything about a certain fandom iconized etc.
+ You can post pics you would want me to use for future graphics. 
(Please if so, use a text link to post the pics).
+ You would like to request a tutorial. 
(If so, provide me a link to the post in which the icon is and tell me the number of it).
+ Anything else related you would like to request is welcome.

Thank you ♥

! suggestion post

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