Apr 22, 2004 00:05
ok well i have to put this here jsut for mike
cuz i luve that stupid ass kid..hes my boy..hehe
well yah honor he said this just for u
i have to say u 2 u guys r way too cute to handle
i wana rape u guys...and can i have ur guys babies--lol
mike already said i can..yay..hah man i cant wait to c u two again
good times..u guys on the bed me in the closest
wait i jsut remembered not good times..hehe
jsut the fact u know but who was in the closet..lol
so neways my basic point is to be a messnger
mike wants to express his luv for you honor
ShagnWagn988: if u talk to honor, tell her i love her
i fucking hate u guys..ur too cute
hehe ok we have to hang out soon again and be bad groupys..lol
(inside thing)
ok well i luv u mike and honor..but mostly joey..lol
<3 Michelle
I fuckin love monkey spank...they song my thong!
haha dont even ask im jsut being weird..but they do song my thong!