So...has anyone else noticed how fast this week is going by? Or am I the only one? I cant believe it is already Thrusday. Maybe the saying, "time flies when your having fun" is true because
I have had a great week.
I arrived in London on Monday afternoon and have been going non-stop. I have shopped so much since I have been here, that I think I have picked up a little something for everyone that I have ever known! I almost dont want to come home *laughs* okay, Im not having that much fun but...after Justin's show last night I did think about following him around from venue to venue. :) The show was great. We sported our lustin for justin tshirts and screamed so loud that I have almost no voice today. It was a blast.
brittacular: ohhhhh wasn't it hot when justin was all sweating
brittacular: -dies-
OosimplykateoO: I thought I was going to have to get a life flight out of the arena *swoons*
brittacular: lmao
brittacular: you teeny
brittacular: -whispers- i'm still wearing the shirt
OosimplykateoO: *nods* damn right, but only when it comes to justin
OosimplykateoO: *laughs* see your just as bad
brittacular: -dances- let's take a riiiiiiide on the country siiiiiiide
Anyways, I guess thats all from me for now. Not much else going on...well...except that
i think i really miss someone
But Ill write more later.
(check out my new layout :) let me know what you think)