(x) Had to wear something you hated ( ) Been to a luau (x) Cursed in front of your parents ( ) Been in a commerical on tv ( ) Been out of the country. (x) Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk ( ) Won at pool ( ) Been lost out to sea (x... no not josh i'd never cheat on him. but i've cheated. hell even though josh and i arent together i still cant imagine even kissing someone else.) Cheated on your bf/gf (x) been cheated on (x) Tanned topless ( )Been attacked by seagulls ( ) Been searched in an airport ( ) Been on a plane ( ) Been pants-ed (x) Thrown a shoe at someone (x) Broke someone's heart (x) Sung in the shower (x) done something really stupid that you still laugh about... (x)Been walked in on in the bathroom ( ) Ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie ( ) Been kicked out of the mall. (x) Been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back (x) Been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one ( ) Fell off your roof... (x...yep it was cool with mike derrick actually, speaking of him i need to call him soon.) Had a deer jump in front of your car ( ) Threatned someone with a water gun.
Can you... (x) unwrap a starburst with your tongue (x) Sing (x) Open your eyes underwater (x) Ice skate ( ) Sing in front of a crowd (x) Whistle (x...yeah a big one too.) Be a meanie at times (x) Do thirty pull ups (x...yes as a matter of fact i fucking love high heels) Walk in really high heals (fuck no spicey food makes me puke.) Eat spicy foods ( ) Skateboard (x...i slept in a lot of my classes when i was in highschool.) Sleep with the lights on (x) Multi task ( ) Touch your nose with your tounge ( ) Tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue (x) Fall asleep easily in the car (???) Do the cotton eye joe ( ) Play ddr and not fail. ( ) Surf (x...i used to be able too.) Fit in your locker. ( ) Do a split (x) Taste the difference between pepsi and coke
( ) Been to a luau
(x) Cursed in front of your parents
( ) Been in a commerical on tv
( ) Been out of the country.
(x) Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk
( ) Won at pool
( ) Been lost out to sea
(x... no not josh i'd never cheat on him. but i've cheated. hell even though josh and i arent together i still cant imagine even kissing someone else.) Cheated on your bf/gf
(x) been cheated on
(x) Tanned topless
( )Been attacked by seagulls
( ) Been searched in an airport
( ) Been on a plane
( ) Been pants-ed
(x) Thrown a shoe at someone
(x) Broke someone's heart
(x) Sung in the shower
(x) done something really stupid that you still laugh about...
(x)Been walked in on in the bathroom
( ) Ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie
( ) Been kicked out of the mall.
(x) Been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
(x) Been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
( ) Fell off your roof...
(x...yep it was cool with mike derrick actually, speaking of him i need to call him soon.) Had a deer jump in front of your car
( ) Threatned someone with a water gun.
Can you...
(x) unwrap a starburst with your tongue
(x) Sing
(x) Open your eyes underwater
(x) Ice skate
( ) Sing in front of a crowd
(x) Whistle
(x...yeah a big one too.) Be a meanie at times
(x) Do thirty pull ups
(x...yes as a matter of fact i fucking love high heels) Walk in really high heals
(fuck no spicey food makes me puke.) Eat spicy foods
( ) Skateboard
(x...i slept in a lot of my classes when i was in highschool.) Sleep with the lights on
(x) Multi task
( ) Touch your nose with your tounge
( ) Tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue
(x) Fall asleep easily in the car
(???) Do the cotton eye joe
( ) Play ddr and not fail.
( ) Surf
(x...i used to be able too.) Fit in your locker.
( ) Do a split
(x) Taste the difference between pepsi and coke
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